‹ Prequel: Sick Little Games
Status: Completed. (But please continue to comment. I'd like to know what you thought of the story overall.)

We've Got Unfinished Business


Get up and go, take a chance and be strong, you can’t spend your whole life holding on, don’t look back just go, take a breath, move along” Martin sang beautifully. This song was so amazing it sent goose bumps down my arms though that was probably because the song had a powerful meaning to me. It was something I could relate to over the two years since I left tour and my band. I looked down and for a moment got lost in my thoughts until I herd the door open. I shot my head in the direction and saw my Boss standing there looking like he wanted to talk to me.

I pressed the button for the intercom for the recording room to stop Martin. Just as he was about to sing the next line I interrupted him “Hey Martin how about we take a break for a few minutes. Your doin great.”

Martin nodded with a smirk on his face as he removed the head phones. I got up from my seat and went over to the door where my boss stood waiting for me. He led me outside the room and I closed the door behind me and leaned against it.

“So what’s up Rob?” I asked with a smile.

“Not much Case just” he paused “you remember when you said you wanted a little time off after this band was finished with the album?”

“Of course because I haven’t taken off for vacation in a long time other then the usual holidays and I think I should.” I stated eyeing him suspiciously.

“Well some clients of ours want to make another album and no one else is going to be able to do this for them so I was-“ I cut him off.

“Wondering if I could do this” I finished for him and he slowly nodded “Yeah sure I guess I don’t mind gives me something to do anyway.”

“Thanks Case I swear you’re the best recording girl we’ve got!” Rob said appreciatively.

“No problem Rob, but who’s the band this time?” I asked as he looked like he was ready to turn and leave.

“Oh, uh, I’m not exactly sure, but I think the initials are FTLA?” I raised my brow.

“Doesn’t ring a bell” Rob shrugged.

“Well it might be a new signed client then.” Rob sighed “Anyway they start in three days here so get ready for them.”

“Alright thanks Rob” I thanked and walked back inside the room where the guys were goofing off again.

“Hi here!” Martin shouted waving to me from across the room. I laughed and just shook my head he was just a ball of energy today. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was well past lunch time and none of us had eaten.

“Alright anyone starving cuz I am!” I announced as I patted my tummy lightly.

“Me!” they all shouted and I picked up my cell phone.

“Pizza anyone?” I asked shrugging my shoulders and they all nodded. I called Domino’s since it was the closest and placed an order of three large pizzas.

“When’s it coming?” Bryan asked looking grumpy.

“Well don’t be all sour cuz your hungry! It should be here in twenty minutes.” I answered.

Twenty minutes? But I’m hungry now Case!” Martin whined as he came over to me and hung on me.

“Oh don’t be such a baby go drink your monster and shut up.” I joked as I rolled my eyes.

“Is that any way to talk to your boyfriend?” he cried as he kissed my cheek, grabbed his monster, and plopped down on the couch next to John.

“Whatever” I mumbled as I sat down in the computer chair and started reminiscing about the old days when I was still in my band.

God I sound like an old person, I thought with a sigh. I was only twenty-three though! That number was only going to get high and you know what? I was still a fucking virgin. Heck I could have any guy I wanted, fuck any guy I wanted, but I didn’t I mean I saw the way the guys looked at me with hunger in their eyes, hell I didn’t give them shit.

As we waited I picked at my nails, something I noticed I only did when something was bothering me whether I knew it or not. When was that pizza getting here?

“Case play something else for us!” Paul shouted all of a sudden.

“No way” I stated not even looking at him.

“Can you sing?” Martin asked “I mean I know you have to have a good voice so come on”

“How do you know it’s good?” I questioned.

“I’ve herd you sing quietly to yourself!” he replied with a smile.

“Well I’m not going to.”

“Why so bratty all of a sudden?” Martin asked crossing his arms over his chest as he came up to me.

“Because I can be.” I stubbornly stated.

“Why so serious?!” John shouted throwing his arms in the air. We all looked at him and laughed at how random that was.

Martin sat on my lap and I started to shove him off.

“What am I too heavy for your pretty little legs?” Martin smirked.

“Ow yeah!” I laughed and he got up pulling me with him.

“Fine then switch!” he shouted sitting down and pulling me on his comfy lap. Next thing I knew though there was another knock at the door of the room. I was about to get up and answer it, but Martin held me down as Bryan got up and answered it. The security guard was standing there with three large pizzas in his hand.

“Hey Melvin!” I shouted as I waved and he returned the favor.

“The guy says its twenty-eight forty.” He said and I leaned back on Martin and grabbed my wallet out of my pocket. I then threw it to Bryan who caught it and took the money needed out.

“Thanks Melvin!” I yelled after him as Bryan started to close the door and I could hear a muffled response saying “No problem!”

“Yes pizza!” Paul smiled as he sprang out of his seat, opened a box, and grabbed two slices shoving them in his mouth.

“Geez Paul don’t kill yourself.” I laughed as I got up myself and took a warm slice.

After we finished our lunch slash dinner we got right back to work. We went through the song one last time with Martin singing and then went over all the instruments and when we thought everything was perfect I started piecing everything together. Bryan and Paul had left, but Martin and John were still here with me helping out the best they could.

“Could you make a song any damn longer?” I laughed as I put more clips in the last song on the album, it was called Go. After about a few hours of working on it John had fallen asleep on the couch and here was Martin and I working out the last few kinks.

“Do you think this sounds better?” I asked as I moved around something and played it for Martin.

“Yeah that sounds cooler I like it.” He smiled “But move this over there too”

I did as he said and we listened to the whole thing through as goose bumps rose on my arms. I think he noticed because he slid both of his hands down my arms from behind me and leaned his head on the side of mine.

“You like the song?” he whispered.

“It just means a lot to me.” I mumbled blushing as he started nibbling on my ear.

“I - I love you Jack” I stuttered, but when it came out it felt great.

“That wasn’t so bad now was it?” Jack whispered in my ear as he started to nibble on it. I giggled and next thing I knew there was a camera flash.

I jumped and Martin quickly removed his arms and face away from me.

“What’s the matter?” he asked worriedly.

“N-nothing. I just remembered something suddenly.” I stated looking down at my knees wide eyed. Did I just remember that? Why did that suddenly enter my head? My confession with Jack and more that followed. Was it because Martin had nibbled on my ear or was it because now it was eating me alive that I hadn’t talked to Jack in about two years? No. I was over Jack. I had Martin now and he was wonderful.

Martin and I had been together for about a month and a half now and I was happy. I was sure I was. Right?
♠ ♠ ♠
:O I have 31 Readers, 16 subscribers, and 3 comments already? Thank you guys!!!! You all are the best!

Heh? So what do you think of the chapter? Martin now huh? xD Don't worry this just makes things a whole lot interesting.
