Shadows in the Night

Can you Keep a Secret?

“Hey-hey! Wake up! Come on, come on!!”

The words filled my head as confusion drowned me. Where am I? Who’s talking?

I roll to my head to the opposite side. “5 more minuets..,” I groan sleepily.

I feel a hand shake my shoulder. “No, get up! Please, wake up!”

My eyes flutter open to see a teenager bent above me. I look down and realize I’m
strapped to a table.

I then recognize the kid to be the one I had seen earlier. The man in Nikes son...

“Who are you-” I start to ask but he interjects.

“No time for that now.” He quickly explains. “Just listen to me okay?”

I nod my head.

“Your strapped on this table to be the test subject of some kind of experiment my dad
wants to try out. He is going to tell you he is giving you an IV of a new sort of drug and wants
to see how one would react to it. Don’t believe him. He’s lying. There’s only water in the IV.
He is really going to release a gas. A possibly deadly gas. He wants to see if the gas would
kill a human. It probably will ”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“I-I’m not sure. But listen. Don’t breath.” He walked across the room and pointed to a box
on the wall. There was a red light and a green one.

“When the green light flashes, hold your breath. When the red light flashes you can
breath again. But don’t make it to obvious that your holding your breath.” His brown eyes
met mine before saying his ending words. “Be careful.”

He started to walk away in a bit of a hurry.

“Hey,” I called.

He stopped to look at me for a second.


He smiled then fled the room.

I took a breath. In and out. I hoped I wouldn’t have to hold my breath for to long. What if I
couldn’t do it? What if the wait was too long? What if the gas killed me? I was nervous and
scared of what would happen.

Distract yourself. I told myself. I looked around the room. I was strapped to a steel table.
The room I was in was held together by 4 clear walls. A smaller room was in the corner. I
assumed the man in Nikes would watch his experiment undergo in that room.

Then the door to my left slowly creaked open to reveal the man in Nikes.

“Hello dear,” my stomach curled at the sound of his voice.

My green cat-like eyes glared at the disgusting man.

“Now why are we so angry today?” His voice chuckled. “Do you have anything planned
for today?”

No response.

“Hmmm...well I have an idea. Let’s do some experimenting.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So any guesses on what will happen? lol Tell me what you think, thanks for reading:)