Status: Finished!

Feel That Fire

As Long as There’s a Breath to Take

“Where should we go next?” Blair asked as she and Emmalyn walked through the mall in Nashville, Tennessee. The guys were about three months into their tour. They only had about a month or so left before they headed home for Dani’s delivery.

“How about Hot Topic? I want to get Brian something funny,” Emmalyn replied. Blair giggled at the grin on Emmalyn’s face. They spent the next hour or so wandering through the store laughing at various items and picking out things for Brian and Zacky. After they checked out, they decided to grab Starbucks before meeting up with Danny, their “security” guard.

“Ok, not to freak you out, but there are two guys who have followed us since we left Hot Topic. Their staring at us,” Blair mentioned to Emmalyn as walked towards the exit. Danny was supposed to meet them out front in five minutes. Emmalyn glanced behind her to see two average looking men following them at a close distance.

“What should we do?” she asked slightly panicked. Blair already had her phone out and was texting Zacky.

“Call Danny. Zacky’s calling me.” Emmalyn quickly dialed Danny. He picked up on the second ring.

“I’m about to pull up! You two are so impatient sometimes,” he laughed into the phone.

“Danny, there are two guys follo—” she was cut off when someone grabbed her from behind. A hand was placed over her mouth to prevent her from screaming. Blair had been grabbed too and both women struggled furiously with their captors. The men pulled them outside towards a van that was parked by the curb. Just as they were about to be thrown into the van, two avenging angels came to their rescue. Emmalyn and Blair were ripped away from their captors. As they quickly gained their balance and rushed towards each other, they noticed the muscular form of Danny and the taller form of Brian. Both men were throwing punches left and right at the men who had tried to kidnap them.

“Brian! Stop!” Emmalyn screamed when she saw the blood flowing from his hands. Brian’s movements halted when he heard her voice. Dropping the scumbag onto the ground, he made it to Emmalyn and Blair in two steps. He enveloped both of them in his arms. Within minutes, the police showed up to arrest the two would-be kidnappers. Danny and Brian helped the women into the rented Tahoe and they made their way back to the hotel.

At the hotel

“Why don’t you lie down?” Brian suggested once they were in their room. Zacky had quickly taken Blair to their room. Danny was talking to the security team to make sure something like this didn’t happen again.

“I’m not tired, Brian. I think I’m still on an adrenaline high,” Emmalyn said as she sat on the bed. Before he could come sit beside her, Matt barged into the room.

“Em! What the hell happened? Are you ok?” he asked. He grabbed her into his arms and held her tightly. Brian stood up and walked closer to them. “What happened to your face?”

“The other guy got in a few,” Brian explained. Emmalyn quickly turned her head to look at him. His face had a few scratches and a bruise was forming on his right cheek.

“Oh Brian! I didn’t realize you were hurt! How are your hands?”

“They’re fine. Are you sure you’re ok?” he asked again as she slipped into his arms.

“I’m fine, Bri. Really I am. I’m just so glad that you and Danny showed up when you did,” she said snuggling closer. She could hear Matt’s voice from the other side of the room as he spoke to Jasmine on the phone.

“Me too, sweetie. I don’t know what I would have done if they had taken you. I was so scared,” he whispered kissing her forehead.

“Thank you for saving me.”

“As long as there is breath in my body, I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe,” he murmured rubbing his thumb against her engagement ring. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she said in a whisper. “Brian?”


“Hold me tighter.”

“Ok, baby. I’ve got you. You’re safe now,” he said as Matt laid his hands on Emmalyn’s shoulders. “You’re safe.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for all of the comments!!!!!