Status: Complete. Thanks for reading. Comment if you want a sequel?

Always Be a Broken Girl

Lost Recklessness


"Wanna go for a walk?" Scar asked John. John grinned.

"Yeah, sounds good. Enjoy lunch, guys." He threw a twenty on the table for the twins, then left with Scar hand in hand. I looked at the remaining people, and I think we all were a little shocked that Scar even acknowledged John.

"Well... I am officially shocked." I vocalized. Tiff made some noise in the back of her throat which I took as an agreement. She and Brett were to busy staring at each other without actually staring at each other to notice what really happened. Chad laughed at his twin's behavior.

"Guess it's just you and me then Chad." I said while laughing. He grinned at me.

"That's fine with me." He said with a wink. I blushed and looked down the table. When I looked back up he was staring at me intently and smiling. Then he looked back at his brother and started laughing again. Tiff and Brett snapped out of their unstaring contest and looked around the table. We watched in amusement as the looks on their faces went from embarrassment, to worry when they noticed Scar and John gone, to confusion.

"Ummm... Where did Scar and John go?" Tiff asked silently. I snickered and rolled my eyes at her.

"They left like five minutes ago hun. Where were you?" Tiff blushed furiously and smiled. I grinned at her.

"So what are we going to do now?" Brett asked, trying to act like he knew what was going on the entire time. I rolled my eyes and Tiff giggled. Chad shook his head. We sat there staring at one another for a while. Suddenly I stood up.

"Come on, this is a MALL! Lets go look around in the stores, see what sorts of troubles we can get ourselves into." Tiff grinned at the trouble part, and the guys grimaced at the shopping part, but I was already walking away not giving them a chance to argue. I was almost to Hot Topic when a pair of arms grabbed me around the waist and lifted me up. I squealed.

"Hold on there Killer. Wait for the rest of us unfortunate slow mortals." Chad said in between his laughter at my squeal and squirming. He was still holding me off the ground, my feet dangled helplessly in the air. I looked back at him, his face dangerously close to mine.

"Fine, but can you put me down please?" I hated being picked up. I hated heights period, I believed that my feet were intended to stay on the ground, other wise I would have wings like Max from of Maximum Ride.

"Well maybe I like holding you." He said with a smile. I smiled back before pouting prettily at him.

"Pretty please?" I even did the whole eye-lid flutter. His face went slack as my full pouting power hit him. I would have laughed, but I was working on being put down. He blinked slowly, like he was trying to wake up from a trance.

"Umm... sure?" He started to let me down, but then suddenly tightened his grip.

"Hey! Not fair! Can't use the pouting powers on me! Just for that, I am going to torture you." He grinned evilly. I frowned.

"How are..." I got no further because he started to tickle me. I started to shriek/laugh. I am very ticklish, and he was tickling one of the ticklish spots on my body... my sides. Brett and Tiff came strolling up, but I can barely see them through the tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. Chad was laughing like a little kid in a toy store because of my overly ticklishness.

"Aw, Chad, you might want to stop. She looks on the verge of passing out. I don't think she can breath." Tiff said. Instantaneously Chad stopped and looked at Tiff horrified. I took that as my opportunity to make a dash for it. I bolted into Hot Topic and hid behind a display stand of New Moon merchandise. I could see him come in, but he couldn't see me. He ran in thirty seconds after me and looked around. He headed off to the right, towards the music. Tiff strolled in, looking extremely pleased with herself. Brett followed Tiff like a lost puppy.

"Gotcha!" Someone said from behind me, grabbing my waist. I screamed. Rather loudly. I was so occupied with watching Tiff and Brett, I lost track of Chad. I turned around and playfully smacked him on the shoulder.

"Jesus Chad, you scared the shit out of me!" He laughed while I turned and went to stand with Tiff, who was staring at the T-shirts. One shirt caught my eye and I snatched it up.

"I am so getting this for Scar." I held up the shirt and showed Tiff and the boys the Where The Wild Things Are T-shirt that read "Born Wild" on it. Tiff nodded in agreement that Scar would go ga-ga over the shirt. I saw Tiff eying a necklace and earring set. The earrings had two different things, one was a handcuff while the other was dangle chains with a key. It came with a matching necklace. She sighed and continued around the store. I quickly snatched up the set and ran to the counter. I quickly paid for the stuff and continued to look around.

Chad and Brett were looking through the music, the wallets, the ear studs, and everything else while bickering on each others different taste in style. It was very comical. Tiff and I shook our head at the boys.

"So you and Brett seem to be really cozy with each other." Tiff blushed and smiled, biting her lip. That was Tiff's universal sign for "I have a secret, but I don't want to keep it a secret" I giggled at her.

"Okay spill. Now!" I demanded playfully. She picked up a hair dyeing kit and looked at it intently, giving me her other universal way of saying "I have no clue what you are talking about, and if I did, I am not giving up that easy." I sighed and stroked that bag that held her present.

"Well I guess since your going to tease me about your news you want to tell me, I can tease you about the gift I bought you. Trust me, you are going to love this one." I winked at her and grinned evilly. Her eyes widened.

"You bought me something? When?" I just smiled at her, not saying a word. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Fine. Brett sorta asked me out." I shrieked, and she shushed me. We both shot a glance at the boys, but they were to busy arguing over which garter set was better to notice my excited shriek. I turned back to Tiff.

"Well, what did you say?" She smiled at me.

"I said that I would think about it." I stared at her. Opened eyed and open mouth. She giggled at my expression.

