Status: Complete. Thanks for reading. Comment if you want a sequel?

Always Be a Broken Girl

Needed on A Friday Night


This was the party of the year. Michelle always threw awesome parties, the cops always are called and they break up the party. But that is not until three or four in the morning. Scar, Tiff and I were going together to Michelle's party, and I just recently went out and bought some new clothes. I was looking at myself in my floor length mirror, admiring my outfit. I was wearing a black and purple shirt that hugged my curves, dark blue jeans that had a tear in the knee, and knee high black boots. I also threw on my favorite skull necklace. I winked at myself in the mirror.

Then I started to pose to the music that was blaring in my room. I was giggling and having fun when I noticed my phone going off in the mirror's reflection. I ran over to the phone thinking it was Scar texting me to tell me to hurry up and get outside because she would be here any minute. Sure I have my own car. I have a red hot 2010 camaro that I got from my Gran-Gran. She is what you call a blue blood. No not a vampire like from the book blue blood, but a pure blooded and very, very rich.

But my family is middle class. Dad married out of the pure blood circle and his parents were upset and wasn't allowing him any of the money... but then when I came along, their only Grandchild, they decided to sing a different tune. I flipped my phone open and seen that I had six unread messages.

Nat, can you come over?

Nat, I need to talk to you... call or txt me plz?

Nat its urgent!! Plz?

Damn it Nat!! I need you! Plz, plz call me.

I can't take it anymore Nat!!! Plz Nat... I need you.

I am sick of this! I don't think I can live anymore.
Ah.... never mind. Goodbye Nat.

I love you Nat... Don't forget that. K?

As I read Scar's last text, I was already turning to grab my car keys. I ran out of my room and down the stairs. I heard my mom say something about me grabbing something to eat. I would have said something, but the door had already slammed shut behind me. I raced to my car and got in.

Scar, I am on my way. Don't worry hun, I am on my way.

I sent her a text before racing down the roads. I hope she got the text before she did something bad. Scar lives only about fifteen minutes from me, but that night it seemed like hours till I reached the familiar two story house. My car came to a stop in her driveway. I looked around, and it looked like no one was home. All the lights were off... except for Scar's room. I raced up to the house and tried the door knob. It turned and I pushed the door open.

"Scar?" I raced up the steps to Scar's room. I knocked lightly on the door. I faintly heard a sniffle. I opened the door.

"Scar? Is that you?" I looked around and located her on her bed. Her make up was running down her face, her hair was all messed up and her short red dress was all crumpled up, like she had been clenching it in her fists. She was just laying there, curled up in a ball. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. My heart did that little skip a beat thing, and I ran over to Scar.

"Oh babe! What happened? Are you all right?" She just muttered something incoherent. I flipped my phone open and texted Tiff.

Tiff, did Scar txt you?

Yea, on my way... you there?

Hurry Tiff... something is really wrong....

Shit, I am hurrying. What happened?

Idk... she won't talk... hurry plz

KK.... be there in 5

I stopped texting Tiff and continued to stroke Scar's hair. Whatever happened to Scar, she needed us more than anything at that moment.
♠ ♠ ♠

This is Nat's outfit.

So hope you liked it!!
