‹ Prequel: Sick Little Games
Status: Completed. (But please continue to comment. I'd like to know what you thought of the story overall.)

We've Got Unfinished Business


I didn’t exactly want to get up yet so I decided to just close my eyes. However that was cut short when someone jumped on top of me and shoved a pillow in my face. I kicked and tried shoving the pillow away when I pushed whoever it was off on the ground, but they pulled me with them. I yanked the pillow away so I could see them and saw a smirking Gabe.

You!” I shouted and I started smacking him and he wrestled me until we were both standing up tightly holding each others collars with both hands “Stop harassing me!”

“I’m sorry, but I see no rule in the games that says no harassing” Gabe hissed sticking out his tongue.

“I am going to give you such a beat down!” I threatened squinting my eyes.

“Hey what’s going on?” Martin asked with a yawn as he stepped into the main area where we were. Gabe and I both speedily yanked our heads in Martin’s direction where he stood dumbfounded.

“Oh nothing just the prank wars.” I smiled.

“What has gotten into you? It doesn’t seem like a prank at all Case! Its more like trying to beat each other up!” Martin shouted.

“Aw come on Martin we're just horsing around.” Gabe laughed as we both let go of each others shirts at the same time. Gabe then lightly punched my arm and said “See?”

“Yeah whatever” he sighed and stepped past us going outside.

“What’s wrong with him?” Gabe asked pointing in the direction Martin had gone.

“I don’t know.” I worriedly stated as I looked out the window and saw him headed for who knows where.

“Well I’ll catch ya later!” Gabe shouted as he winked and blew me an air kiss. I chucked as I said goodbye and went into the back room to fetch some fresh clothes. I picked out a simple comfy I heart NJ Glamour Kills (Had to represent NJ!) shirt and a pair of regular blue jeans with some sneakers.

Stepping out of the bus yawning I didn’t see Martin like I had expected. Wondering where he went he actually came into view over by our tent we had forgotten to take down. I practically jogged over to him and engulfed him into a hug. He chuckled and hugged back.

“Are you mad at me?” I asked looking up at him.

“Nah I was just cranky cuz you guys woke me up.” Martin explained with a small smile.

“Alright” I said in a small voice and snuggled my face into his chest. It was very cool out this morning and I hadn’t grabbed a jacket on my way out, though Martin holding me kept me plenty warm. After a few silent minutes Martin asked if I could help him take the tent down to pack it away so we could head out. I agreed and we started taking apart the tent. Hopefully where we were playing next it would be inside so we wouldn’t have to set this darn thing up again.

Later that day I was lounging out bored out of my mind on the couch as the bus hit bump after bump on the road we were on. I actually just wanted to take another nap, but because of all the mumbling and silence in the front I couldn’t help but just think about Jack. I didn’t need him in my head at the moment, but I couldn’t stop replying the whole phone conversation.

I covered my face with my arm with a huge sigh. He regretted what happened and I felt so bad for being such a bitch to him when I saw him again. I was actually very anxious to see him now so I could be friends with him again. The reason? Well in truth I really missed Jack terribly too. Maybe I should give him a call to make sure he’s alright? Yeah I’ll do that, but not now. I’ll wait until we're at a gas station or at the actual place so I could talk to him alone.

About a half hour later I was laughing my ass off from something Bryan had done. Also though at that time we had arrived at the building they were playing in today. I hopped off the bus with a box in my arms as I headed my way inside to set up. Martin and Paul helped me out with the boxes as Bryan and John ran off somewhere goofing off.

When all the boxes were here I started to hang each different shirt up on display and when that was finished I looked around to see if there was anyone here. I was alone so I pulled out my phone and dialed Jack’s number. He didn’t pick up quickly, but he did pick up.

“Hello?” Jack said a few seconds after he picked up.

“Hey Jack its Case.” I greeted with a small smile.

“Case! Hi!” he shouted happily.

“What are you up to?” I asked.

“Oh Alex is just recording one of the songs.” He replied.

“Is this a bad time?” I said slightly embarrassed since I had forgotten all about the record.

“No not at all. So what’s the call for?” he asked.

“I was just seeing if you were feeling better.” I mumbled with a shrug.

“Oh.” He paused “Yeah about that. I’m sorry and if I said anything strange just please forget about it.”

“Well I don’t think I will.” I chuckled scratching my head.

“What did I say?”
“Just that you missed me badly and you just said you loved me but that was about it.”

“Well the cats out of the bag.” He huffed.

“What? That you love me? Because you made that very clear to me before I went on vacation.” I laughed.

“I’m sorry about that too! So did that hicky go away yet?” he asked in a perkier mood.

“Oh yeah that’s been gone for a little while now” I smirked.
“Darn I’m just going to have to give you another one!” he joked.

“Yeah sure meet me outside whenever you guys come on tour with us!” I joked back with a small smile. See now this feels like old times.

“Wait! I’m going to see you again?!” Jack yelled. I then heard a crash and muffled voices and then Jack said “Oops.”

“What did you do now?” I laughed.
“I just knocked over some stuff” Jack happily said “But this is going to be awesome! I can’t wait to hug you eeeeeveryday!”

“Same here” I agreed with a giggle. Then next thing I knew I saw Martin so I said “Hey I have to go.”

“Aw so soon?” Jack whined as I told him glumly, yes.

“Alright well I’ll talk to you soon?” Jack questioned and once again I said “Yes!”

We then hung up as Martin came over and hopped up on the counter. He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

“So who were you talking to?” he asked with one of those smiles I just couldn’t resist.

“Just a friend.” I smiled as I leaned over and kissed him to change the subject. I don’t know I just didn’t want him to know I was talking to Jack. Martin knew about my history with Jack and I was sure that he wouldn’t like it if he found out I was getting on good terms with him again. Maybe he wouldn’t care though? Gosh why was I being like this? I was starting to feel like I was in a box. A very small one, one that was like the one I shoved Gabe into.
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:P Just another awesome update! Ah haha. I lurv you all that read/comment/subscribe! You all are the bestest eva!
