Shadows in the Night

A Stranger On Our Street

"Where is dad?" Jess asked. Her breath was white in the chilly november air.
""I'm not sure." I wrapped me arms around myself. "It must me like 30 degrees out here!"
I wasn't exactly sure if it was but it sure felt like it. We were sitting by a car waiting for my dad. He still wasn't here.
"How far do you thing Kiera's house is from here?" Jessica asked me, shivering in the cold.
She didn't live too far away from here. But I wasn't exactly sure where we were. "I would say about half a mile. Why?"
"Well, do you think we could walk there?" She stared at me with large blue eyes. "It's better than catching pneumonia out here."
I stood up. "Ya, I guess so. i think her house is this way." I began to walk toward the vacant street as a cool wind blew my hair. I shivered a little but kept walking. It took me a second to realize that Jess wasn't with me. I turned around to find her.
She was still standing by the durango.
"Jess? Are you coming?"
"You think?" Sh questioned me.
"What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion.
"You think her house is that way?." Her lips were blue from the icy air."Alex, what if we get lost. Maybe we should just wait here for youre dad."
"Jess, come on. I'm positive, okay? Besides what will happen if we wait here? That man might come back! It's not safe here." I was freezing. I had to keep moving but I couldn't leave Jessica. "Jessie, please come!"
She half smiled as her golden hair picked up in the wind. "Ok fine. Wait up for me."
"Thankyou." I said trying to place a smile on my frozen pale face.
"I'm still kinda scared." she said as we walked down the street. "What if that man finds us again?"
"We're fine, don't worry." I didn't know then how wrong I was.
She looked over her shoulder and must have saw no one becaus we kept walking.
"Relax, Jessie, will you? No one is following us-" Just then a loud crack made us both jump.
"What was that!" Panic filled her face.
I don't know." I looked behind us but all I could see was a gentle faog settling amoung the streets. "No one is there." I tried to comfort.
"I don't know-"
"Just don't think about it okay? Um change the subject to something else."
"Something else? Well I'm thinking about quitting cheer."
"What? Jessica, you're a flyer, you can't quit. They need you."
"Ya but Ashley is gradating soon and they want me to be captain. I don't want to commit to something like that." she admitted.
She never id like commitment. In anything. She had a new boyfriend practically every week.
"Alexandra!" she exclaimed. I never really did understand why she called me that sometimes or why I let her.
"You should join the cheer squad! That would be so awesome to have my best friend be on the ream!"
I was confused, "I thought you just said you wanted to quit?"
"Well when I become cheer captain-"
"Well I would say if but I know they all want me to be captain. Anyways, when that happens you could take my place as a flyer."
Cheering defiantly wasn't my thing. I had never even gone to cheer camp.
"Come on, Alex. You would be a perfect flyer. We like almost the same size too. You're like what, one size smaller than me?"
"Jess, you know I don't cheer. Why me?"
"If you don't then that means Chrissy will. And she is just about the worst cheerleader ever."
"I don't know. I'll think abut it." I highly doubted I would though.
"Thankyou!" she exclaimed hugging me.
"I only said I would think about it."
We kept walking through the darkness forgetting about our prior experience as we talked.
Little did we know that the man in the shadows was catching up to us as every second passed.
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Hey thanks for reading. I hope you like it! Feel free to comment:)