Status: Finished!

Feel That Fire

She Wants the Toy in the Cracker Jack

Four weeks later

Silence engulfed the hospital room. The only sound was the exhale and inhale of breath from its two occupants. The woman on the bed was on her side with her hands curled under her chin. The man was in the chair next to the bed. He had one hand resting on her arm and the other was propping his head up on the armrest of the chair.

“Hey hey, Mom and Dad!” a voice boomed when the door opened. Both of the sleeping people jumped slightly and adjusted their bodies to face the intruder at the door.

“Jimmy! She’s trying to sleep,” Brian scolded as everyone else piled into the room. Jimmy and Dani came in carrying Evan and a bunch of balloons. Zacky ushered a very pregnant Blair into the room. Next, Johnny and Liz followed with her brand new engagement ring twinkling from her left hand. Finally, Matt and Jasmine entered with Hadley. Upon seeing his sister, Matt pushed everyone else aside and carefully took her in his arms.

“Are you ok?” he asked against her hair.

“I’m fine, Matt. Have you seen him yet?” she asked when she pulled back from his embrace.

“Not yet, we wanted to check on you first,” he said as the others gathered around the bed.

“I’ll go see if the nurse will bring him in here so you guys can meet him,” Brian spoke up. Questions were fired off to Emmalyn about the delivery and how much the baby weighed. Within minutes, Brian was walking back in the room with a tiny blue bundle in his arms. Pride and love emanated from his face.

“Everyone, I’d like for you to meet Grayson Elwin Haner,” he said bringing the baby closer to the group. Grayson was passed from person to person as everyone ohhed and awed over the baby. He had thick black hair and high cheekbones like Brian. His mouth and nose were shaped exactly like Emmalyn’s. It was still too soon to tell what color his eyes were going to be, but his mom knew that they would be the same chocolate color as his father’s.

“What do you think, Uncle Matt?” Emmalyn asked when her brother was holding his nephew. Matt’s eyes met his sister’s and he smiled.

“He’s beautiful, even if he does look like Brian,” he said as everyone erupted into laughter. Jasmine brought Hadley closer to see her new cousin. The little girl ran her finger down his cheek and leaned over to kiss him.

“Mama, why’s he so wittle?” she asked Jasmine as she continued to study Grayson.

“Well, sweetie, he was just born. You were smaller than that when you were his age,” Jasmine answered. Hadley’s mouth formed the perfect “O” as everyone giggled at her facial expression.

“We need to scoot so Mom and baby can get some rest,” Matt announced noticing how tired his sister looked. “We’ll see you guys tomorrow around lunch time at your house for Grayson’s welcome home party.”

Everyone began to file out of the room when Jimmy suddenly turned around and sprinted to Emmalyn’s beside.

“I almost forgot to give you this,” he said handing her a box of Cracker Jacks. “I thought you could save the toy for Grayson, so we can carry on the tradition.” Emmalyn’s eyes filled with tears as she hugged Jimmy.

“Thanks, Jim-jam,” she said as he exited the room. Brian brought their son to her and carefully placed him in her arms.

“He’s beautiful, isn’t he?” she breathed staring at her son. Brian sat beside her on the bed.

“Yes, he is. He’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Next to you that is,” he smirked at her when she looked at him.

“You big flirt,” she teased leaning over to kiss him. He welcomed her lips as they poured all of the emotion they were feeling in this moment into that kiss.

“Thank you for giving him to me, Em.”

“You don’t have to thank me, Brian. It was my pleasure,” she answered as they both turned to stare at the miracle their love had created.
♠ ♠ ♠
One more to go