
Chapter 1.

Dani sat on the steps of her high school. It was 7:20 AM. She was the first person to school. Everyday. Not like she wanted to. She just did. She didn't want to see him. Ever. So she woke up early, if she slept at all. She'd take a shower as quickly as possible, then walk to school. He dictated her life. She hated him more than anything. He took everything from her.
She tucked her knees in closer, and stared at the little string coming off of the hole in her jeans. "God I'm so tired," She yawned and rubbed her eyes. She flinched as the bruise on her back caused her pain. She hated having all the scars and bruises and she hated him for giving them to her. She hated how no one cared when they saw them. She didnt have friends, nor enemys. She was just... invisible.
"Yeah Drayson!? Well why dont you just go back home and sit on your ass some more!" Dani's head shot up to see a tall brunette slam the door of an old black impala. The car sped away, tires screeching. The girl swirled around and started walking towards the steps. She walked past Dani and tried to open the door.

"They don't unlock the doors until 7:35" Dani told the girl.

"Are you fucking serious?" She asked.

"Yeah, are you new here?"

The girl came and sat down next to Dani. She nodded. "Mhm. Me and my brothermoved into my grandparents house. They left it to us when they died"

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss" Dani said.

"It's okay. It happened awhile ago. I'm Mercedes, by the way, but friends call me Benz" The girl told her.

Dani didnt really know how to react. Was this girl trying to befriend her? Did she want to be friends with this girl? Dani was quiet content with having no friends. She had pretty much stopped talkig to people after she turned 13. That was when her life really turned to shit. She finally decided that she wanted to have a friend. She was tired of never talking to anyone, of always hating life, of never being happy.
"I'm Danielle, friends call me Dani.. Well they would if I had any" She smiled.

Benz laughed. "Well Dani, you have a friend now. Me. Whether you like it or not"

They kept talking and Dani couldnt believe how much they had in common. By the time of first bell she knew they basically like all the same things, even loss atleast one parent. Benz told Dani about her parents and how they died recently. "Yeah that was the reason why me and Drayson moved. We couldn't afford to live there, and the memories they were too much to handle... ya know?" Benz shrugged. Dani was kinda shocked at how open they were being with eachother. She hadnt even talked to her family about this yet she was talking to some stranger about it.

"Yeah I totally understand. When my dad died, I could barely stand to look at things that reminded me of him. I really miss him, even now"

"How'd he die, if you dont mind me asking?" Benz asked.

"Cancer, nothing was helping him, he just sorta died in his sleep"

"Oh I'm sorry" Benz said.

"It's okay, so what's your next hour?"

"Um...Biology I think." Benz told her.

"Same as me" Dani smiled.

"Cool show me the way Capt'n" They laughed and she showed Benz around. When they finally sat down at Biology, Dani asked about Drayson.

"So tell me about your brother. You havent said much about him"

Benz looked at her,"You havent said much about yours either"

"Well, Pete's a freshman, I love him, but he's not the sharpest person ever. He's on the basketball team, one of the best too. He's like a perfect younger version of my dad. My mom spends most of her time worrying about him that she barely notices I exist" Dani told Benz, "Your turn"

"Drayson's 18, he dorpped out of school after our parents died. He was never exactly great at school, but dont get me wrong, he's very smart. He has a job so he can take care of me. If it werent for him I'd be in Foster care. I love him but he can really get on my nerves sometimes"

"Brother's can do that sometimes" Dani and Benz laughed. The rest of the day pst extremely quickly. She and Benz had 1st, 3rd, and 7th hour together. She almost didnt want the day to end. Well she felt like that everyday, but now she actually had a reason to stay. Someone to stay for.

"Here" Benz grabbed her arm, and started writing something down."Give me a call sometime, or text, whichever."

"Sure" Dani smiled and Benz walked to the same car she came in earlier, got in, and it drove away.

Dani turned around and started walking home. For the first time in a long time she was happy.
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