Status: Just Starting

Shattered Warriors

Sheka has just been named war captain for the Village of Ranjiki, and Rastin inherited the job as War Captain of the Village of Kijuki when his father died, now Rastin is expected to fill his fathers huge shoes with no experience what-so-ever. Sheka is expected to be as great as the War Captain before her if not better.
Rastin can't do it so he hires a spy to train him and to help with the troubles from the Ranjiki.
Sheka can't fit the form of the male captain before her and shes criticized and many of her warriors are turning on her.
The worst threat of both these lands are about to fall upon will they handle it?
The only way to defeat this threat is to team together....can these warring countries heal all their wounds and band together to defeat it?
Or will their own selfishness kill them both.
  1. 0
    XD Chapter 0!!! Lol. in other words the prolouge...its also like a flashback thing hehe.