‹ Prequel: Sick Little Games
Status: Completed. (But please continue to comment. I'd like to know what you thought of the story overall.)

We've Got Unfinished Business


About a month later I had just sold the last of the days merchandise and was starting to pack when I heard someone. I ignored the loud talking from afar, but it bothered me. Like really bothered me.

“Free hugs! Free Hugs! Get em while their hot an spicy!” someone shouted so I looked up and saw the one and only Jack Barakat doing thrust. I covered my mouth laughing hard and hopped over the counter of the merch booth. Jack smiled as I walked over to him and engulfed him into a humongous hug.

“Aw now this is the reunion we should have had a long time ago!” Alex shouted suddenly and came up from behind me and hugged me.

“Oh hey now what’s wrong with this picture?” I heard Martin suddenly say. I looked and he had his arms crossed over his chest.

“Um you hugging me too?” I laughed and he just smiled and hugged me too. After a good few minutes I could finally breath again let alone think. Finally that long month had passed, Hey Monday sadly left, and All Time Low had arrived. Surprisingly I could just careless about what happened a month ago with the fierce fights with Jack. Actually it felt like we were starting fresh all over again, but then again we weren’t you know?

“It’s about time you guys got here Case here was so anxious all day.” Martin exclaimed with a chuckle as he slug his arm around my shoulders.

“That’s because were hard to resist.” Rian said coming from behind me and messing my hair.

“Now remember Case you can’t ditch your boyfriend for us alright?” Alex joked then added “And please call ahead of time so we make sure we do not walk in on anything . . . Naughty.”

“Shut up!” I shouted my face most likely turning a light pink and I reached out and slapped Alex’s arm.

“But I like naughty!” Jack shouted.

“I’m sorry Jack, but I forgot to pack your pornos” Rian joked patting Jack on the back apologetically.

“YO!” Gabe shouted very loudly as he jumped on Alex’s back.

“Heeeey Gabe!” Alex greeted and Gabe got off. Momentarily Gabe and I locked eyes at if saying watch out.

“Oh no don’t tell me your having another war?” Zack laughed as I ran over to him and gave him a hug.

“You guessed right!” I smiled.

“She shoved me in a box and tapped me in about a month ago!” Gabe whined “That was by far the worst one so far.”

“You shoved him in a box? Geez why don’t you rape him too huh?” Jack chuckled.

“Yeah well he pantsed me at one of the after parties!” I complained.

“Oh I would have loved to be there” Alex said with a wink.

“Hey!” Martin cried as he held onto me tighter burying his face in my neck now.

“Ah I missed that.” Jack sighed lightly, but I missed what he had said so I asked “What did you say Jack?”

“Oh nothing.” he smirked and I just rolled my eyes.

“Martin I would like your permission to tackle Mr. Barakat.” I smiled.

“Oh go right ahead” Martin said, but looked like he wanted to say just the opposite. I smiled though, kissed his cheek, and then ran for Jack. His back was turned at the moment talking to Rian real quick about something, but I really surprised him when I jumped on his back.

“Ah so you forgot about our past now have you?” Jack smirked looking up to meet my face looking down at him. My smile faded and I stopped and asked myself, What am I doing?

I got off his back and went back over to Martin and just hugged his side laying my head on his shoulder. What a dumb move. Just because All Time Low was here finally and we could all have a good time again it wasn’t going to be the same. I was taken and I’d have to be more careful with what I do with them since I really didn’t want to test Martin. Yeah Martin was a real down to earth sometimes goofy guy didn’t mean he’d be fine with the way I act and joke with these guys. Some things would have to change.

“Alright well I have to go finish packing away the merch so I’ll catch up with you guys later.” I said I was waved and walked back over to the booth. There wasn’t much left I had to pack, but there was enough where I just wanted to get it done.

“Hey you need help?” Jack asked as he leaned on the counter.

“Ah no thanks I got it covered” I replied “Thanks though.”

“Hey Jack have you seen Sam?” Vinny, All Time Low’s other merch salesman, questioned as he came up to us.

