Status: Complete. Thanks for reading. Comment if you want a sequel?

Always Be a Broken Girl

And The Lies Just Won't Stop Slipping


Ex-boyfriend:1. He who must not be named, otherwise known as douche bag face.
2. He is the subject of conversation for an indefinite amount of time, but he's not worth wasting your breath.
3. That guy whose stuff you keep finding and burning (except the jewerly).

Last night was fun, I thought, despite John's issue of calling me babe. Men and their possessive pet names! Don't they ever think what they think is cute could be just degrading? Don't they ever stop and think, hey, maybe she'd be offended?

I dressed for school that morning, in a sort of trance. Not in a bad way, besides the fact that last night I'd cried myself to sleep again. I felt better that morning, not by much but everyday was like a little triumph for me. Nat and Tiff don't know about the crying or the moping I do at home. Mom does her best to make me feel better, Dad can't even figure out what he should say. But that's always been how he is.

I put on my skinny jeans which Mom bought me last week, never been worn, bright pink jeans with a white graphic t-shirt. The graphic was two crayons, one snapped in half while the other one said "Oh snap!". I pulled on my converse, hoodie and make up before grabbing my cell and headed out the door.

I called Nat on my way out the front door, waving to my parents as I went.

"Yo, yo, yo! What's up? What's up?" she answered. I put on my brave face and chuckled.

"Hey Natalya Baby. You ready?" I asked, my mind drifting away from the conversation at hand. I thought of Drew and Brighideous. I thought of the way they were pressed up against each other yesterday, breaking my heart all over again. I thought of John and the way his hands threw me into the water.

"SCARLETT!" Nat screeched to get my attention, making me drop my phone and jerk the steering wheel in surprise, running me into the opposite lane. An oncoming car blared its horn and I swerved back into my own lane, my life practically flashing before my eyes. My heartbeat raced and thudded loudly in my chest as I pulled onto Nat's road. I finally reached her driveway and I leaned on the horn. She came racing out, her worry face firmly in tact.

"Oh my fucking god, Scarlett Alexandria Gilmore! When you dropped your phone, I thought you'd died because I heard your tires screeching and don't EVER do something like that again! You scared me half to death, you bitch!" she yelped as she jumped in the car. I fished my phone out from under my gas pedal and pushed the end button on my call with Nat, since she was sitting beside me. I put the Samsung Omnia in my center console and backed up out of her driveway.

"Call Tiff, tell her we're on the way. I need Starbucks this morning."

"And CHEAT ON DUNKIN! HOW DARE YOU!" Nat yelped at me.

"Sorry, I had a near death experience this morning. I need something so expensive and full of calories, it gets my mind off of almost dying." I replied calmly as I could possible. Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts sit right next to each other on the strip of restaurants. If Nat felt the need for Dunkin, she could get Dunkin. But my sweet Venti Peppermint Mocha Twist Frappuccino with whipped cream was calling to me as well as a very large chocolate chip cookie. The drink alone is 660 calories, 170 of those from fat. The cookie had less calories and that is the beauty of it.

"Cheater." she mumbled. I plugged my mp3, or Dave (named after Dave Matthews), into the stereo and started up my Starbucks playlist. I go there to think sometimes, especially the one in the Barnes and Noble.

The first song, Drops of Jupiter by Train started as Nat finished grumbling to herself and we neared Tiff's house. I saw her waiting on her front steps, playing with the ends of her hair, with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"What's the look for?" I asked Nat.

"She's in love."

"With who?" I asked, parking and yet, she didn't see me.


"One of the twins from last night?" I replied.

"Oh, don't act like you were repulsed by John. I know you were drooling over his wet abs and biceps the same as we were." Nat barked. I beeped the horn at lovestruck Tiffany, startling her.

"I wasn't. He's a male chauvinist pig!" I snapped, surprised. Tiff slid in the backseat and giggled.

"Talking about John?" she guessed.

"Shut up about John! He's an ass! And he's rude! And he's perverted! And h-"

"He's the love of your life. Admit it, Scar, you want to jump his bones and lick him ALL OVER!" Nat said.

"God, no!" I said, changing the song to Wasted by Carrie Underwood.

"Denial." my two best friends chorused. I rolled my eyes at them and pulled into the Starbucks parking lot.

"What're we doing here?" Tiff asked, staring wide-eyed up at the cafe. I shrugged and shut the car off. I got out and headed into the building, my friends following. After we ordered, we returned to the car, the next song coming on was Some Kind of Wonderful by the one and only Joss Stone.

"Oh, is this your song for John?" Tiff asked, having taken the front seat since Nat muttered something about not being able to sit next to someone who willingly cheated on her faithful restaurant.

"Stop your griping, girl! Dunkin was right there! We would've waited!" I said to her. She huffed and sipped at her own light Frappuccino. That girl is terrible!

When we finally got to school, Fell In Love with A Boy by Joss Stone was finishing and it sparked a thought, "Which came first, Fell In Love with a Boy by Joss Stone or Fell In Love with A Girl by The White Stripes?"

Tiff and Nat turned to me as I stepped out, shouldering my backpack and headed towards school. I stopped and waited for them to catch up before continuing.

"Will you be okay if you see them today?" Tiff asked me. I nodded. Honestly, I'd make it seem as such but if they were sucking face like they were doing the day before, I'd break inside.

We headed inside together and at least got to my locker before we saw the terrible twosome going at it by the water fountain. I shrugged and spun my combo, tossing my bag into the bottom on my locker. I finished off my Frapp before walking over to them, next to the trash can. I tossed the cup away and Drew pulled his face off Brighideous' for a few moments. The motion made a sickening wet suction cup noise and I flinched at the sound.

"Hey Scarlett." he said with a smirk.

"Hey Drew." I replied politely.

"Where were you last night? Max had this killer rager." he asked.

"Sorry, I was..." I didn't want to tell him that I was crying over him.

"At home, sewing with her mommy like a good little virgin." Brighideous answered.

"No, I was with my boyfriend, at his dorm." I lied with a simple toss of my hair.

"What?" Drew asked.

"Yeah, they were having a party at his college last night so he asked me to come. But it got to out of hand so we just retreated into his room." I said. Lying was becoming to easy for me. But the look on Drew's face was priceless!

I turned on my heel and with my head held high, returned to my locker and I giggled behind the door. Maybe I could manipulate John so he'd come around here to make Drew jealous.
♠ ♠ ♠
i did it!
oh, and that starbucks playlist of Scar's? that's my Coffeehouse Soundtrack
