‹ Prequel: Sick Little Games
Status: Completed. (But please continue to comment. I'd like to know what you thought of the story overall.)

We've Got Unfinished Business


“Casey, Casey, Casey!” Jack shouted as he bounced up and down to the side of me as I walked. I ignored him trying not to crack a smile. It wasn’t going very well with the whole not smiling thing though. Looking at my watch I waited until the little tiny second hand moved past the big twelve. Only then did I crack a huge smile and laughed.

“I got you! Yes!” Jack triumphantly said pumping his fist in the air.

“Think again I lasted longer then you so nope you didn’t” I stated with a smirk.

“Aw damnit” Jack mumbled scratching his head “Well your turn!”

“Alright, Alright” I laughed. We were so stupid. Trying to make each other crack a smile like kids did in grade school. However it was fun and I was just walking around trying to find something to do. Jack stood there as I stopped walking. I put my finger to my chin trying to think of what I could do to make him smile. Then the perfect idea hit me.

“Hey Jack how about I do what you do to Sam as a reward?” I laughed as I started to thrust in the air. In a matter of seconds I had him smiling as he ran the very short distance to me and hugged me. Then next thing I knew I heard a loud grumbling noise as Jack let go of me. I looked around to maybe see an animal, but I didn’t. I heard it again. Then I looked at Jack and saw him rubbing his tummy.

“Case, I’m huuuuuuungry!” Jack whined still rubbing his tummy as more grumbling sounds came from it.

“Well how about we go to this diner in town? Martin and I went to it a day ago and they had some good food!” I exclaimed and Jack perked up real fast. He nodded rapidly as he took my hand and started running, though as we hit the side walk he continued to hold my hand so I slowly coiled my hand out of his and into my pocket. Jack then put his hand in his pocket as well while scratching the back of his neck with the other.

I lead him to where the diner was as we had our laughs like usual finding something to talk and or joke about. As we entered Jack insisted that he let me let him pick where to sit and of course I agreed because no one really knew me so I didn’t care where I sat. Although, unlike Martin, he chose a seat toward the front of the diner near a window. As I sat down I got a really bad rush of déjà vu that I was almost able to grasp.

“Wow when I was here just a day ago this place didn’t feel familiar at all, but just now for some reason it does.” I said shaking my head and picking up a menu.

“Yeah weird huh?” Jack laughed. It was so obvious that he knew this place, but he wasn’t telling me. When I looked at the menu I felt Jack’s eyes staring at me. I looked up a few times briefly and he was indeed looking at me.

“Aren’t you going to look at the menu?” I asked raising a brow as I set mine down.

“Nah I already know what I want” he stated with a smirk as I asked him what, but the waiter came before he could answer.

“So what can I get for you two?” the guy asked seeming to keep his eyes on me longer then necessary.

“I’ll have a coke and the pork roll” I smiled.

“Ah a Jersey girl” he said with a wink.

“I’m taken” I sighed with a smirk.

“Oh I figured as much.” He said quickly looking at Jack. I bit my lip and blushed a bit. He thought we were together, but we were just really mixed up in a whole mess of crap that this guy didn’t and wouldn’t even understand.

“Uh hello you’re not just taking one persons order.” Jack butted in banging on the table at the same time to get his attention.

“And what do you want?” he asked a bit ruder.

“Oh go suck balls dick head.” Jack mumbled then said “I’ll have the same thing, but I want a sprite.”

I noticed the waiters hand balled into a fist, but he kept himself composed as he wrote down Jack’s order as well. He then walked away and I started to burst out laughing.

“Smooth move Jack.” I laughed “So you’re having pork roll finally?”

“Yeah last time we were here you wouldn’t let me have any!” he whined letting the cat out of the bag. I was right. I really was here at some point in my life and with Jack, most likely with Alex as well. I tried to remember that day, but it was too hazy I needed some of a reminder.

“I was here then! I knew it!” I exclaimed.

“You don’t remember what went down here?” Jack asked a bit shocked and a bit upset. I tried to think.

“I saw ...” I paused “Tyson here? And I was with you and Alex, but I need some more of a reminder Jack this was almost three years ago!”

“Ok, ok want me to reenact a part?” Jack smirked.

“Um, sure” I hesitantly replied wondering what crazy thing he was going to reenact knowing full well that we were very strange together not only now, but back then as well. Jack then slid out of his seat quickly and kissed me on the lips. Right then and there I remembered the day crystal clear. I started to kiss back, but this was wrong very wrong. I shoved him away and looked down away from him instead of looking at his reaction.

“Sorry that was out of line wasn’t it?” Jack said so I looked at him and he was smirking.

“Yeah, very Jack” I angrily glared.

“Well you wanted to be reminded and that was the only thing I could think of” he said with a wink. I sighed and just remembered that day that I had ran into Tyson Ritter and kissed Jack full on the lips just to prove to Tyson I was going out with him. I couldn’t believe this was the place. Was I dumb? Or was I dumb?