“Uh yeah I think she went backstage or something.” Jack answered as Vinny thanked him and left.

“Come on I’ll help you and your weak arms!” Jack shouted as he picked up a box “Ah! My back.”

Jack dropped the box and whined about how heavy it was and that now he just couldn’t help me.

“Well at least you made it seem like you wanted to help.” I giggled with a smile.

“You know I really can help you though” Jack whispered looking around then said “I overheard Gabe talking about his next attack as we got here.”

“Oh really now?” I smirked “What’s the catch for you to tell me though?”

“Plant one right here” Jack smiled pointing to his cheek.

“I have a boyfriend though Jack!” I laughed as I rolled my eyes.

“Aw come on it’ll be out little secret” he winked and I sighed saying “Fine”

I quickly kissed his cheek and then told him to tell me what he had heard Gabe say.

“Oh I didn’t I just wanted a kiss” Jack evilly smiled. I whacked his head and turned around and continued to finish the packing. After I taped the last of the boxes I noticed that Jack wasn’t there anymore.

Guess he got bored, I thought as I lightly laughed to myself. However something, a box, moved and it startled me. I slowly walked over to it and then opened the flaps. It scared me when I saw Jack in there and I wasn’t expecting it.

“What the fuck are you doing in there?!” I shouted.

“I wanted to know what it was like for Gabe.” Jack explained as I extended my hand out to help him out. When he grabbed my hand though he pulled me down onto him. So now here was Jack legs dangling out of the box as I was sitting on his gut in the opposite direction.

“Another photo op!” Rian shouted as he pulled out his camera.

“NO! NOT ANOTHER TOUR REPEAT!” I yelled as I tried to wriggle myself out of the box without success.

“You know that feels great right?” Jack sighed “Keep movin.”

“You haven’t changed one bit.” I stated rolling my eyes.

“What did you expect me to become quite the gentleman?” he laughed and finally I fell out of the box.

“Now if you would excuse me I have some boxes I need to put away.” I exclaimed as I picked one up and started to head over to the BLG tour bus.

A few hours later it was eleven at night and I was lying on the couch again to turn in for the night. I was beat from hanging out with All Time Low in their tour bus. Though it seemed just as I had closed my eyes I had them open again. I had heard some laughing and when my eyes were open and could comprehend what was going on I saw Gabe, Ryland, and Nate. Then I saw Martin come into the room rubbing his eyes. Apparently they had woken him up too.

“What’s going on in he-” Martin cut himself off and looked at me with wide eyes, looked at the floor, and then back up at me.

“What?” I yawned and then looked down at the floor. I gasped and immediately jumped off the couch and right into the bathroom. I screamed when I saw my hair. He butchered it! My hair was a real good length, well past my shoulders a bit, but now it was chopped. My once long hair was now cut, some of the hair length longer then other parts. It was a disaster. I took a comb and combed it because maybe it was the bed head that was making worse or something.

After combing it my hair was still odd lengths, but it almost reminded me of my old hair cut just . . . worse. I stormed out of the bathroom and Gabe was still stupid enough to be standing around.

“Look what you did!!!” I shouted pointing at Gabe.

“Yeah I know haha Gottcha!” Gabe laughed whiling giving both Ryland and Nate a high-five.

“You are dead meat!” I yelled as I lunged for him, but Martin held me back “Let go! I wanna kill him!”

“Ah ha!” Gabe laughed making faces at me.

“I’m going to get you back so good you won’t know what hit you!” I stated and Gabe stopped making the faces. I glared and he gulped.

“Uh well enjoy the new hair cut, bye!” he shouted and then ran out of the bus with Ryland and Nate right behind him.

“I still love you” Martin quietly said. I turned around and lightly smiled holding onto his face.

“Thank you.” I smiled and pecked his lips. Maybe with this light hair cut I’d be able to think straighter. Laughing in my head I thought about how stupid that statement was. My head was already set straight.
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If there are some spelling mistakes I'm sorry. My friend was so impatient that she just wanted this out already. Man it sucks having a friend whom you see almost everyday and likes your story. haha jk! <3 ya Dana! xD
