Status: Finished!

Feel That Fire

She Wants to Make Love on a Train

A week later

Brian pushed open the door to his room and was greeted with darkness. He smiled when he flipped on the light and saw the bed made. It was another reminder that he now shared this room with Emmalyn most nights. As each day passed, he realized that he loved her more and more. He went over to his bedside table and pulled out the light blue Tiffany’s box that had been sitting there for a month. When he had first seen the ring, he knew that it belonged on her finger. Now he just had to plan out the perfect way to ask her to be his wife. The closing of a door down the hall caught his attention and he hastily returned the ring to its hiding place. Stepping out into the hall, he saw her coming towards him. She was wearing a pair of light blue shorts and a white tank top. Her hair cascaded around her face.

“What were you doing in there?” he asked as she stepped into his arms.

“I was changing the sheets because your sister is going to stay here with us this weekend,” she answered walking into “their” room.


“Well, Suzy wants to surprise your dad for his birthday with a trip to Vegas. It’s an adult only trip, so McKenna asked if she could stay with us and I agreed. Is that ok?”

“Of course. It will be nice to have the little runt here for a while. I’m assuming you ladies are going to have a ‘girls’ night”?”

“Yes, we will be! That was the first question out of her mouth after I said yes. You two are so much alike,” she giggled before the breath caught in her throat. Brian was removing his clothes. Oh god! She’d seen him undress before, but it still took her breath away to see him undressing. She stood there staring at him while he had his back turned. Deciding that tonight was the night to do this, she walked over to the bathroom door.

“I’ll be out in a minute,” she said closing the door behind her.

“Ok,” she heard him reply. Quickly she pulled out the Victoria’s Secret bag from her closet. This bag held all the goodies that Jasmine and Blair had bought her a few days ago when she told them that she was finally ready to give Brian her virginity. He had been so patient and understanding with her. She’d always wanted him to be her first and that’s why she had waited until she was twenty-five. It was going to be perfect. She slipped on the black lace ensemble that she’d picked out and brushed her teeth and hair. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Brian was sitting in the bed reading over a sheet of music he’d been working on. He was wearing his boxers and nothing else. Emmalyn bit down on her lip before the cleared her throat. He looked up at her with a smile on his face. When he took notice of her apparel, however, the smile dropped and he simply stared. Taking the initiative, she walked towards his side of the bed. As she passed the dresser, she pushed the play button on the iPod radio. The sounds of Saving Abel’s “Addicted” filled the room as she reached him.

“Em? What’s all this?” he asked.

“If you don’t know, then I must be doing something wrong,” she said running her hand across his hair. “I’m trying to seduce you.”

“It’s working,” he smirked at her. Then suddenly, he pulled her down on top of him. They rolled around on the bed touching, kissing, and removing their garments. After taking his time making sure she was ready, he slowly entered her. Emmalyn’s eyes stayed focused on Brian’s as he pushed in a little at a time.

“Damn, you’re tight,” he said gritting his teeth. He leaned down to place kisses on her breasts and lips. Within minutes, they were both panting and moaning loudly. It wasn’t long before both of them reached the most delicious orgasms.

Afterward, Emmalyn lay with her head resting on Brian’s chest. His arms were around her and they were just listening to each other breathe.

“Are you ok?” he asked placing a kiss on her forehead.

“I’m wonderful,” she purred snuggling closer to him. “That was so worth the wait.”

“Yes, it definitely was. Thank you for the gift you’ve just given me,” Brian said gazing into her eyes. Emmalyn just smiled at him and reached up to kiss his lips.

“So, I have a question,” she asked when she settled back down.

“Ok, shoot.”

“How soon before we can do it again?” she asked innocently. Brian let out a laugh and pulled her closer so she could feel the answer.

“Whenever you’re ready,” he said with a laugh.

“Oh ok. Good to know. Could we try something?”

“Sure, what did you have in mind?”

“Well, I’ve heard that sex on the kitchen counter is supposed to be amazing,” she giggled.

“Oh really? Where did you hear that?” he asked turning them both on their sides so they could face each other.

“The girls. They’ve been telling me stories for years.”

“That doesn’t surprise me. Wait a minute, did Michelle ever tell you any?” he asked with wide eyes. Emmalyn nodded her head yes. “What did she say?”

“Let’s see. I’ve heard the story about the airplane. Mile high club, huh?” she giggled. “I’ve also heard a story about a sauna and the tour bus.” Brian cringed as he thought about the stories she had heard.

“I’m sorry you had to hear those,” he said as she smiled at him.

“I’m not,” she said. “Those stories only added to my list of fantasies starring you.”

“Fantasies, huh? Like what?” he asked scooting closer to her.

“Oh I have quite a few,” she smirked.

“Give me your top three,” he smirked back.

“Ok, number three. I’ve always imagined us having sex on your boat. I love that boat, and having sex with you on the boat would be even better. Number two. The hot tub. Many dirty thoughts run through my mind whenever I see you in there. And lastly, sex on a train. I know that’s random, but something about the close quarters and the rush of the speed excites me,” she admitted blushing.

“My my, Miss Emmalyn Grace. That’s quite a list for someone who’s only been sexually active for an hour,” he said grinning. “But I will happily make every one of your fantasies come true. Want to give the hot tub a try now?”

“Hell yes!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Last one tonight...thank you so much for the comments!!!!!!!!!!!