Shadows in the Night

The Man in Nikes

Pain. That was the first thing I felt when I woke up from the daze I was in. I was tired. That
was the second thing I noticed. My throat felt as if it were on fire, flames flickering all through

out it. I was cold. No, not cold. Freezing. That was the third thing that came to my attention.

And lastly, a darkness so mysterious arranged everything to be hidden to me.

Confusion swept over me like a hurricane of misery. I was suddenly terrified. I went into

fetal position. Where was I? What happened to me last night? I tried thinking but came up

short. I was freezing to death....wait! Freezing! Thats what had happened to me last! I

suddenly remembered. I was being chased by a man in a jeep and I slipped and fell. I was

on the grass with Jessica....Oh no. Where was Jessica? I hoped with all I had that she was


I took a look at my surroundings. Darkness served as a blanket to this vast room. The

dark had always been one of my top fears. Normally, I can handle myself. But now I was

alone. Or at least I thought I was alone. That scared me even more. Someone could bee

standing not a foot away from and I wouldn’t see them.

The ground was cold and hard. When I went to get up to walk around, I hit my head on

the ceiling. Or what I thought was the ceiling. I crawled forward and ended up running in to

something. I felt like a blind fool, not able to see my own hand in front of my face. I felt the

object before me. A bar. Correction, multiple bars. Linked together at the top and bottom. It

was then I realized, I was trapped inside a metal cage.

This couldn’t be happening. Yesterday, life was normal. The only thing placed on my

plate that I worried about was the Biology test I had forgotten to study for. And now, my life

was on the platter, open for any one to take.

The door creaked. The opening of a it sent in a stream of golden light, letting me see the

room for only a second. I gathered my thoughts and let my eyes gaze the room. Cages were

everywhere. Medicine, incisors, tables, and injections all lay across steel gray tables. It

reminded me of a vet I went to when my 2 year old lab was sick. The only thing different was

there were no dogs moaning and barking. Far from that occurred. The silence of the room

was nearly driving me insane. Then the door clicked shut, leaving the room in complete

darkness once again. Did I mention I hate the dark?

I heard quire footsteps. Erie steps revealed a man to be walking around in this room.

How he saw a thing was a mystery to me.

One step, two steps, three steps closer to my cage he approached. Then I heard him

come to a stop just before my cage. It sounded as if he had gotten on his knees by my it.

I pressed my face against the cage, trying to hear better. Then I heard words came from

the man. It turned out he was just a kid, at least his voice sounded like one. Maybe around

my age.

“Hey, don’t worry. I swear I’ll-”

Lights came on, blinding my crystal blue eyes. But I still couldn’t help but look at the boy

in front of me, who was now on his feet.

He was not at all what I thought I would see here. He looked around 16 or 17 and was

pretty tall. Well I was on the ground looking up at him so maybe my view was a bit

disoriented. Light brown colored hair swept slightly across his forehead. Brown large eyes

stared far to my left, looking away from my cage. Barely visible freckles dotted his nose.

“Son, what are you doing here!” A loud male voice boomed form the door, making my

heart rate go up.

“I-I was just uh looking at the new thing ya caught.” He stuttered nervously.

Thing? I’m a person, you low life, kidnapping jerk! I wanted to scream those words at

the man, but couldn’t even find the strength to do so.

“Yes, yes.” The man by the door said as he walked closer. My angled cage made it

impossible to see the man’s face. “This one is defiantly a keeper.” The man walked slowly

near my cage, allowing me to see his feet. Run down Nikes were placed just below eye

level on the gray colored ground.

I had the sudden urge to tear his shoe to shreds. I slid my hand through the narrow bars

and tried with all my might to destroy his foot. It did not work. I barely hurt him, if at all.

Besides I was so tired...

“My, my.” I heard the man in Nikes respond. “A feisty one we have here. And awake so

soon?” He lowered his head to mine and I was prepared with a sarcastic remark. That is,

until I saw his face. I recognized him immediately. I was looking into the eyes of the man who

had taken me and Jessica.