Status: Finished!

Feel That Fire

She Wants to Make Every Stray a Pet

A week later

Emmalyn sat at the desk in her office listening to the person on the other end of the phone ramble on about the company’s latest shipment. She was staring at a picture on her desk of the group. Everyone was piled up in front of the coliseum where she had graduated from college three years ago. She was in the middle in her black cap and gown. Matt and Brian were on either side of her. Their arms were wrapped around her waist. Everyone else was piled around the trio. They were all smiling and cheerful. Her heart danced in her chest when she focused in on Brian’s smile.

A knock at the door startled her briefly until she realized it was the boss man. She chuckled at his appearance. He was wearing camo cargo pants and a black Vengeance University shirt. His shaggy black hair was tousled and fell over his right eye carelessly. His green eyes met her hazel ones as he sat down across from her.

“Thank you. We appreciate your cooperation. Goodbye,” Emmalyn said as she ended the call. “They’ll have the shipment here by Friday.”

“Good. Thanks for handling that for me. I got everything straightened out with the designers,” Zacky commented. “You hungry?”

“Starving! Where are you taking me, boss?” she laughed. She’d been working for Zacky for three years now. He had hired her when she graduated. She was the business director for Vengeance University. It had been a blessing to work for someone she had known her whole life.

“How about Tuna Town?” Zacky asked as they headed towards his BMW.

“Sounds amazing.”

A few hours later

“Hello?” Emmalyn said as she answered her cell phone without looking at the caller id. She was trying to lock up the office so she could head over to Brian’s house.

“Hey, baby,” Brian said in reply. “Where are you?”

“Leaving the office. Where are you?” she asked walking towards her Lexus SUV.

“Home. Waiting on you,” he sighed. Emmalyn laughed at his dramatics. Before she could get into her car, she heard a faint whimpering. She looked around and noticed a puppy lying underneath her car near the front tire.

“Aww, you poor thing! Are you lost?”

“Em? Are you talking to me?” Brian’s voice drifted to her from the phone.

“I’m sorry. There’s a puppy under my car. He’s so tiny,” she responded. “Should I bring him home with me?”

“Does he have a collar or tag?”

“Not that I can tell. He won’t come over to me.”

“Don’t get too close. Let him come to you. He might bite,” Brian warned.

“Oh wait! He’s coming. Aww, hey there, little guy. You’re so cute!” Emmalyn said as the puppy started licking her hand. She let him sniff her thoroughly before she attempted to pick him up. The puppy snuggled into her arms at once. Making up her mind, she got into the car with the puppy in her lap.

“Brian, I’m bringing the puppy home. Do you want to meet me at Matt’s?”

“Just bring him here. We’ll take him to the vet.”

“Ok. See you soon,” she said and then hung up the phone. Glancing at the puppy, she stroked his soft fur. “I guess I’m your new mommy and that man on the phone is Brian. You’re going to like him. He loves dogs and he’ll play with you all the time,” she said.

The puppy snuggled closer to her body as she drove to Brian’s house. Emmalyn felt a smile on her face. She could never resist a stray.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!

I went to my grandparents and came home to find that this story is at 8 stars!!!!!!!!

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