Status: Complete


1 of 1

Mikey straightened up from where he had been bending to tie his shoe laces, he bit down on his bottom lip and checked his reflection in the mirror in the hallway. “Frank, I’m going out to the shops, I won’t be long,” The fair haired boy shouted through to the bedroom, where his boyfriend, Frank, had only just woken up.

He got a grunt in response and smiled slightly to himself before leaving, locking the door behind him, in case Frank changed his mind about getting up just now. He then left the apartment making his way down the stairs and onto the busy street, ready to carry on to where he needed to be in less than fifteen minutes. He decided to pull out his cell phone and phone who he was meeting to say he might be a little late.

Frank groaned and pulled his pillow over his head as he heard the front door shut and the key turn in the lock. It took a second for it to dawn on him that he needed to get up. Mikey had been acting strangely lately and Frank had chosen today to get down to the bottom of it, even if that meant following him to the shops.

He had already been up, early that morning, having a shower and going back to sleep without Mikey being able to suspect a thing, thanks to him being such a sound sleeper. Frank hadn’t really meant to fall back to sleep but that wasn’t important now. Frank quickly got up and dressed into jeans and a t-shirt. He slipped on his shoes and quickly left the apartment in less than two minutes. He just hoped he would be able to catch up with Mikey.

Catching up with Mikey proved easier than Frank initially thought as he saw him only a few meters away from him down the street. He stood on the side walk on his cell phone looking around and talking and smiling, clearly waiting on a cab.

Frank quickly flitted over to his car, opening it and jumping in before Mikey had a chance of seeing him. He wondered briefly why Mikey didn’t take his own car to wherever he was going but guessed that it would be less suspicious since he said he was just going to the shops, which was within walking distance. This was Frank's first clue that Mikey was up to something. Frank didn’t want to think this lowly of his boyfriend but Mikey was giving him no other choice. If he was going to sneak around and act as shifty as he was then Frank had to know what was happening.

He watched as Mikey flagged down a cab and quickly got in. He pulled out of his space on the street and followed after the cab, making sure that there was at least one car in between them, in the likely hood that Mikey looked out of the rear window of the cab. The streets were just starting to wake up, making it still quite quiet on the roads, proving difficult to keep one car between them but easy to keep up with the cab.

Frank felt terrible for having to go to this extent to find out if his boyfriend was being faithful or not. Half of him wanted Mikey to have something to hide so that he could feel less guilty and the other half didn't, for obvious reasons.

After only fifteen minutes of driving, the cab pulled over at the entrance of a park. Frank parked across the street waiting until Mikey had entered the park before getting out and following after him.

He slowly followed at a distance making sure to be far enough away from Mikey but still close enough to see what he was doing. Frank felt a little less guilty, knowing he was right to follow Mikey. This certainly wasn’t the shops, where Mikey said he was going to be.

Mikey stopped only a few meters into the park, sitting down on a bench and pulling his cell phone out again and quickly texting someone. Frank gulped, watching this from a secluded, shaded area of the almost empty park.

Only seconds later Mikey stood up again, a wide smile on his face. Frank couldn’t see who Mikey was smiling at from the angle that he was standing, without revealing himself to anyone who happened to look his way. Mikey disappeared from his view and Frank quickly moved from behind the tree he was hiding behind and saw Mikey embracing another man. He was tall and dark haired but that was all Frank could see of him. Mikey had his eyes closed and was smiling as he hugged the man and said something to him. Frank’s breathing increased as he tried desperately to keep control of his emotions and not over react.

He continued to watch as the pair in front of him let go of one another and started walking through the rest of the park. The man, who Frank still couldn’t see the face of, put his arm around Mikey’s shoulder as they watched. That was when Frank just couldn’t hold onto his emotions anymore.

It was so obvious for him to see what was going on. He wasn’t going to be in denial about it like most people would be, he wasn’t thick and he was never one to shy away from the truth that was staring him right in the face. That, however, didn’t mean that he wasn’t heartbroken about it.

He turned, not caring who saw him now, stepping out from the bushes and heading back out of the park and in the direction of his car, a lone, single tear escaping. Frank wasn’t normally an emotional man and so that would be the only emotion he would show.

One thing that he wouldn’t be able to get over quickly was the fact that it was Mikey doing this. Mikey, of all people, was the last person that Frank would suspect of cheating, heck he would suspect himself of cheating before he would Mikey.

Once he got into his car, he took a deep breath. What else had he been expecting? He knew the risk he was taking in following Mikey, he knew there was something going on and he had been happy and feeling less guilty to know that there was something going on. He just hadn’t thought that it would be anything so heartbreaking.

He started the car and pulled out of his space, driving home. Now he knew what was going on all he had to do was figure out how to deal with it next. He would not be taken for a fool, not by anyone, no matter how much he loved them.
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