Status: Active

Seize The Day

You're in for it

“You are one weird person….” Ronnie said as he stared at me.
“Ronnie, stop being mean to the poor girl,” Zacky fussed at him from his seat beside me.
“Dude! She isn’t eating her icing, that is weird!” Ronnie’s eyes moved back down to my plate where all the icing from the cake was moved off the cake and now sat in a colorful pile at the corner off the plate. I stared at it in disgust; I absolutely loathe icing. It was far too sweet and sugary for me. I don’t know why I didn’t like icing; I just couldn’t stand the taste of it anymore.
”I don’t eat icing,” I told him, scooping some more of the cake into my mouth.
He rolled his eyes, “Oh god, don’t tell me you are one of those anorexic chicks who never eat anything but cardboard tasting shit.”

Raven shook her head, “You’re in for it now, Radke.”
Synyster, who was sitting by her, gave her a confused look, but didn’t have enough time to question her before he found out for himself.

I glared at Ronnie; something I never thought I would do, “I am NOT anorexic. I don’t like icing because it tastes too sweet to me, not because I don’t eat sugar. I have a really high metabolism and can’t gain weight, no matter how hard I try.”
I was really sensitive about this subject. All through high school I was constantly being reported to the guidance councilors for anorexia or bulimia because I rarely ate at school. I didn’t eat school lunches because most of the time I had a free period and Raven and I would skip it to go out and get lunch at Taco Bell or Pizza Hut. No one believed me about it and I got reported so much that my parent’s were contacted weekly. They tried to tell them that I ate both at home and during the day, but they refused to believe them too. In my sophomore year they tried to report my parent’s for neglect; but they had nothing to hold them to it. My parent’s brought me to the doctors and he wrote a note explaining that I had a high metabolism and it burned all the calories quickly, so I didn’t gain weight. I could eat twice as much as most of the girls my age and never gain an ounce of it.
Ronnie frowned, “I didn’t mean to call you anorexic. I’m sorry.”
I looked down, ashamed at my outburst. But hey look on the bright side; at least I wasn’t fan girling. I normally don’t freak or get shy around “celebrities”. I mean come on, I met Billie Joe Armstrong without throwing myself at him; I was cool and collected. I was perfectly fine around the rest of the boys, but when I saw Ronnie my mind froze up. I had to remind myself that he was just like every other human being out there; he was no different.

“So, what should we do for your first day on tour?” The Rev asked, scooping up all my icing and shoving the colorful mass in his mouth.
“What can we do? We are on a moving tour bus.” Raven tossed her plate away and looked at everyone.

“Actually, we won’t be in the bus for long.” Matt told us. “We have a show real close.”

I stared at him in disbelief, “You’re kidding me? Why did we have to get up so early to meet you if we could have just met you guys there?” I groaned, feeling the ache of only two hours of sleep.

He smiled, his silver fangs showing, “Because we like to torture people.”

Oh boy. I can tell already this is going to be a very interesting 4 months.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short :I
My head is completely empty so I'm lucky I got this much out.