Status: Complete. Thanks for reading. Comment if you want a sequel?

Always Be a Broken Girl

Cannon Balls and Dunk-a-roos


"You look HOT!" Scar told Tiff. Tiff smirked. I knew that evil smirk so we all ran off to the swimming hole so we wouldn't be thrown in first. Scar grabbed my hand along with Tiff's and we all plunged towards the water about three feet below the ridge. We hit the chilly water with a giant splash. The cold water enveloped me. I broke the surface and gasped for air, only to be splashed in the face with some water. I heard Scar giggle evilly and I blindly splashed water in that direction. I heard Tiff squeal and I finally got the water out of my eyes.

I looked to see that Tiff had swam in between me and Scar just as I went to splash Scar. I started laughing at Tiff's astonished look. Scar started in with that giggle again and Tiff glared.

"So that's how it's going to be?" My laughing was cut off short when I got a face full of water. Scar started to giggle even more, which was abruptly cut off when she got a face full of water too. Tiff started laughing at our bewildered looks. A full out water war followed, dunking each others heads under the water included. After a while we got bored and just floated on our backs. We stared up at the trees above us and gossiped about girl things.

"So I can't believe Drew was kissing Brighideous." Scar said out of no where. Tiff and I fell silent and shot a glance to each other, not an easy thing to do when you're lying on you're back in the water.

"I mean, if he wanted to make me jealous, then why not kiss someone better than her. Unless he wanted me to think that she is better than me? That I am worth less than Brighideous?" I was shocked to hear her say that. Tiff even growled.

"Scar don't you even think like that! I ought to slap you right now for even considering it! Drew is just one major asshole, and he is trying to get under your skin. You are so much better than Brighideous, I mean she is called Brighideous after all!" I yelled at Scar. She was quiet for a moment.

"You're right. I should try to get back at him. Who would he get insanely jealous off?" Scar contemplated. I grinned.

"Chad Michaels!" Tiff and I said together. We all started to giggle. Chad Michaels is Drew's like arch enemy. Chad Michaels has raven black hair and deep crystal blue eyes. He is a musician, a guitar player in fact. And he is one major heart throb. His silky voice is an orgasm waiting to happen. Fuck, the boy is a walking orgasm.

"So the plan is for me to make out with Chad Michaels?" Scar said in between giggles.

"Damn... I wish that would happen, I would love to see the look on Drew's face." Tiff said.

"Why wouldn't it happen?" Scar asked.

"Well because he at the moment is dating you're arch enemy... Samantha Vorheese. Remember?" I reminded Scar.

"All the more reason to do it." Scar giggled. We just giggled with her.

"You are so bad! I freaking love it!" Tiff said.

"I freaking love you!!!" I chorused in.

"Aww... I freaking love you dorks!!!" Scar said.

"CANNON BALL!!!!!" Someone yelled as they splashed right in between me and Scar. Two other splashes shortly followed, splashing water in our faces. We screeched and stood up, rubbing water out of our eyes. I opened my eyes and glared at the three guys grinning at us like loons.

"What the hell? Assholes!" Scar spat at them.

"Aww, c'mon babe, don't be angry. We were just having some fun." The guy in front of Scar said. He was pretty cute looking. He had dark hair that was cut shorter than most guy's hair these days. He had deep blue eyes that had a constant mischievous gleam to it. And his face was set with a permanent mischievous grin. Scar just scowled at him.

"Don't call me babe. And you call getting us wet fun?" As soon as the words left her mouth, snickers were heard all around the group. Tiff blushed as she caught on to what the snickering was about.

"Well yea... Don't you like getting wet babe?" He winked at her. Her scowl turned into a glare. Then suddenly her glare turned into a sweet innocent smile. The boy's grin quickly dropped as he looked suspiciously at Scar. She walked a little closer to the boy. He just watched her warily.

"Of course I like getting wet Sugar." She purred, getting closer to him. His eyes kinda went unfocused. She put a wet hand on his bare chest, the water running down his chest made him shiver... or maybe it was her hand.

"Don't you?" She asked as she dunked him under the water. His friends burst out in laughter as she turned and started to swim away. Tiff and I stared with wide eyes and burst out in laughter. The guy hadn't resurfaced yet. Suddenly he was there lifting Scar out of the water bridal shower. She let out a squeak.

"Oh, it is so on. Boys, get them!" He said as he dropped Scar into the water. The boys lunged towards Tiff and I. We screeched before splashing them with a face full of water and swimming away laughing. One of the guys caught Tiff's ankle and dragged her back. He picked her up over his head and threw her a few feet away, landing with a splash. She resurfaced and headed straight towards him. He was laughing so hard, he didn't see her until it was to late. She jumped on him, going under with him. She resurfaced a few feet from where they had gone under, and behind him. He had resurfaced and looked around.

I was laughing so hard at them, I hadn't noticed the third boy swimming silently up on me till I was lifted suddenly and thrown into the water a few feet away. I resurfaced sputtering and wiping water out of my eyes. I turned to look for the boy, but he was gone. Suddenly I caught a flash of pale skin under the water swimming towards me. I dodged out of the way and jumped on his back as he surfaced. He went down like a ton of bricks. I swam away. Tiff was swimming besides me. We had gotten out of the water and up on the rock when the guys had surfaced and looked around confused. We giggled and did a cannon ball into the water next to them, splashing water in their faces.

So we spent the rest of the afternoon having a fun water fight with the guys. Scar and the one guy looked like they were trying to drown each other, but the rest of us had fun. Later we sat around while the guys made a fire. We were getting to know each other.

"So I am John Wimber, and these are my friends Brett and Chad Wallace." The mischievous boy introduced him and his friends. I grinned.

"I'm Natalya Winters, This is Tiffany Thompson, and that is Scarlett Gilmore. Also known as Nat, Tiff, and Scar." I introduced us. The guys nodded.

"So how old are you girls?" John asked us, shooting a look a Scar. She just scowled at the fire. Tiff and I exchanged a bemused look.

"Umm... we are all seventeen." Tiff said quietly. The guys eyes got wide.

"You ladies are only seventeen? Damn." Chad said. I looked over at him and he winked at me. I grinned.

"Yea, we're only seventeen. So you two are brothers?" Scar said. She was staring at me and Chad, a small smile on her face. Chad, Brett, and John burst out laughing. We looked at each other confused.

"Brothers? Damn girl, they are twins!" John said, while laughing so hard I thought he was going to piss himself. Twins? Damn, jackpot! We joined in their laughter for a few minutes.

"So how old are you guys?" Tiff asks.

"Well we are twenty one, John is twenty." Brett said. Suddenly Scar stood up and stretched.

"Well, we gotta go girls. Nice to meet you guys." Scar said walking towards the car. We stood and grabbed our stuff.

"Aww, can't you stay longer Babe?" John shot towards Scar. Scar stopped and twirled around.

"I am not you're Babe, now stop calling me a goddamn pig! And no, we can't stay longer." With that she whirled and stormed to the car, and slammed the car door when she was inside. John looked at us confused.

"I didn't call her a pig though." We giggled.

"She is referring to Babe the pig... It's a movie. Well gotta go, nice to meet you guys." I said. Tiff smiled at the guys and waved. The guys stood up.

"Will we see you ladies again?" Brett asked. We looked at their hope full faces and giggled.

"Who knows, we might run into each other sometime." I smiled at them and got into the car. We drove off and talked about the guys for a bit, until a good song came on and started to sing along to it.

If you wanna be my lover by the Spice Girls was and awesome way to end the night.
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I love you ladies!!!
Suga, ur turn. ;)