‹ Prequel: Sick Little Games
Status: Completed. (But please continue to comment. I'd like to know what you thought of the story overall.)

We've Got Unfinished Business


For the rest of that day everything just went by so fast. Sam really helped me a lot and next thing I knew we had sold half of at least everything! Being a merch girl wasn’t so bad and hey I wouldn’t mind doing it for all my vacations. (Ok maybe not all my vacations, but you get the point.)

Right now however I was working on packing away extra stuff. I had told Sam to go help out her own tent since the day was over and I could easily handle this on my own. Just as I had packed the last box a dark figure came over to the table opposite me. When I realized they were waiting for me to talk to them I bent up straight and looked at them. It was too dark to really see who exactly they were so I just started until I finally asked a bit rudely “Can’t I help you?”

“Yeah I was wondering if” they paused then flashed a light in their face real bright “I scared ya!!!”

“Oh hey Bryan” I smiled with a laugh.

“Aw your no fun.” He sighed.

“Sorry that just wasn’t scary, creepy maybe, but not scary” I chuckled. Although next thing I knew someone popped out of no where from a box and scared the shit out of me. Obviously it was none other then Gabe Saporta himself.

“Gottcha!” he shouted and then gave me a wink as he tried getting out of the box. I shook my hand that was bawled into a fist. Then I tried shoving Gabe back into the box while shutting the flaps.

“Who’s got tape?!” I shouted looking around as Gabe struggled inside most likely not comfortable at all inside the small box. My eyes then stopped on some duck tape that just so happens was lying around and pleaded that Bryan get it for me. He was hesitant at first since I believe he was on Gabe’s side, but gave it to me saying “Alright fine, but only because this is going to be hilarious”

“Thank you! I love you Bryan!” I said with a big grin. I held out one hand and snatched the silver duck tape from his hand and pulled on the little flap at the start of the tape with my teeth. All the while I was struggling a lot with keeping Gabe inside as he tried to escape. Just as I started putting tape on one side Gabe’s hand broke free so I slapped it back into the box and taped it up more. When I was finished Gabe was going crazy inside the sealed box. I knew it wasn’t going to hold but it would be funny while it lasted.

However Martin came over with a yawn. When he saw the box moving he backed up startled as Bryan and I just continued laughing.

“What’s in there?” Martin asked a bit scared.

“Gabe” I smiled evilly.

“To get back at him for scaring the shit out of me”
“Um ok” Martin looked at me strangely.

“Hey Babe do you think you can pick the box up and deliver it to Cobra’s Bus?” I asked sweetly.

“You’re crazy you know that?” Martin laughed shaking his head but going over and picking the out of control box up.

“Bye sexy Gabe and hot Martin!” I shouted while waving goodbye. I then laughed even harder when I thought I heard a muffled response by Gabe saying “I fucking love you too!”

After that little fiasco I decided to go back to the bus to chill while everyone partied outside or something. Now I know , why not go out there? Well I didn’t feel like it. There were going to be plenty of other parties in the next two months and that didn’t mean I had to go to all of them.

I sat on the couch tired out when my phone rang. I moaned as I went in my pocket and fetched my phone out. Looking at the caller ID I didn’t recognize who it was. I almost didn’t pick up, but decided to anyway just in case it was someone I knew.

“Hello?” I asked into the phone a bit unsure.

“Heeeeey!” someone on the other side said, there hello a bit weird sounding.

“Who is this?” I questioned a bit worried for some reason.

“Who is it not?” they laughed. It was defiantly a guy I knew that. Then it just hit me that it was Jack.

“Jack?” I said.

“Yeah Babe?” Jack said in a deep voice.

“Why are you calling me?” I asked.

“Because I can an das why!” he replied with a chuckle.

“Are you drunk?” I whispered.

“Nother round of shots and beers on my boys!” Jack shouted obnoxiously loud.

“Well if you’re drunk why would you call me?” I shouted a bit pissed. I had hated when he got drunk and I still hated it. Why would you want to get that drunk? Why would you do that to yourselves?

“Cuz then it’s easier for me to say this!” Jack slurred then herd the phone drop to the floor.

“Hello? Jack?” I shouted. If he was so drunk I didn’t want him to be alone I didn’t know who was with him. When I herd a shuffle I knew that he had picked up the phone again “Jack! Who’s with you?”

“Ah just some beautiful people I met at this bar a few blocks down that studio!” he replied with a hiccup.

“Well just stay on the phone with me ok?” I said worried “Don’t leave the bar either ok?”

“But I wanna go I think I’m tired and pretty Freddy is leaving now, Bye Freddy!” he shouted.

“Well, uh, I’ll be there in a few minutes so by me a drink ok?” I lied.

“Oh of course Casey! Gosh I love you!” Jack exclaimed.

“Yeah I love you too.” I mumbled as I got up and searched for Martin’s phone that he left lying around sometimes.

When I found it I dialed Alex’s number since it seemed to be in Martin’s phone anyway. Alex picked up rather slow which made me very impatient.

“Alex!” I shouted.

“Hey Case what’s up?” he greeted and asked.

“You need to get Jack he’s at the bar a few streets down from the studio.” I sighed.

“Who are you talking to Babe?” Jack asked from the other phone in my left ear.

“Uh, no one Jack.” I reassured.

“You have him on another phone? Aw man don’t tell me he’s drunk again.” Alex sighed and I told him that he was very drunk. Alex then told me to stay on the phone with Jack until he got there to pick him up. I hung up with him and then continued to talk with Jack.

I was pretty scared Jack just sounded awfully drunk. What had come over him? It must have been a bad day. I remember he usually would get drunk on his off days or would just get drunk to get drunk with his friends. However he wasn’t with friends so something must be up. Finally after Jack rambling on and on I questioned “Why did you get so drunk?”

I wasn’t expecting a real answer from him, but he surprised me when he really did.

“Because I feel like I’m in this fucking rut Casey! Ever since you fucking left and I miss you like hell. God I just wish I was run over by a bull dozer and then have my friends not care about me.” He sighed.

“Don’t say that Jack.” I mumbled feeling like I wanted to cry. He missed me this much? So much he’d go out and get drunk feeling horrible about what happened and how he fucked up?

“I’m tired man where you at?” Jack yawned.

“Jack I -” I was cut off and I heard Alex start talking to Jack.

“Hey thanks a bunch Case. I’ll get dick head back to the house. Over and out!” Alex said and I giggled saying goodbye saluting to myself. I put the phone away and just sighed. Too much to think about. I don’t really want to think at all at the moment.

I got up sluggishly walking into the bathroom and looked in a cabinet. There was Benaderel so I grabbed them and gulped one down. This should knock me out before I can really have a conflict with myself. I dragged my feet over to the couch and laid down again, but this time my eyes started to droop immediately. My thoughts went fizzy and I could barley form a full sentence in my head.

Next thing I knew it was morning and the sun was shining down in my face since the windows had not been drawn back. It was quiet. Really quiet.
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Thank yoooooou alllll so much for allllll the readers and comments. I swear you people are the best!
