Status: I just want my readers to know that I can only write on the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) between 10:00 am and 8:00 p.m.

The Hidden God

The Beginning

"Why do you want to create humans? They are nothing like us, heck no one is anything like us, NOT EVEN YOUR ANGELS! So why would want pathetic humans?."

"Will you stop questioning me? I AM GOD for HEAVEN'S SAKE!" Goden had argued with his sister about the creation of humans for centuries. "I will create them whether you like it or not."

"Of course you you will, because you don't care at all what I think or even how I feel!"

"That is because what you feel is completely crazy and wrong. I will create what I want when I want, for I AM GO-----"

Suddenly Goden was crushed against the wall and his sister pushed against him with an incredible force; "let'," he gasped.

"No, no I will not let you go baby brother. Let me tell you something, I am the oldest and the most powerful, so you and this 'I am God does not impress me like it does the angels. Now I will let you create your stupid humans but know that they only bow to you because I allow it to happen."

As Castica slowly let her brother go, Goden stared at her. Once she had backed away he notice there was someone behind her.

"Yes Lucifer?"

"God, what are humans?"

"They are creatures that will live on Earth and will all of God's love. He will want you do the same and hold this lowly beings above yourself.," Castica answered as she sashayed over to Lucifer. "Do you thing that is fair, considering the fact that he already has you?" she seductively whispered in his ear.

"Get out Castica."

"Is it true that you are replacing us with humans, God?" Lucifer asked after Castica left.

"No one can replace my angels, I am just adding to the family."

"But you want us to hold them above ourselves?"

"Get out," Goden growled.

Lucifer quickly dashed out of the room.

"Lucifer," called Castica in the hallway. "Come here."

Cautiously, Lucifer walked toward Castica. "Kiss me," she demanded as Lucifer leaned forward and press his soft lips on top of hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is very important to the plot of the story though it does start and end in the middle of very interesting situations. The rest of the story is told clear than this though.