"Girl, you are completely ga-ga over him and you said you would think about it? Why?!" She rolled her eyes.

"I am seeing if he is really into me. Tell him I will think and see his reaction. Depending on his reaction decides whether I will tell him yes or no." I thought about then shook my head.

"That makes sense." She smiled at me. The boys came up to us then and we pretended that we were arguing over which team was better. Team Jacob or Team Edward. I personally am all over Team Jacob.

"Seriously? You two are arguing over Team Edward and Team Jacob?" Brett asked. I looked at Tiff and smiled.

"Fine. Tiff which is better: The hot pink garter set of the baby blue garter set?" She grinned at me.

"I think the baby blue set. Very stylish." She answered.

"You sure? I think the hot pink set. It has it's own pair of handcuffs and is way more comfortable." We both turned to the boys and gave them our most innocent smiles ever. Chad laughed.

"Okay okay... we got it. Lets go find John and Scar?" We laughed at them and agreed. We found them in the music store. Wasn't that hard really, Scar has been wanting to get the new Paramore cd. We all went over to the food court and bought some drinks and sat back down at the same table. We officially made it our table and decided to hang here more often.

"Oh shit... don't forget about that party you were going to throw tonight John." Brett said suddenly. We stopped our separate conversations and listened in.

"Oh Frostbite... I forgot all about that!" John jumped up, glancing at his watch. We all stood up with him and started to head towards the exit. John stopped and turned to Scar.

"Why don't you ladies come with us? It will be fun." He winked at Scar who smiled seductively at him. Whoa, what did Tiff and I miss? Tiff and I glanced at each other and silently agreed to hound her with questions once we got in the car.

"What do you say girls? Wanna party tonight?" Scar asked with a purr. It was our turn to smile seductively. We moved to stand next to Scar.

"When don't we want to party?" Us girls laughed at our inside joke and we agreed to go to John's for his party. We exchanged numbers and then left. I got into the passenger side, bag on the floor. Scar got into the drivers seat and turned on the radio. I turned it down. She turned to look at me, then Tiff.

"What?" She asked all innocent like.

"Spill. Like now Missy. One minute you are all for hating John, then you go off alone with him, then you are giving him seductive gooey eyes!!! What the hell did we miss?!?!" I screeched at her. She sighed and quickly told us her encounter with John and Drew. I stared at her, open mouthed and all.

"Woo-hoo! You go girl!" I finally screamed. Tiff laughed and started to cheer along with me. We continued to Scar's house gabbing about our day. We were in Scar's room getting dressed for the party when I remembered my gifts. I quickly grabbed the bag.

"I totally forgot. I got you guys something earlier." I scooped out Scar's shirt and handed it to her. She screeched when she saw it and tackled me.

"Thank you Nat! I love it." She put it on and pranced around the room and started to accessorize things to go with her new shirt. I smiled and handed Tiff her gift. She stared at it shocked.

"I saw you eying it and thought that you should have it." She smiled at me and tackled me.

"Thank you so much!" She whispered into my ear. I helped her put them on and then continued to get ready for John's party.


We pulled up in front of John's house, which was already filled with people and loud music. We walked up the steps and the door swung wide open before we got there. John stood there with a slightly intoxicated grin on his face.

"Good evening ladies. Damn Scar... I just want to eat you right up. You look hot! Please, come in." Scar giggled at him and stepped passed him. We walked pass while he nodded to us. Scar disappeared and shortly Tiff and I found ourselves on the dance floor, making all the boys hot and bothered with our overly provocative dancing. I felt someone grab my waist and move with me. Without turning, I knew who it was... since his twin did the same with Tiff. We swayed and grinded to the music. About an hour into the party, I found myself making out with Chad in the corner.

Suddenly Scar was there. She had tears streaming down her face. She grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Chad.

"Please, lets leave." I seen that she had already grabbed Tiff, who looked very confused. I turned to Chad and told him I had to leave. He looked disappointed but made me promise to call him. I turned back to Scar after agreeing.

"Okay Babe, whats wrong? What happened?" We were outside, heading to the car. She ran to the drivers side and fumbled with the door. She finally got in. Tiff and I followed. Scar went to drive away, when suddenly there was a couple making out in front of our car. The couple broke apart and Drew smirked at the driver's side. The girl turned and I gasped as I recognized Scar's worse enemy. Samantha DeLight. That bitch just smirked at us as her hand trailed lower and lower on Drew's body. She turned him towards her and kissed him on the mouth, not trying to hide that she was trying to hurt Scar.

Drew smirked at us once more before they left. Scar sat there, in a daze. I rested my hand on her shoulder. She jumped and looked at me then slowly drove off. The car was filled with silence. It took me a while to realize that we weren't heading back home, but towards the city. I was so focused on Scar, that I hadn't realized she wasn't going home for a while yet.

"Scar honey, where are we going?" I asked her softly. She had this very determined look on her face.

"Step two. I need to get a piercing done. I need the recklessness back. I need... " She trailed off. Tiff and I looked at each other. She nodded and I turned back to Scar.

"Okay, we are in. I have five hundred and fifty dollars on my card. We can use that." Scar looked at me. She smiled weakly and held out for my hand. I grabbed onto it and she squeezed my hand like it was her only thing holding her together. She turned back to the road.

"Thanks you two. I really need you now." She said softly.

"We know Baby, we know." Tiff soothed her from the back seat.

The car sped along the dark highway to the city, where Scar's lost recklessness awaited us.
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry about the long waits, but I hope this makes up for it. :)

Danae Baby: Your turn Suga. ;)