Status: Finished!

Feel That Fire

A Prayer to Pray

A few months later

Emmalyn was driving Brian’s Escalade home from a shopping trip with the girls. They were all getting fitted for their dresses for Blair and Zacky’s wedding. The black knee length dresses with their yellow sashes were gorgeous and amazingly suited all of the girls’ skin tones.

As she pulled into the driveway, she noticed Brian Sr.’s car parked in the front circle. With her curiosity peaked, she entered the house. Brian was in L.A. for a meeting with Warner Brothers and he had not mentioned that his dad would be stopping by. When she entered the kitchen, she saw Brian Sr. sitting at the table with a frown on his face.

“Papa Gates?” Emmalyn questioned walking closer to him. Her voice must have startled him because he jumped slightly in his seat.

“Hey, baby girl. It’s good to see you,” he said getting up to hug her. His voice sounded sad.

“Hey, is everything ok?” she asked when she pulled away slightly. His brown eyes that were so similar to his son’s were clouded.

“Do you know when Brian is going to be home?” he asked ignoring her question.

“He called me when I was on my way home and said he’d be here around dinner. I’m guessing he’s got another thirty minutes or so. What’s wrong?” she asked again as they sat down at the table.

“Brian’s mom called me about an hour ago. Her dad passed away this morning. She wanted me to come tell him. I hate having to be the one to tell him something like this. It’s awful seeing your children in any kind of pain,” he said brokenly.

“Oh no! I’m so sorry. Brian was close to his grandpa. Does Brent know?” she asked concerned about Brian’s brother.

“Yeah, he was at his mom’s house when she got the call. I guess it’s for the better because he was really sick. I’m just glad you’re going to be here for Brian. He’s going to need you. You know how he can hide his feelings, especially when he’s upset or sad. Don’t let him become a turtle. Keep him out of the shell,” Brian Sr. instructed. Emmalyn only nodded her head as she heard the garage door open.

“Honey, I’m home!” Brian chuckled as he came into the kitchen. “Dad? What’s up?” he asked noticing the matching expressions of sadness on his father and his fiancée’s faces.

“Son, your mom called me a little while ago. Your grandpa passed this morning. I’m sorry,” Brian Sr. said walking towards his son. Once they were at eye level, the father pulled his son into a tight embrace. Emmalyn stood silently to the side with tears in her eyes. Brian’s eyes met hers over his father’s shoulder. Tears were making their way down his face. Not being able to stand to the side any longer, Emmalyn walked over to the men and placed her arms around them.

A few days later

“Hey, Em. How’s he holding up?” Brent asked sitting next to his future sister-in-law. They were gathered at Brian and Brent’s mother’s house for dinner. The funeral had been earlier that day. Everyone was dressed in black and quietly talking throughout the house. Brian was currently talking to his mom’s brother a few feet away.

“He’s doing ok. He hasn’t talked much about it. How are you doing?” she asked placing her hand on Brent’s arm.

“I’m ok too. I know we were told to expect this, but that doesn’t make it any easier. He was a great guy,” Brent spoke quietly.

“Brian really adored him. I know how much Brian wanted him there for the wedding.”

“He’ll still be there with us,” Brian said from behind her. Emmalyn turned to smile at him. The rest of the evening was spent eating and talking. Brian and Brent decided to leave after dinner. After kissing his mom goodbye, Brian led Emmalyn to the car. He pulled off his tie before opening her door. Once she was settled, he climbed in on his side and cranked the engine.

“Do you mind if we go to the beach before we go home?” he asked.

“Sure,” she replied. When they reached the beach access, they made their way towards the sand. They took off their shoes and walked in silence towards the ocean. Brian stopped to roll up his pants’ legs. They stood staring out at the horizon.

“Em, will you do me a favor?” he asked without looking at her.

“Of course,” she replied looking at him.

“Will you pray with me?” Brian asked. He knew that Matt and Emmalyn were raised in church. His parents had taken him on special occasions, but they’d never been faithful about it. It was sad that it took a death for him to realize how important it was to him to believe in something. He was willing to believe what Emmalyn believed because he saw how praying gave her peace about situations. He wanted to feel that peace at that moment.

“Brian, are you sure?” she asked unsteadily.

“Yes, I’m sure. Pray with me,” he said again. She nodded as they joined hands and bowed their heads.
♠ ♠ ♠
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