‹ Prequel: Sick Little Games
Status: Completed. (But please continue to comment. I'd like to know what you thought of the story overall.)

We've Got Unfinished Business


I Walked out the door of the bus all ready for the day with my comfy coat on that wasn’t to light or too heavy. Coughing a bit I sprinted inside the new building we had arrived at last night since the boys took turns driving. I looked where I could set up and when I found a note that addressed any merch person that we were to set up right there I shrugged and though ‘alright then’.

I went back outside to start unpacking the boxes again, but ran into Jack. He smiled saying hi and extending his arms out. He expected me to give him a hug, but that was not happening.

“What no hug now?” Jack pouted.

“I was a little crazy and out of line yesterday so, no.” I started with a small smile. I really was out of line yesterday. I could understand though since I was eager to see them all again to start fresh, but how I started was a little too fresh.

“Aw, but your hugs are magical!” Jack exclaimed running after me when I had started walking again.

“Says the man in his underwear.” I chuckled looking down as I now noticed Jack standing there in his Yankee boxers.

“Pssh this isn’t my underwear. I call these pajamas!” Jack explained.

“I call them underwear since they are boxers” I said.

“Well I wear the other kind of underwear and use boxers as pajamas!” he shouted.

“Why are we even having this conversation?” I sighed with a laugh.

“Because we were always able to and still can! Now what type of underwear do you have?” Jack asked raising his eyebrows as I looked at him with a roll of my eyes.

“Now that I know not to tell you.” I laughed.

“Do you still own that yellow smiley bra?” he questioned hopefully.

“Uh, I don’t know.” I responded knowing fully that I did. Matter of fact I was wearing it today, right now, at this moment. It was very ironic. I didn’t want Jack to know I had it on though especially with his weird and perverted self. That and that I know it’s his favorite and I’m sure he would try anything to just have a glimpse of it even if I did have a boyfriend.

“Oh come on now I am sure that you know if you do or not.” Jack said giving me a wink “Your probably wearing it. I can feel that you are.”

“You asshole your so strange!” I exclaimed lightly slapping him on his shoulder.

“Well if your going to be that way!” he shouted and next thing I knew he started to tickle me. He knew all the right spots that made me squeal and squirm from him. I don’t even think Martin knew them as well as Jack. Martin had plenty of time to learn though I wasn’t going to abandon him.

“Jack!” I shouted laughing hard “Jack cut it out!”

It felt like my lungs were going to give out from all the laughter that Jack was causing. It’s like he didn’t know when to stop! I couldn’t breath! So I thought maybe it was time that the worm had turned. I slapped his hands away and started to tickle his sides rapidly and other places I knew were ticklish.

This was so bad for me to do, but once again I was just caught up in it and having a fun time. Tour it seemed did that to me. I was more carefree, fun, and more outgoing on tour. Though I wanted to be more cautious I was having difficulty with that already.

Finally though I stopped tickling him giving into the pleads from Jack to cut it out. I stuck my tongue out at him and casually walked away from him heading toward the BLG tour bus again.

“Would you like some assistance?!” Jack shouted behind me probably not following me anymore either.

“If you like moving boxes sure!” I replied “Come on!”

“Alright I’ll be right there just let me get some pants on!” Jack shouted back and I heard him running in the opposite direction. Ah good old days where Jack was an idiot and we were not together. Though maybe it would be another repeat and we would get together again? I had wished I didn’t think of that, but what was done was done and you just can’t stop your own thoughts from thinking. The worst part was that I had almost seemed hopeful myself.

As I had opened the storage on the side of the bus and grabbed a box Jack popped out of no where and grabbed it from my hands.

“Damn you are so quiet!” I exclaimed as I grabbed another box from the bus.

“That’s cuz I’m a .... Ninja!” Jack shouted throwing his arms in the air and dropping the box on his feet “OW!”

“Ah! Jack are you ok?” I asked franticly holding his side as he hopped around a bit.

“Ah that mother fucking box fucking hurts! Ah shit! What the fuck is in that box?!” Jack yelled as all those foul words came pouring out.

“I, uh, I don’t know!” I shouted back.

“You don’t fucking know? Owie!” Jack whined as he grabbed me and hugged me as he kept one foot up in the air.

“Aw, there, there Jack your toe might only fall off!” I reassured giving him a pat on his back.

“WHAT?! NO!” Jack shouted as he put his foot back down and tried to run, but fell.

“You idiot don’t run!” I laughed as I helped him up and let him lean against the side of the bus as I instigated what was in the box. I tore the tape off and opened up the flaps to reveal the metal bars that came apart.

“So tell me doctor, what was in the box?” Jack asked dramatically as I rolled my eyes.

“Our tents metal bars that come apart.” I replied holding one up.

