Status: Complete. Thanks for reading. Comment if you want a sequel?

Always Be a Broken Girl

Let's Get Physical, Oh I like the sound of that


"Tiff? Nat? Is that you guys?" The girl asked us. We smiled at her and nodded.

"OhMiGod! You guys look hott! I love the new look! Tiff you should have done this look ages ago, tres cute!" She gushed, soon we were surrounded by people admiring our new looks, while others jealously whispered things behind their hands. People touched our newly cut and highlighted hair and offered compliments.

"Excuse me miss, can you please tell me the way to...whoa! Tiff? Is that really you? My have no words. Tiff, you have left me speechless." Brett says to me as he looks me over again and again, taking in every inch of my being.

"Do you like?" I ask sheepishly.

"Hell yeah! I love it! You're freakin gorgeous baby." He called me baby, whoa. Major blush and of course he notices. He genlty places his hand on my now hot cheeks and smiles. I smile back and he pulls me into him.

"So...can you ask me what you asked me earlier?" I say to him, hoping he'll get what I'm trying to say.

"Umm....oh..that." He says. I see it in his face when he realizes what I'm talking about. He smirks, clears his throught and makes his face all serious looking." Tiff, would you please do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

"Hmmm...maybe? Haha just kidding! Of course!" I say to him.

"Really?" He looks at me as if I were playing a pratical joke on him. I nod my head. He smiles and engulfs me in his arms nearly knocking the breath out of me. He turns me around in his arms so my back is against his stomach and he rocks or bodies back and forth to the beat of the music. I look across the room to find Nat in the same position. "So what possesed you to do this?" He asks me, his breath on my neck, sending shivers down my body.

"On nothing. Just Scar was wanting some changes and Nat and I decided that we were going to be involved and at the last moment decided to do the same." I say giving him the short and simple version.

"Oh. Okay. Well I love it. You look mad hot. Now I'm going to have to fight off all those guys. Damn it I didn't want to have to become violent. Do you see what you are doing to me? It's okay, you'll make it up to me somewhow." He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. I looked up at him and smiled.

All of a sudden, a very drenched Samantha Delight went storming past us. I looked over at Nat and we met together in the middle of the room and in unison we went flying towards the direction that Samantha came from.

"I hope Scar didn't do too much damage." I said and Nat giggled in agreement.

Please be okay Scarlett, I can't lose you.
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SORRY!!! its been so long i know. i apologize immensely. i was away for like ever! driving across the country, no puter, yeah that would do it.

anhow its here now. hope y'all like it. i know its sucky but hey beggars cant be choosers.

kayti-your turn baby. thanks for being patient with me. love you!