Status: Complete. Thanks for reading. Comment if you want a sequel?

Always Be a Broken Girl

Devious Spider-Monkey


After getting my stuff from my locker, I walked over to Scar's locker. She was standing there giggling, an evil look on her face. I sighed. I think she lost it.

"Why are you giggling like that Miss Scar?" She turned to me, still giggling. Then she pointed and I followed where her finger was pointing and noticed Drew and Brighideous staring at Scar's back. Well, Drew was looking at her with a shocked look while Brighideous was trying to get Drew's attention back on her. She kept shooting Scar venomous stares whenever Drew looked back at Scar. I looked back at Scar, who was watching this with amusement.

"Okay... what did you do?" Scar really started to giggle. Tiff came up then and gave me a confused look. I shrugged and we both looked back at the loony person formerly known as Scar. She finally stopped giggling enough to take a deep breath.

"I told Drew that I was with my boyfriend at his dorm last night." Scar said. Boyfriend?

"Scar... you don't have a boyfriend though." Tiff said. She smiled and started walking away.

"Exactly." Scar called over her shoulder. I looked at Tiff who shrugged her shoulders. I shook my head and caught up with Scar.

"Okay so why where you giggling so evilly?" I asked, trying to figure this all out. Scar stopped and turned to us, the grin back on her face.

"I was just wondering how Drew would take it if John were that fake college boy." Tiff and I stopped and stared at Scar. She just kept on grinning, a far off look on her face. I burst out laughing.

"Oh, that is priceless! He is like Chad Michaels, but better! Drew would be so f'ing jealous!!" Tiff nodded in agreement.

"Now if only you can get over you're repulsion for John for this to work." Tiff said quietly. Scar looked at her.

"He doesn't repulse me, just annoys me." Scar said. She continued on to her class.

"Thought he repulsed you though? I thought you said quote: "He's a male chauvinist pig! He's an ass! And he's rude! And he's perverted!" un-quote." I reminded her. She giggled from in front of us. Tiff and I just looked at her and then each other. Yea, she is going mental.

"Whatever you ladies say. Gotta go! Class time." She disappeared into her classroom.

"I think she is losing it Nat." Tiff said to me, still staring at the doorway that Scar went through.

"I think that too Tiff. It's kind of scary. One minute she is hating him, next she is imaging him to be her boyfriend to make Drew jealous. Mental." Tiff laughed at me.

"Well, see ya after school!" Tiff said. She waved as she hurried away. I smiled as I walked into my first period class. The smile disappeared as soon as I remembered what my first period class was.

Ugh... I hate algebra.


I shouldn't have let Scar drag me to Starbucks. I was now craving it.

"Hey Nat. You look grumpy." Scar said coming up behind me. I turned and glared at her.

"Dunkin is going to be disappointed. I have to cheat on him. I need another one of those thingys! I have been craving them all day long!" I said as I grabbed her arm and dragged her towards her car. She giggled.

"You cheating whore you." She sang.

"Shut it, you cheated first, so if I am a cheating whore, what does that make you?" I joked back at her. She grinned.

"I am you're cheating whore master! Bow down to me!!!" I laughed at her. She pretended to crack a whip at me.

"I said bow minion of the night!!! Bow!!" She giggled. Tiff came up behind us, giving us strange looks. Scar turned to look at her. She screeched.

"Another minion to turn! I am you're master! Bow to me!" Tiff looked at her and started to laugh.

"You guys are crazy. Lets go." She got into the car. Scar sniffed and looked offended.

"We need to work on this one minion." Scar said to me. I stiffled a giggle.

"Yes mistress. We must turn this one to the dark side." I turned to Tiff.

"Hey Tiff! Come to the dark side, we have Brett!!" I screeched at her, but Tiff just rolled her eyes at me.

"Come on you psychos!" Tiff called out the window. I rolled my eyes at Scar who shrugged her shoulders.

"Tiff seems to be in a hurry." Scar said. I mimicked her earlier movement and shrugged. We get in the car and drive to Starbucks. I knocked over a lady in my frantic attempt to get in and order without Dunkin finding out. I heard Scar and Tiff laughing at me from behind me, but I didn't care. Fifteen minutes later, We were getting back into the car with our drinks. Scar plugged in her mp3 player Dave, and the car filled with the new music she put on Dave for Starbucks.

"Do you mind if we go to the mall? I have to get something there." Tiff said from the back seat. I turned around to stare at Tiff. Tiff never wanted to go to the mall willingly. Tiff blushed and looked down.

"Umm... okay. Sure, sounds fun." Scar said while shooting me a look. I shrugged and turned up the volume. I don't know what was playing, but I liked it. We jammed along to the mp3 player the whole way to the mall. When we parked, Tiff practically ran into the store. Scar and I exchanged a look before running to catch up with her. When we finally found her, she was heading straight for Claire's, the most girlie store in the entire mall. A place that Tiff would never go to unless she was unconscious and chained.

She kept peering around and then at her watch. We stood next to her and waited for her to say something. She didn't.

"Okay Tiff, what is going on?" Scar said. She stood in front of Tiff. Her back was turned to the people that just walked up, so she didn't know who was standing behind her.

"Sorry we are late Tiff, John wanted to stop somewhere first." Brett said. Scar turned. She seemed shocked to see John, Brett, and Chad standing there. I leaned closer to Tiff.

"You devious Spider Monkey!" She grinned.

"Hey babe, you miss me?" John said, grinning at Scar. I saw Scar stiffen.

Stupid, stupid boy. He must have a death wish.
♠ ♠ ♠
Suga: You're turn baby!!!