‹ Prequel: Sick Little Games
Status: Completed. (But please continue to comment. I'd like to know what you thought of the story overall.)

We've Got Unfinished Business


I was upset and didn’t really know what I was doing. Automatically though I just sped off toward the one and only All Time Low tour bus. I banged on the door as loud and hard as I could as I started to feel the tears trickle down my face slowly. I hung my head low and quickly stole away the tears off my face. I felt stupid standing here in the cold crying about how I had broken up with Martin, but it just seemed as though it was a natural reaction.

Just as I was about to turn and walk off somewhere else I the door swung open. I wiped the small tears forming in the corner of my eyes fast and looked up to see Jack standing there sleepily. When he saw my face that tired, lazy expression disappeared and was replaced by an aware, worried look. He instantly asked what was wrong, but when I opened my mouth nothing came out other then more tears from my eyes.

Jack led me inside the quiet bus and I realized that we were alone. Where were the guys? Out partying like usual maybe? Grabbing a drink or two? Then why was Jack still here? Just all these questions took my mind off of the real reason I was here, but then really, why was I here? I just wanted somewhere to be other then in a bus with Martin in it is all.

I broke my train of thought when Jack started to rub my back soothingly as we sat down on the couch. I curled up into his side and cried more and what I couldn’t understand was why I was crying this much. It was horrible that he got the chance to do the breaking up when I was getting to it, but I should be angry not sad. However I was sad. Sad about us ending something that was special, sad that I couldn’t control all the shit that was going wrong and sad that my life had taken a sudden turn that I was not expecting what so ever.

“Are you ready to talk?” Jack mumbled with his head on mine as he stroked my hair.

I nodded and quietly and simply said “It’s over.”

Over?” Jack repeated, but then realized what I had meant by that “Oh Case I’m sorry.”

“No that’s fine we were arguing for the past two days away.” I sighed shifting and lightly placing my hand on his chest.

“It was my fault I know it.” Jack stated messing with my hair.

“You were just part of the problem.” I whispered rubbing my face then to clear any more tears that might have escaped my eyes. Then Jack put his face in my hair closing his eyes and asked “Did you love him?”

When I hadn’t answered because I didn’t really know what to say Jack rustled my hair, kissed the top of my head, and moved away from me. It was cool without his touch so I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He sighed and said “I’m just confused myself. I know that I want you, but I’m not sure that you want me.”

I looked up at him and moved my hand to the back of his head and pulled him down to my lips. He instantly responded kissing me back hard and holding my face as to make sure that I didn’t move away. Jack lightly pushed me down on the couch so he hovered over me.

“Can I?” He quietly asked as he paused inches from my lips. I didn’t say anything I just started for his pants as I started to unbutton them and he yanked his shirt off. After only a few minutes we both were all over each others bodies I’m sure our minds thinking about the same thing that was going to come up.

After who knew how long of pure pleasure that was making me feel so much better Jack lightly chuckled “I’m sorry this wasn’t special like you wanted.”

Then it happened and I wasn’t a virgin anymore. Then after it was finally over I lay there with Jack panting yet very tired when I said “I knew I should have just stayed with you.”

“Glad to know I was still your first fuck.” Jack chuckled laying his head on mine “Just get some sleep though.”

Then just as Jack had said it I had fallen asleep. At first it was hard because what if Jack wasn’t there next to me crammed on this couch in the morning? However I didn’t have time to ponder that because I feel asleep at that very moment it had crossed my mind.

When my eyes hurt from a light shining in my face I opened them. It was light out and I was under a blanket thank god because I realized the bus was moving and that meant that the other guys were on the bus. I sat up holding blanket up covering my chest while looking around.

“Jack?” I mumbled and just like I had worried he wasn’t next to me. I sighed, but when Jack responded I perked up.

“Yeah? I’m drivin.” He replied from the front of the bus. I looked around for my clothes and saw them laying on the arm rest of the couch so I grabbed my bra and underwear. I pulled them on under the blanket and just got up and put the rest of my clothes on.

“Hey” I smiled sitting down in the passenger’s seat beside him. He quickly glanced at me with a smile and then back at the road.

“Sorry I left you there on the couch the guys forced me to drive so they could sleep.” Jack explained.

“That’s fine.” I smiled. This right here was how I remembered feeling when I was with Jack. Happy and totally care free. At this moment I wasn’t thinking about everything that I was going to have to worry about in the very near future. All I could think about was last night and finally having that big moment I had wanted for so long. All that joking about Jack going to be my first fuck really was true.

“You seem happy.” Jack smirked as the bus came to a stop so he kissed my lips quickly then turned back to the road.

“Well I am and I won’t hide it.” I sang with a giggle.

“I hope that last night was real and wasn’t just a rebound or something.” He mumbled picking at the leather steering wheel as he drove.

“W-what? No, Jack, like I said last night I shouldn’t have just left you like that. I was so stupid to just stop talking to you for two years ok? But then I was with Martin and I was just so confused when you came into the picture. I was having mixed feelings, but I think I knew what I wanted all along,” I paused as I blushed “you.”

“Yeah? Well you know I’ve still loved you. I’ve had my hook ups, but that was out of spite that I was wishing it was you. I almost didn’t give it to you though yesterday.” Jack replied and we heard movement behind us. I looked and saw Alex coming over in just his boxers. Jack then looked really quick and gasped then covered my eyes with one hand trying to drive with the other.

“AH! Jack knock it off!” I shouted trying to shove his hand out of my face.

“Haha you two finally together again?” Alex casually asked scooting me over so we could share the seat.

“I don’t know” I hesitantly said with a smile looking at Jack.

“How about we wait until we get the whole Martin thing situated?” Jack laughed and turned the wheel going into a rest stop.

“Sure, Jack.” I smiled as he parked in an empty area because of the buses size. I had already known that I needed to get things figured out with Martin. We broke up yesterday and everything and then I go and fuck Jack. The more I thought about it the more it seemed wrong. I was fucking my life up again wasn’t I? I knew Jack loved me and I think that I still had feelings for him to be honest, but so quickly after the break up it had happened. I kind of felt relieved that we broke up?

I looked at Jack’s side profile as he took a deep breath and relaxed in his chair. Oh how I missed just being able to stare at him and to always be with him. Maybe I was relieved because I had also never stopped loving Jack somewhere deep down under all those feelings I thought was hatred.

Though as I sat there and watched Jack I hadn’t realized that my life from that point on was not going to be getting any easier because of the choice I had made.
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OoOo what the heck just happened there??? Haha yeah .... if anyone was hopping to actually read the sex scene .... yeah I don't write that stuff. Haha. Sorry! :P
Thanks to everyone who's read!
(Sorry for any mistakes I didn't read over this, but I will at some point in time lol)
