Status: Finished!

Feel That Fire

She Wants to Ride the Bull at the Rodeo

Three women crowded the mirror in the spacious bathroom that belonged to Emmalyn. Blair, Emmalyn, and her best friend, Bella, were hurriedly getting ready for their Girls’ Night Out. The other girls were getting ready in Jasmine and Matt’s bathroom.

“Em, will you pass me the black eyeliner?” Bella asked as she finished applying the black eye shadow over her brown eyes.

“Yep,” she replied handing over the eyeliner. “Blair, will you help me curl my hair?”

“Sure thing. I’m done anyways,” Blair added grabbing the curling iron. The girls were going to a club named The Rodeo. It was the first time all of them had been able to get together in a few months. The guys had already left for Johnny’s Bar to celebrate being home. They had included Jason Berry and his brother Matt, who was dating Bella.

“Bitches!!! Are you ready to party?” Dani screamed as she popped her head in the bathroom. The three women chuckled at her enthusiasm. Tonight was definitely going to be interesting.

Three hours later

Seven drunk men instantly noticed six equally drunk women grinding on the dance floor of The Rodeo. All of them glanced at each other before making their way to the dance floor. Each man singled out his partner immediately.

“Hey there,” a voice said as hands settled on Emmalyn’s hips. Turning her head slightly, she saw the object of her fantasies smirking down at her. “Mind if I dance with you?”

“Sure,” she responded. The two moved to the beat of Britney Spears’s Womanizer. His fingers gripped her hips tightly as his body moved closer to hers. Her hands came to rest on his tattooed forearms. When the song ended, she signaled to him that she needed a drink. The other couples had spread themselves throughout the club at various tables and booths. Brian led her to the bar where he ordered each of them a Jack and Coke.

“How much have you had to drink?” he asked as he paid the bartender.

“Just a few,” she answered taking the drink from him.

“Alright. Don’t go overboard,” he instructed leading her to a table.

“Yes, sir!” she saluted his back.

“Emmy! Come ride the bull with me, please?” Blair begged when she and Zacky approached the table. Brian’s eyes immediately went wide as he watched Emmalyn nod her head yes and slide out of her seat. He and Zacky followed the girls helplessly to the mechanical bull in the corner of the club. Blair handed money to the attendant and the girls mounted the bull. It was all Brian could to keep his tongue in his mouth when Emmalyn’s jean skirt rode up way past her thighs.

“Damn,” Zacky muttered.

“What?” Brian asked.

“That is fucking hot,” he said pointing to Blair and Emmalyn. Blair was behind Emmalyn and her legs were pressed tightly to the outside of Emmalyn’s. Her arms were wrapped securely around Emmalyn’s waist. Emmalyn had a hold of the leather strap with one hand and the other was gripping the plastic horn of the saddle.

Brian swallowed the lump in his throat and adjusted his pants. Then, the bull began to move and both girls screamed in excitement. Their screams turned to laughter. Emmalyn’s laugh floated to him through the music playing in the club. It was throaty and sexy as hell. Damn, his pants were getting tighter. Within seconds, the ride was over and the girls were stumbling out of the pit. Zacky caught Blair as she clumsily stumbled to him. Brian’s arms shot out to catch a laughing Emmalyn as she walked unsteadily towards him.

“That was so much fun!” she shouted in his ear causing him to groan.

“Are you ready to get out of here?” he asked against her ear. She turned her hazel eyes to meet his chocolate ones and nodded her head yes. She pulled away from him to go find Matt and Jasmine to let them know she was leaving. A few minutes later, they were sitting side-by-side in the back of a cab. Emmalyn kept her eyes forward as she replayed the conversation she and Brian had a few days ago at Matt’s house.


“You wanted to talk?” Emmalyn questioned as she joined Brian next to the pool. The dishes were done and the two lovebirds had headed upstairs for some alone time.

“Yeah. I wanted to say thank you for all of the help you’ve given me over the past few weeks. I don’t know what I’d have done without you.”

“You’re welcome, Bri. I’ve enjoyed helping out at Syn Gates clothing.”

“I don’t just mean that. You’ve listened to me bitch and moan about Michelle, and you’ve taken care of my drunken ass several times since we’ve been back. I don’t know if I could have handled the breakup as well as I have if you had not been there to help me,” he said staring into her eyes. Emmalyn was speechless as she listened to his heartfelt confession. Without thinking, she lifted her right hand to touch his cheek. She leaned in quickly and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.
Surprised, Brian pulled back and stared at her. His focus shifted between her eyes and lips. Emmalyn immediately flushed crimson.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I should go,” she said hastily as she stood up. Brian followed suit and watched her walk into the house. A million thoughts were flying through his head. Why had she done that? Why did he enjoy it so much? Why was he standing there resisting the urge to do it again?

He went inside, but didn’t see Emmalyn anywhere downstairs. He wanted to give her space so he grabbed his things and left.

End Flashback

That was the last time they spoke until tonight. Emmalyn crossed her legs nervously as the taxi turned onto Brian’s street. She turned her head slightly towards Brian and noticed he was staring out the window. Once in the driveway, Brian paid the cabdriver and they exited the car. Brian walked to the front door and opened it without a word. Emmalyn followed him in quietly.

“Ok, I’m going to blame this on the alcohol I’ve consumed tonight and the fact that you are so fucking gorgeous right now,” he said as he rounded on her and pushed her against the closed door. His lips crashed down on hers and her breathing stopped. Instinct had her hands tangling in his hair and a groan escaped her. Brian was only spurred on by her groan. His hands grabbed her thighs and he lifted her so she could wrap her legs around his waist. This brought their bodies closer together and they both moaned loudly. Brian began rubbing himself against her. This seemed to clear up the fog that had surrounded her brain since his lips met hers. She pushed hard against his shoulders. He pulled back with a wild look in his eyes.

“We need to stop,” she said breathless. Brian stared at her for a moment and then carefully released her so she could slide down his body. Biting her lip, she closed her eyes at the feeling.

“Are you ok?” he asked quietly. She nodded her head yes.

“I’m tired.”

“Ok, come on,” he said as he led her upstairs. She waited in the hallway as he went into his room to grab clothes for her to wear. “You can stay in here.”

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Bri. I’ll just stay in one of the other rooms,” she said as he handed her a t-shirt and boxers.

“Ok, then. Sleep well.”

“You too,” she replied. She walked into the other room and closed the door. Eyes closed, she sighed loudly. She wanted nothing more than to go to him, but like he said, the alcohol they had consumed was in control of their actions. She didn’t want alcohol to be the reason why she ended up making love to Brian. Her heart couldn’t take a drunken fuck. Not from him. It would hurt too much.
♠ ♠ ♠
As promised, my loves!

You know what to do next.... :)