

Sorry about that. Looks like I got a bit sidetracked there, didn’t I? It’s probably because I’m so tired. But it won’t be much longer now before I’ll be able to enjoy my first full night of sleep in months. Possibly even years.

The only interesting thing that was that no one put up a fight. I at least expected someone to try and stop me, but I guess they were too afraid. I think Mikey might have even gone into shock for a while.

The rest was a lot easier than I thought it would be. It was difficult, since I’d never done anything of the sort before. They didn’t really have the right tools anywhere on the bus, so I had to use whatever I could find, which didn’t help. Determination drove me, though. And before I knew it I was done. And absolutely starving.

The smell of the raw, uncooked food seemed to make me ravenous rather than sick. It filled the air around me with its thick, delicious scent, as if enticing a lion to feast on its freshly killed prey.

Alas, though, I am no lion. Therefore uncooked food would likely poison me.

Another hour or so passed, and I could finally eat.

As I said before, there are four empty plates before me. Each one once held food. Steak, to be exact. I haven’t eaten it in so long. Years, I think. So many years.

The first piece of meat was tasteless and overcooked, with no flavor at all. This did not surprise me, considering what creature it used to belong to.

The second was the complete opposite. It was slightly undercooked, and almost too powerful. Also not a shocker, and much like its owner.

The third was…different. Almost like it was…afraid? I don’t know how to describe it. I could almost taste the flavor, but it was weak, as if hiding from me. Hm. Maybe I didn’t put enough salt on it. I may not be an expert, but I think truly exceptional food shouldn’t require seasonings to make it taste better. It shouldn’t hide like that. Being shy isn’t a good quality for anything or anyone, as far as I’m concerned.

Then I got to the fourth one.

I don’t think I’ve eaten a finer steak in my entire life. I didn’t realize how much I’d missed eating meat until I got to it. It was perfect…flawless…such a far cry from the others. Perfectly tasteful without being overwhelming. It made me wonder why I’d ever become a vegan in the first place. I was sure no finer meat, no more delicious creature, existed on the earth.

It’s a shame that I almost didn’t get to eat it.

Because wouldn’t you know it, he was only unconscious. And he almost didn’t let me eat it. Thought it was a bad idea for me to destroy my previously upheld principles so easily. But I knew I was right, and I managed to convince him otherwise with some persuasion. I’m glad he finally saw it my way.

This whole ordeal did make me realize something, though.

For the most part, I had horrible taste in friends.