Status: Finished!

Feel That Fire

And Some Days She Only Wants a Break

Emmalyn stormed into her office at Vengeance University headquarters and threw the stack of files she was holding on the floor. She stomped over to her desk and plopped down in her chair. Her hands covered her face as she fought back tears of frustration. She’d spent the last week trying to push the new designs through to the publishing department, but every time she turned around there was some sort of delay or snag.

A noise from her office door caught her attention. Zacky stood there with a scowl on his face. Her heart dropped at the look of sheer disappointment on his face. She’d failed him. And it hurt.

“Zack, I’m so sorry this is taking so long. I know you wanted the new designs available by the beginning of the tour, and I’m trying my best to make it happen,” she said as tears began to pour down her face. Zack immediately rushed to her side and pulled her out of her seat. Once she was in his arms, he began rocking her back and forth.

“It’s not your fault, Emmy. You’ve done the best you could do to see this happen. These things happen, and we still have a month before we go on tour so we’ve got time,” he paused as her crying became harder.

“Em? Honey, is it the tour that has you so upset?” he probed. She simply nodded her head up and down against his chest. Zacky sighed and pulled her closer. “It’s going to be just fine. We won’t be gone long this time. Shh, it’s ok.”

“Baker, what the hell is going on?” a voice demanded from the doorway. Zacky turned with Emmalyn in his arms to face Brian. Once Brian saw Emmalyn’s shaking body, he sprinted around the desk to take her from Zack’s arms. As they traded positions, Brian mouthed a “thank you” to Zack.

“No problem, dude. Em, why don’t you take the rest of the day off? I’ll see you Monday,” he said walking out the door and softly closing it behind him.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” Brian whispered once her sobs started to ease.

“I’m just being hormonal. Things have been crazy here and with the tour coming up, I guess I haven’t had time to realize how much I’m going to miss you,” she said as she looked into his eyes.

“Oh baby, I’m going to miss you too, but I did want to ask you about the tour. Would you like to come with me? I know Blair is coming so she and Zack can take care of wedding plans. What do you say?” he asked with hope in his eyes.

“I guess I could work from the road. And, Zack will be there to help me make decisions. Do you think it will ok with the other guys?”

“Of course. Liz and Jasmine are staying to take care of Dani. Besides, you know that Matt would love to have you with him for once.”

“I’ll make sure it’s cool with the boss man first, but I’d love to come with you!” she said excitedly.

“Good. Now, you heard the man. You’re taking the rest of the day off. Let’s go grab some lunch.”

At lunch

“I think that I might be an aunt soon,” Emmalyn said as they waited for their lunch to arrive. Brian raised an eyebrow and set his drink down.

“What makes you think that?”

“Well, Jasmine called me this morning and asked if I would come by sometime this weekend. She said she needed me to help her with something and that I was not to tell Matt,” she said grinning broadly. Brian returned her smile and reached across the table to take her hand.

“Em, I want to ask you some—” he started, but then stopped when he noticed someone approaching their table.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Brian? Emmalyn?” a voice said from behind her. Emmalyn turned her head to see Michelle standing there.

“Hi,” Emmalyn said with a smile. Michelle walked over to the couple and stood there staring at Brian.

“Well, why does this not surprise me? You got what you wanted, didn’t you?” she asked him.

“Yes, I did. Michelle, I never wanted to hurt you,” Brian said.

“It doesn’t matter anymore, but do me a favor. Don’t hurt her. I’ve known Emmy a long time, almost as long as you. I don’t want to see her hurt. So if you truly care for her, then don’t hurt her,” Michelle said. Brian nodded his head and made eye contact with Emmalyn, who sat there looking curiously at Michelle.

“Take care of him, Emmy. It was really great to see you.”

“You too, Mich. Thank you,” she said with a smile. With that, Michelle walked away. Brian eyed Emmalyn curiously.

“That went better than I had anticipated,” he admitted. “I was kind of worried when I saw her.”

“You looked kind of scared,” she laughed. At that time, their food arrived. The rest of their lunch was spent discussing plans for the tour as well as where to leave the dogs while they were gone. In no time, it was time for them to pick up McKenna from school so she could spend the weekend with them.

It was time for a break, Emmalyn thought as she listened to Brian and McKenna sing loudly to Guns and Roses “Sweet Child of Mine”. She wanted nothing more than to spend the weekend with the man of her dreams and his adorable sister. Yes, it was time for a break from the real world even if it only lasted two days.
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Ok...I'm posting this one a little early! Thanks to those of you who've already commented! You warm my heart, my friends!