“I’m gonna die!” Jack cried. I laughed and just placed the bar back into the box and the box back into the bus since I wouldn’t need that. Now to help the big baby. I grabbed his arm and put it around my shoulder and then held onto his waist.

“OoOo” Jack laughed and I elbowed him in the gut.

“I’m trying to help you. Don’t ruin it.” I sang with a sweet smile. I helped Jack over to his own bus all the while I’m surprised that I hadn’t seen anyone else around. When we got on the bus Jack plopped down on the couch in relief. I wondered if it had hurt that much. I went and got a plastic bag in a cupboard after looking in a few. Then I went in the refrigerator and got some ice cubes that had even been made. Wow two for two they actually had useful stuff, though the ice was probably always made for cold beer in glasses.

After I had gotten the plastic bag and ice I put a lot of ice in the bag and told Jack to take his shoe off. Jack didn’t have a sock on and I asked him where they were.

“Well if you want one of my stinky socks there are some lying on my bed.” Jack smirked.

“You better not make a miraculous recovery when I just so happen to be near a bed.” I joked as I went in the back found a sock and grabbed it. I came back and threw it at him and when he put it on gingerly I pressed the bag of ice onto his foot. Jack screeched from how cold it was and swatted it out of my hand.

“Hey! I’m tryin to make your foot feel better mister!” I whined and placed it back on his foot.

“Well thank you nurse Casey!” Jack smiled as he gave me a wink. I just laughed gently placed the bag of ice on top of his hurt foot.

“Does it feel any better?” I asked as I looked from Jack’s foot to his face and sat down next to him.

“Much better it was probably starting to swell, but thanks to you it won’t.” Jack thanked with a smile and he rested his head on my shoulder.

“No problem. That’s what friends are for.” I smiled and rested my head on his, but then took it off. I was getting to comfortable again and needed to stop. Martin wasn’t here though, he wasn’t around, wasn’t physically here. So this would be alright then wouldn’t it be? I rested my own head back down lightly on Jack and closed my eyes like him. Just a calm moment and it made me feel like taking a nap. Actually I did start drifting to sleep.

Next thing I knew I was opening my eyes slowly. I knew were I was and everything and why I was here, but this position was new. My head was lying in Jack’s lap comfortably facing outward and Jack had his head back against the couch with his hand in my hair. I yawned and rubbed my eyes and saw Alex staring at me. I jumped and sat up, but didn’t wake Jack.

“Hey sorry didn’t mean to startle you with your little snooze fest with Jack.” Alex snickered.

“Well why are you watching us?” I hissed trying not to be too loud.

“Oh I was just bored and I figured you two would wake up eventually.” Alex smiled and I sighed.

“What time is it?” I questioned stretching.

“Just twelve in the afternoon” Alex stated matter of factly.

“Really? Shit! I need to finish moving all the boxes!” I exclaimed as I got up off the couch.

“Don’t worry I saw Bryan and Paul hauling them in.” Alex informed as I plopped back down onto the couch “So how come Jack has water on in a plastic bag on his foot?”

“Oh well he dropped a heavy box on his foot and it hurt, but that use to be ice cubes, but I guess not anymore.” I answered as I took the bag off his foot then threw it at Alex.

“Hey!” he shouted and caught it “It this thing were to open I would have to fuck you!”

“Oh no that would be terrible!” I gasped and then laughed.

“I’ll do it now if you’d like!” Alex said as he got up and I shook my head no. He didn’t listen though and he cornered me on the couch. He placed each hand on either side of my head and put on foot up on the couch on the side of me and then thrusted.

“Ah!” I shouted and covered my eyes “Stop it!”

“Hey thrusting is my thing Alex!” Jack shouted next to me and he started to laugh. Jack got up too and started to thrust to the side of me.

“Oh my gosh guys stop it!” I laughed then I realized something I could do to stop them. I ripped the bag I threw at Alex out of his hand, opened it up, and then threw the water onto him.

“AH! I’m melting! I’m melting!” Alex yelled as he fell to the floor. When Jack didn’t stop I slapped his hurt foot and he howled falling onto the couch.

“I’m sorry guys but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Especially if she is being attacked by perverted guys.” I smiled and winked at them both.

“Now if you would excuse me I need to get to those boxes.” I said as I stood up and headed over to the door.

“The tornado has passed!” Alex shouted happily.

“There will be more to come later!” I laughed opening the door.

“See ya later Hurricane Casey!” Jack shouted with a wave and I waved back then went out the door.
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Heres another update! I'm glad I got this one out faster then all the rest of them! It wasn't a week later! No! It was about ..... oh .... 4 days later I think .... I'm sorry about the slow updates. :(
I hope you at least liked this one though!
