Sequel: The pain of loosing.
Status: Completed

Trouble fulfilling promise.

Chapter 0

People die.

That's the way things work.

We live, we work, we die eventually.

Only thing is, everyone seems to fear death. They slaughter their asses and live life like never before, but eventually, we all die.

I believe in life after death, in heaven. With Jesus. Our final destination is there.

But when the person who is dead, isn't you, but the one you love, things take a whole new turn.

I laughed, as he tickled me in the belly. Intending to yell for him to stop, all I ended up doing is squeal and giggle, while being tackled down on the soft sand, with him above me.

"I'm never tired of this," He smiled. His luscious lips curled into a bow and his white blonde hair fell over his mesmerizing blue eyes.
He started leaning in, and before I knew it, we were lying on the soft white sand, having an intense lip-lock session.

Only after a long time later, did he pull away and rolled over to my side. With his face facing the orange and pink sky, I stared and wondered how blessed I was to be able to hook up such perfection.

"Terra, promise me, whatever happens, you'll live life happily." His soft velvet and sexy voice suddenly broke the silence.
I wondered about the random and distinctive question, but just agreed thinking that it was just those kind of random questions that I should expect him to ask, after all, his taste for random was one of the reasons I love him.

Never did I expect myself to have to face the conflict of facing with this promise I made with him.

"Terra, let me explain." His eyes begged as he walk towards me, closing the distance between us. His familiar strong hands reached out for me yet I could not bear the hands that touched another girl before, come anywhere near me. I refused his attempt to explain what I saw.

He was in a jewelery store with another girl! He was sliding a ring onto her finger! What is there to be explained! From my point of view, there were no explanations.

"Terra, please, it's not what you think!" His voice cried out in desperation and pain. I wanted to believe him but my head knew better.
As I spewed the words that made my heartache, I stride in big steps towards the exit of the mall.

"Terra, you don't mean that." His voice suddenly stern and solemn, no longer begging me, but in a serious tone.

"I meant that Josh, every word." Fighting the tears back, I said right in his face.

Quickly turning away, I dash onto the road, and was heading towards the parking lot before I broke down in front of him.

All that was on my mind, was that all this time, he didn't love me at all.
That was till a honk and a hard push stopped everything.

Despite the throbbing pain in my leg due to the abrasion, I pulled myself up, only to see the man who broke my heart, lying in a pool of blood on the asphalt.

Telling myself to take in deep breaths, I scrambled to his side and cuddled his limp body. His head was bleeding and blood was oozing from his mouth continuously. I begged for him to stay with me but he was only smiling and heaving. With his bloody hand, he reached for my face and stroked my temple and attempted to make the tears stop.

"I love you, Terra," Were the last words he said to me, before he broke his last breath.

There was a surprising knock on the door a few days after. No one dared to bother me in fear I just drop into a fit. Mom had held me in her arms the day after the funeral but it just wasn't enough to heal the pain. The pain I never did imagine so intense.

"Terra, a friend of Joshua's is here. She says she needs to see you." Mom said, and allowed the guest to pass in.

Only, who I greeted was the girl from that day. That day that Josh died.

"Hey, I'm not going to say those consoling words because I'm facing a lost too. Terra, all I need to say is, Josh loved you with all his heart. Here." She handed me a small square box.

Opening the box, I saw a ring. A white gold band ring with a diamond. One that I saw once and admittedly stared at, to the extend Josh noticed.

"He intended to propose to you, consulted me for the ring size." Was all she managed to say before she decided to leave.

As I fiddled with the ring, I thought about the promise.
How was I to deal with life?
When I know that my boyfriend died, to save me.

Copyrighted ©just-smile, September 2009
All rights Reserved.
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I had fun writing this! Most likely to join more contest soon! (:
Hope you guys like it.
