Shadows in the Night


I was freezing. That's all I could feel.

Jessica and I kept walking. We could easily see our breath with each word we spoke. Then,

probably the worst possible thing that could happen did occur. It started raining. And it

wasn't you're average light sprinkles. Slushy, ice cold, globs fell from the night above.

“J-J-Jessss” I stuttered from the cold. “I-I wanna go home.” I shivered.

“Wh-where are we?” she rubbed her arms, attempting to keep them warm.

“I-I” My thought closed up. A lump settled there and I had an even harder time talking. “I don’t know!” I tried not to cry. But I was freezing and lost and I was scared.

She let out a low moan.

“Were going to be okay. We just have to find our my house. Or Keira’s.” But that was

probably the scariest of all. I couldn’t even see any houses at all. A deep fog settled around

the area. The rain only made it harder to see. I actually thought we might be in a forrest by


“I’m so-” Jessica yawned and put her hand to her face. “So tired.”

“No Jessica, we can’t stop!” I told her.

“You know, I’m not so cold anymore.” She slowed her pace.

That wasn’t a good sign. We learned about this in class last week. About freezing to death...

I turned back to force her to continue walking. Something inside me told me to keep going. If

we stopped then, I just had this feeling, something terrible would happen.

As I turned, I slipped on the wet grass, crushing my right side. I tried to get up, but I couldn’t

mange to work up the strength.

“Yes.” I heard Jessica say. “Let’s just lie down.” Anther yawn.

No! I thought. We can’t stay here!

But Laying down felt nice. And Jessica was right, we should stay her. It was so comfortable.

And I thought I was getting warmer too. My eyes closed and soon I couldn’t feel anything.

Just the numbness I so gladly appreciated.