Status: Complete. Thanks for reading. Comment if you want a sequel?

Always Be a Broken Girl

When There's A Will, There's A Way


"I am not you're Babe, now stop calling me a goddamn pig! And no, we can't stay longer." With that she whirled and stormed to the car, and slammed the car door when she was inside. John looked at us confused.

"I didn't call her a pig though." Nat and I giggled.

"She is referring to Babe the pig... It's a movie. Well gotta go, nice to meet you guys." Nat said. I smiled at the guys and waved. They stood up.

"Will we see you ladies again?" Brett asked. We looked at their hope full faces and giggled.

"Who knows, we might run into each other sometime." Nat smiled at them and got into the car. We drove and talked about the guys for a few minutes but got distracted when If you wanna be my lover by the Spice Girls was on the radio. We all shrieked and sang along to the song.


I'm laying on my bed, listening to California by Metro Station, and writing in my journal. I don't write in it often, just when something new and exciting happens in my life.

Dear Me,
Today Scar, Nat and I went to our swimming whole. I started a splashing war, which was a blast! We were floating on our backs and talking to each other when we are suddenly bombarded by guys. The first, who went after Scar and vise versa was kinda cute, but the one that caught my eye was Brett. Brett has a twin, Chad. Chad I think had a little thing for Nat. It was cute to watch them chase after each other, boys will be boys. Anyway Scar had the guy that was mooning over her all confused. She said that he called her a pig. It ws hilarious, he had no idea what she was talking about. But of course Nat and I knew, we tried to explain, not sure if he understood. I kinda want to see them again. It was fun and they were nice. Haha although we are considered to be jail bait! But shh, don't tell. It'll be our little secret.

My phone starts buzzing, interrupting my thoughts. Its a text message from Nat.

Hey Tiff babe. What are you up to?

Hey Nat. Well, I'm listening to music...and writing. How about you?

Wat are you writing? I'm just laying here listening to music and talking to Scar.

Writing to LaFred. How is she holding up? LaFred is my journal's name by the way. Don't ask, it was one of those things that popped in my head when I was on a sugar high and it just stuck.

She seems to be ok. So...Brett...

Haha wat about Brett? Other than he's gorgeous.

I knew it! I knew I saw you eye balling him! That's ok I had my eye on Chad. Those eyes, omg.

Haha. I know what you mean. The man's a fucking walking orgy.

Lmao. Tiff. I never heard you say something like that. But yes, tis true.

Yea well....:P It's true though, I don't talk like that, not really sure what hit me.

I think we should "accidently" bump into them. Wat do you think?

What do i think?! I think you are a genius! But how are we going to pull that off?

Hmm..Idk. But you know me, if there's a will, there's a way.

Haha so true.

Well I'll see you in the morning, that way we can come up with a plan!

Sounds good. I'm about to hit the sheets soon. I'll see you in the moring. Love you!

Love you too! ttyl


I set my alarm for six, turn off my light and slide into bed. I lay there thinking of ways we could find out where the guys would be and when. I lay in bed grinning to myself, close my eyes and I feel myself falling into a deep slumber.
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sorry..ran out of time...but hey u love me still right?

kayt darling its ur turn..kisses!