Tragedy of Teenage Bowling

The Tragedy

He pulls on a tight t-shirt, making sure he can easily see the definition of his muscles in the mirror. Satisfied, he grabs a bottle of Axe Body Spray™ and drowns himself in Phoenix™, combs his hair a few more times, then messes it back up until it is just the way he likes it, and finally grabs his keys and walks out the door.

She fixes her hair, puts her make up on, and finds a cute, low cut shirt, and pulls it on. She picks up a bottle of Ralph Lauren™ and drowns herself in Blue™. She grabs her purse and walks out the door in her short shorts.

He drives across town, picking up wingmen along the way. His car full, he drives to the bowling alley.

She drives through town, picking up her girlfriends along the way. Her car full, she drives to the bowling alley.

They pile out of the cars and friends embrace friends. He looks at her, his eyes gleam and a smile forms on his face. She continues talking to friends, she doesn’t notice.

He makes his move, a friendly conversation. She smiles and laughs; they have been friends for a long time. He plans his next move secretly.

Bowling shoes have been paid for, one game per person; they are both bowling in the same lane.

He bowls first, strike.

She bowls next, gutter ball.

He makes his next move. He offers to help her. She looks into his eyes. All of a sudden she knows what is happening. She stands there awkwardly for a few seconds, and then a smile crawls across her face, she says yes. He softly puts his hand on hers, and guides the ball. He breathes in the smell of the Tre Semme´™ in her hair. She gets a spare. She turns around and hugs him.

He feels accomplished. He won. They spent the rest of the night talking to each other, but he wasn’t done.

The night ends, everyone starts to pile back into the cars. He stops her. He whispers in her ear. Slowly, she starts to smile. He pulls away, and she jumps on him, embracing him with a hug. He hugs back and smiles widely. She lets go and they bid each other good-bye. His heart felt like flying away. He jumped into his car and started the ignition and pulled away. He was so happy he could barely breathe. His eyes started tearing.

He made a right turn.

He accelerated into the turn; celebrating the best he could while driving.

She made a left turn.

Everything happened so fast.

He ran into her car. Crushing the left side of it.

He blacked out.

She died.