“I can’t believe I didn’t realize this was the place-” Jack cut me off.

“That we first kissed?” Jack finished with a smile and I sheepishly nodded with a roll of my eyes. After that it was silent until the waiter came back and gave us our sodas and then shortly after our food. I took the bun off the pork roll and put ketchup on it and started to feel Jack’s eyes watching me again. I looked up and asked “What?”

“You put ketchup on it?” he replied copying me by taking the top bun off.

“Only if you want to.” I said and slid the bottle over to him. After I started to eat my lunch with a smile, pork roll was so bad for you, but tasted so good. Then next thing I knew Jack shouted “Oh my fucking god this is so good!”

I laughed almost spitting out what I had in my mouth and seeming to forget about the long awkwardness. The conversation started up again and next thing I knew we were out of the diner walking back to the tour buses. Time walking back took forever though because Jack dragged me into stores and vice versa and so much time had gone by that it was already almost pitch black outside. Everyone was probably wondering where we both were. That wasn’t good.

As we got back into the parking lot of big buses Jack left me with a caring hug in front of the BLG bus. Our quiet goodbyes were said and I stepped into the bus as Jack turned his back and walked away. Yawning I closed the door and walked up the steps. As I turned around the short wall that was along the stairs I saw Martin. He was sitting on the couch looking tired, but worried.

“Martin, are you ok?” I asked furrowing my brows. He whipped his head up to look at me and he stood up.

“Where were you?” He asked, no, demanded.

“I was out and about.” I answered with a light chuckle at how high strung he seemed.

“With Jack for that long?” he stated eyeing me. Maybe he was checking over to see if my clothes were messy or if something was wrong with my hair, but I started to get annoyed.

“Yes Martin with Jack” I sternly said “Why? What’s wrong with that? Were two friends hanging out in town.”

“No, it just doesn’t seem like just friends Casey, not anymore at least.” Martin replied.

”What is that suppose to mean?” I scoffed crossing my arms.

“Look you seem to be hanging with him all the time and its weird for me ok? You never hang out with guys other then me and the band.” Martin said, but then added “And Gabe, but you can’t count him because you’re always pranking him.”

“Martin I always hang out with guys! Haven’t you heard? Most bands are all guys! And hell if there are girls in the band it just looses sight completely like mine!” I laughed throwing my arms up in the air.

“Yeah, but this is different. You guys have history, Casey, history and your way to friendly with him.” Martin shouted a bit angry as well now.

“Martin!” I yelled “You don’t think I don’t think that every second I’m with him?!”

“Well apparently you weren’t when he kissed you today.” Martin angrily stated as he brushed past me “We need a break Casey!”

“But Martin you don’t understand that was completely and utterly out of line I shoved him away!” I shouted running after him. How did he find out about that? When was he there? I felt like a total bitch, but I wasn’t cheating on him! I would never do such a thing ever.

“Yeah it was utterly out of line that my girlfriend was kissing another guy!” Martin yelled abruptly stopping making me crash into him. He lightly shoved me away and I fell on my ass because running into him had already made me unbalanced. I didn’t get up and Martin didn’t do anything. I sat there with my eyes closed tightly trying not to cry. It was stupid to feel like this, but I just felt a huge rush of emotion and falling didn’t make me feel any better even though I knew it was an accident.

After about a minute I heard a sigh so I opened my eyes and saw Martin with his hand extended to me. I swatted it away and stormed off in the other direction.

“You said you wanted a break so you’ll get one!” I yelled not looking back.

“I didn’t mean it!” Martin shouted running after me.

“No I’ve had it! I’m so confused half the time. I’ll be honest with you and myself this time Martin” I paused “One minute I’ll be totally in love with you, but then next I’ll be seeing Jack and” once again I paused “I just don’t know.”

“I knew something was up.” Martin sighed looking down and depressed all in a matter of seconds.

“Yeah” I mumbled looking down at my feet “Sorry, but-”

“Then we’re over.” Martin confidently stated. I confess to him how I’ve been feeling and this is what happens? He was breaking up with me? What was wrong with this picture? I was going to break up with [i[him. I was furious.

“You have the nerve Martin you really do.” I sighed and just shook my head walking away and giving up. He knew I was going to just break up with him and he wanted to get it out first so he could say to anyone and everyone that he had ended it. The nerve of some people, but as I walked away I lightly chuckled to myself feeling like I was going to cry though. Fight two truly was the end of us.
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Wow I'm just so happy that I have 142 Readers, 51 Subscribers, and 44 Comments. That. Is. Awesome! :D Thank you all so very much :)

Quiz question! (if you want to try and answer)
What state are the bands in right now?

Also thank you to my friend Kierstyn for the idea of the diner :)
