Status: Complete. Thanks for reading. Comment if you want a sequel?

Always Be a Broken Girl

I Wanna Love You, You Already Know


Defiance: To opose what is expected, and sometimes what is right.

I kept playing with my Monroe with my tongue. I didn't know where my friends were taking me now but something was going on between them. They kept texting each other as Nat drove which, yes, is not safe but what choice did they have if they wanted to keep our destination a secret. My car is small, okay? My father is a cheap bastard that won't shell out for a better car. Whispers aren't so quiet in a car this small.

I couldn't keep my mind off of John, which I wasn't surprised by. At the party, I had such a good time with him. He's a good guy and I feel bad for using him to get back at that jackass of an ex-boyfriend of mine. He's an amazing kisser, especially in dark corners, if you catch my drift. I kept thinking of how he held me tight against him when Drew came around, with her! I can't believe he'd go with Samantha DeLight! Of all the skanks in the school, the one that I hate the most, he had to pick her! See, I hate her because she and I fought over Drew, and my other ex Daniel. She and I don't see exactly eye to eye.

I looked out the window as Nat drove and sighed. Tiff looked at me and her eyebrows pulled together before asking, "what's wrong, Scar?"

"I'm not gonna lie, I kinda miss John just a little." I admitted with a sigh.

"Someone's falling, I think." Nat said.

"I'm not falling for anyone, Natalya. John's just... he's an amazing kisser and his hands are really big, if you know what I mean." I winked at her from the backseat with Tiff. I noticed Tiff's cheeks were tinged pink.

"Shhh, no such talk around Miss Innocence back there, Miss. I lost my virginity in the back seat of Daniel's car." Nat said. I giggled. Tiff knew I wasn't a virgin but where it was lost wasn't known to her. She's my best friend, she should know. But I told Nat and that seemed good enough for me.

"What does that make you if Tiff is Miss. Innocence and I'm Miss. Naughty?" I asked her.

"Miss.... Hmmmm...." she paused as she rolled to a stop in front of a red light. She had her eye on the light as she tapped her chin thoughtfully. She started driving before answering, "somewhere in between, I suppose."

I chuckled and shook my head, leaning my head against the cool window, watching the sun set slowly. Mom was gonna be pissed that I wasn't home yet and then she'd call Dad and then I'd be trouble in both homes. I rolled my eyes at the thought because that's not how it went in my home. My mom was apathetic to my actions and my dad, he's just distant. Nat and Tiff are the only ones who have cared about me enough to stop be from doing stupid shit (i.e. crashing my car, running away, whoring myself out). I'm a bit of a dramatic atten-slut (which is what we call someone who lives on attention) when it comes to my parents. I'm a bit of a sob story. My parents don't care so I'm the spoiled rich girl who can get anything she wants, except their love so she acts out. What can I say? I'm a cliche.

I finally looked up when I saw that Nat had parked. I looked at the small parlor before us. I cocked my head to the side and realized real quick where we were, a hair salon. A grin grew on my face. They knew me too well. Of course, they didn't know what I planned on doing to this mop of hair on my head. I needed something new, strange and outrageous. Something that'll stand out and say, hey, look at me! I'm not the same girl you dumped. I raced from the car, leaving the door open and the dome light glowed in the car until Tiff stepped out. But I was already opening the building door. I smiled at the woman behind the counter. She smiled back. She was a tall black woman with fake pink extensions. She was extremely pretty and I knew I could trust her just by the sparkle in her brown eyes.

"What can I help you with, suga?" she asked.

"Ummmm... I want to get my hair cut, colored and... ummm... yeah, that's it." I said. She smiled.

"Come with me and we'll get you all cut, colored, layered and ummm... that's it. Anything in particular?" she asked, tossing her hair behind her shoulder.

"Something... wild."

"I have something in mind."

"Work your magic. I'm Scarlett."


"Nice to meet you, Tanya."

"Nice to meet you too, Scarlett."

She took my hand and led me into the back.


I stood from the chair and shook the brown curls from my shoulders. I glanced at myself in the mirror. I was astounded at Tanya's work. I didn't recognize myself in the mirror. My brown hair had been colored to a blonde color and then layered and it just looked amazing. I couldn't describe it. And with the piercings, I wasn't the Scar that anyone knew anymore. I was a new Scar, one that I was finding that I liked even more. I hugged Tanya.

"Thank you! You're amazing!" I said into her shoulder.

"Come on, suga. Let's go get your all checked out." she said with a smile. I walked from the back room to where I found Tiff and Nat standing. I gasped when I realized that they were in fact my best friends with new haircuts same as me. I don't think they realized who I was until I wolf-whistled at them. They turned at the sound and gasped in almost perfect unison.

"SCAR!" Tiff shrieked. I nodded and she jumped into my arms with a giggle. Her long silky black hair was now short and held lowlights of blood red, the short hairs geled to stand up just a little in odd places. But it looked good on her. She was extremely pretty, with or without her long hair.

"What did you DO, Scarlett?" Nat asked, walking up to me. I chuckled as I looked over her own new hairstyle with an entertained smirk on my face. She had her hair cut a lot like mine, in a very "scene" way. It was layered and she had side bangs. Her black hair now held bright pink, purple and blue streaks. She looked amazing and when I caught our reflections in the mirror off to the right of us. We all looked so much different. I stopped and looked at Tiff, whose parents I knew would NOT be happy in any way, shape or form at the fact that she was now pierced, tattooed and her hair was short and colored. Her parents were kinda strike, not like mine.

"Your mommy will not be happy, Tiffany." I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. They can't control me forever." she answered and Tanya chuckled.

"Miss Scarlett." she called me over. I shuffled through my money and handed her 10 dollars over what my haircut had cost.

"This is too much." she said, trying to hand the bills back.

"No, Tanya. That's for you. Keep the change." I called over my shoulder as I hooked an arm with Tiffany and hooked an arm with Natalya before heading to the car.

"Let's go back to that party." I said with a smirk. There was something (ahem someone) I had to do.