‹ Prequel: Sick Little Games
Status: Completed. (But please continue to comment. I'd like to know what you thought of the story overall.)

We've Got Unfinished Business


Jack’s Prospective
As we sat in that circle with Casey I couldn’t stop looking at her from the corner of my eye. She surely looked different in every way. She had new hair, different attitude, and she was lying she did have a new clothing style. What was with the change so much? It had only been two years and yet everything about her was so different and unknown. I felt like I didn’t know her anymore.

Throughout the whole entire time I wanted to blurt out a question that had been eating me for so long. Why did she break up with me? All I could remember was that one day I called her after a month of nothing and she picked up completely steamed saying that I had the nerve of calling her. I didn’t understand.

“What’s going on here?” I herd someone ask and I turned my head toward where the door was. There was a man standing there looking at us all confused.

“Oh hey Rob!” Case smiled waving. Who was this guy?

“Hey Case what’s going on here?” the guy named Rob repeated as he looked around again.

“Well you were way off with the inicals of these guys its A T L you know I told you I use to tour with them and stuff.” she said trying to refresh the guys mind.

“Oh right! Yeah now I remember and you said you use to go out with the guitarist?” he said and I whipped my head to look at Casey and then at him. She talked about me even though we were over? Next thing I knew though I rose my hand and said “Yep that would be me.”

It was silent for a moment and Case said “Well we were just going to hang out today and catch up then go over music and start tomorrow.”

“Oh alright, but remember you want that vacation so keep the eye on the prize not to mention these guys gotta get on tour again.” Rob stated and then left us.

“Who was that?” Rian questioned after the guy was completely gone.

“That would be my Boss thank you very much.” Case laughed as she got up and went over to the dry erase board. Damn she was still beautiful as ever. No, no I was over her I spent my time upset about that and I wasn’t going to put my friends and band mates through that again.

“Who’s album were you working on before this?” I asked interrupting whatever she was saying to Alex.

“Why?” she asked rudely crossing her arms over her chest.

“I just want to know.” I shrugged getting up on my two feet. I herd Alex sigh and he completely laid down. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

“Well if you must know it was Boys Like Girls” she stated.

“Damn those guys are good looking and you had them all to yourself?” Alex laughed then giving her the thumbs up “You did good”

“Yeah I spend most of my time around hot ass guys.” she sighed flipping her hair off her shoulder and quickly glancing at me. Was she trying to make me jealous?

“Oh boy I bet ya fucked them all right? So much for me being your first.” I joked and she just huffed out a laugh.

Casey’s Prospective
“Honestly?” I laughed “I didn’t fuck anyone in the last two years you saw me.”

I looked down at my feet. I shouldn’t have said that since Jack more then likely had tons of scores since the last I saw him. Damn I was so happy up until I had all these stupid problems pop up like this. I needed to get away from it, but as long as Jack was around I knew that I couldn’t. Maybe I could get someone else to help these guys with their album? That would be a bit rude though wouldn’t it? These guys were my friends. I’d have to deal with it for as long as I could and ignore Jack for as long as he would allow. This was going to be so hectic.

Jack never said anything after I had said that. I cursed myself in my head and sighed.

“Alright well lets hear these songs and lyrics.” I smiled as I motioned for them to get up and come in the regular room. When we did I sat in my desk chair and crossed my legs leaning back.

“What do you want me to do?” Alex asked confused and a bit embarrassed. From what? I have no idea.

“Sing part of a song or hum the tune or something so I know how your new sound is if you changed it and what I can do to make it sound better.” I stated with a smile.

“Geez this is going to be weird” Zack said and I looked to him “Its just that its your job now and your recording this CD for us.”

“You’ll get use to it” I laughed and turned around and pulled up a blank folder “So have you come up with an album name?”

It was silent once again and I sighed.

“You haven’t figured anything out? Alright well I figured. That’s fine that’s what I’m here for other then recording you.”

“We do have lyrics and the ideas of the tune though Case.” Rian said holding up a folder I hadn’t’ noticed was in his hand. He gave it to me and handed it over to me and said “We aren’t completely unprepared.”

“Were planning on Weightless and Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don’t) being the hits” Jack stated.

“If they sound good cuz we like the lyrics the best for those” Alex added. I nodded and pulled out those titled sheets and read over the lyrics. They really were good and they would probably be huge hits.

“Lets start working on those tomorrow and see how they will sound.” I mumbled thinking “We can release them early obviously so its best to work on them sooner.”

“Very professional” Alex commented and I rolled my eyes.

“Get over it guys its my job!” I shouted with a short laugh and reread the first few lines in a song named Break Your Little Heart.

Wide awake, my mistake, so predictable, you were fake, I was great, nothing personal, I thought. The nothing personal line spoke out to me.

“How about Nothing Personal.” I all of a sudden said.

“Huh?” they all said.

“Nothing Personal for the album title.”

It was silent and I saw each face light up with a smile.

“Sleeping with band members doesn’t get you famous, Nothing Personal” Jack smiled looking at me and I scoffed turning back around to face the computer. I renamed the folder from ‘New Folder’ to ‘Nothing Personal’.
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:D 50 readers?! Thanks for following up on the sequal :)
And look! I'm almost updating everyday! (Other then the weekends ^-^)
Do you like the sequal so far? I know they had finally gotten together, but things never last sometimes and once you hear what Jack did you will be saying "*tisk tisk* Jack how could you?!"
