‹ Prequel: Sick Little Games
Status: Completed. (But please continue to comment. I'd like to know what you thought of the story overall.)

We've Got Unfinished Business


I rolled my eyes as I saw none other then Cobra Starship approach us as we all stood outside of the BLG tour bus. I crossed my arms over my chest as I saw Gabe leading the group. I was expecting a smirk or maybe even a devilish smile from Gabe before he said some comment I knew only I’d understand. Instead Gabe just had a nice sweet regular smile as he came closer and embraced me into a hug. I slightly chuckled and hugged him back. However just as Gabe was about to brake off the hug he whispered in my ear “Your still a fucking cutie pie.”

“And you’re still the same old asshole!” I jokingly laughed as I slapped him away from me.

“Well I can’t help it. Wow you look great. It’s been to long.” Gabe stated with a smile and I returned it and nodded.

“So then we don’t need any introductions here?” Bryan asked holding his hand out, palm down, looking for confirmation.

“Yep we could never forget Case and the great prank wars!” Ryland shouted fists up in the air. I looked at the whole Cobra band, they had smiles on their faces probably because they were all remembering a different time, then I looked at the Boys Like Girls band and they were utterly confused.

“I’d love to start another” Gabe commented with a wink looking at me.

“As fun as that sounds” I paused “no thank you.”

“What?!” Gabe gasped looking taken aback “Who are you and what have you done with the Casey we knew?!”

“Hey I just don’t wanna start anything with you that’s all” I said putting my hands up in surrender “Give me a shake on it that we won’t start this again?”

I stuck out my hand waiting for Gabe to take it. I smiled screaming for him to take my hand. When he finally did we both ripped them away so quickly. I yelled as I waved my hand around. Apparently we both had the same idea of pranking each other. I had one of those shockers hidden in the palm of my hand I had extended out where as he also did. The shock of both of them was unbelievably crazy!

“I take it they are back on?” Victoria asked crossing her arms and looked at me giving me a nod. She was so on my side again.

“Of course!” Both Gabe and I shouted at each other.

“So then that's why you wanted to stop in the dollar store to buy that?” Paul sighed looking like he just wanted to laugh though. I nodded with a wide smile.

“Wow I just have never seen this side of you before Case.” Martin exclaimed giving me a weak smile. What did he mean by that? I was the same Casey I am when I was always with him wasn’t I?

“What do you mean?” I asked with a laugh as he grabbed my hand.

“Eh nothing just forget I even said anything.” He mumbled looking down at my hand as he intertwined his fingers with mine. I shrugged it off and did forget what he said. After awhile we met up with Hey Monday and just hung out for a bit. Although while I was talking with one of the band members my phone went off, just a normal boring buzz, in my back pocket.

I excused myself and got off of Cobra’s bus as a light cold breeze blew and chilled me to the bone. I should have grabbed my coat on the way out, but whoever this was I probably wouldn’t be on the phone with for too long. So before my phone had the chance to go to voice mail I picked it up saying hello.

“Hey Case?” the person on the other end responded. I knew it to be Alex Gaskarth immediately.

“Oh, hey Alex, how do you have my number?” I asked.

“Well Jack still had it in his phone so I kinda stole it from his and put it in mine.” Alex replied and I could tell he was beaming from ear to ear for some reason.

“So you kinda stole it. Ok now I understand.” I stated with a nod.

“Yes I called to ask you to secretly meet me behind the studio in a half hour so we could fuck.” Alex whispered into the phone.

“And what about Lisa?” I questioned.

“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her!” Alex shouted with a laugh. So he was still with Lisa after two years? Did I hear wedding bells ringing? I knew right from the start they would be together for a long time.

“Well I’m sorry Alex but I’m all the way on the other side of the country to meet you.” I explained sounding bummed out.

“What? Why? Don’t you live in LA?” Alex said fast seeming to ask a question a mile a second.

“Well one, I’m having my two month vacation remember? Two, no I don’t live in LA I have an apartment there, but I still really live in New Jersey and three, I’m in Maryland at the moment.” I replied hopefully answering most of his questions, but most likely creating more.

“Why are you in my home state?!” Alex whined.

“Because I’m on tour!” I shouted with a laugh.

“Yeah that’s right I’m on tour so ah ha.” I stuck out my tongue even though I knew he couldn't see it.

“How? You’re not in a band!”
“A little something called a ‘merch girl’”
“For who?”
“Why do you have so many questions?!”
“Just answer the damn questions and we’ll all be happy!”
“For Boys Like Girls ok? And what do you meanwe'll all am I on speaker?!"

“Aw damn she figured us out!” Jack shouted.

“Why am I on speaker?” I whined jumping up and down.

“Because we were really just going to ask you something when Alex just decided to have a full conversation with you.” Rian informed and I thanked him.

“So what did you wanna ask?” I questioned.

“Well this guy who is recording us needs to get into your cabinets for our stuff, but I don’t know where the key is.” Zack answered.

“Oh right I did forget about that didn’t I? Well you’re a little late to ask what have you been doing this whole time?” I laughed.

“Rerecording Damned and starting on Weightless.” Jack said.

“Oh ok well I usually hide my spare key in a different spot all the time, but I think this time it’s taped to the bottom of Ri’s drums.” I stated. I heard shuffling and then a faint shout in the background.

“Yeah Rian’s got it thanks so much Case!” Alex shouted. We all said goodbye to each other and then it was silent. There was a breeze and I was chilled again. I missed them for some reason. They were out of my life and now they are just there again. I just couldn’t escape them.

I chuckled to myself just thinking about all my thoughts as I stepped back inside the warm bus. Martin was sitting there on the couch with an empty spot beside him where I was sitting before. I actually almost hesitated before I took that seat again. I don’t know why I was feeling this way.

I turned my head toward Martin and kissed him. See? There was that spark that I felt when we kissed. We were meant to be, but I felt the same with Jack. There just weren’t supposed to be two meant to be-s.
♠ ♠ ♠
:D I still am sooooooo happy that people are reading this!
thank you to the 91 Readers!
Thank You to the 36 Subscribers!
THANK YOU to the 26 Comments!
I still you all!
(FALLOUT gave me the idea for this while I was writting Sick Little Games so thanks! :D)

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