‹ Prequel: Sick Little Games
Status: Completed. (But please continue to comment. I'd like to know what you thought of the story overall.)

We've Got Unfinished Business


I herd mumbled words as someone talked to me. However I didn’t understand what was being said. My eyes were slightly closing as my head slipped from off my arm and my eyes flew open.

“I’m awake!” I shouted throwing my arms in the air.

“Then what have I been saying to you?” Alex suspiciously asked smirking at me.

“Uh, it was something about the album” I said waving him off.

“Buzz wrong” Alex shouted forcefully bring his hand down on my shoulder.

“Well I’m sorry I don’t think I’m up with pulling another all nighter” I mumbled rubbing my eyes.

“I can drive you home if you’d like.” Jack offered and I glared at him.

“No thanks I can just call someone else.” I stated as I pulled out my phone and dialed Martin’s number. It rung a few times and just as I was about to hang up the line picked up.

“Hello?” a groggily voice answered.

“Hey Martin” I smiled as I turned my back to the band.

“Hey hon why are you calling so late?” he asked “Are you pulling another all nighter?”

“I don’t want to so do you think you can give me a ride home?”

“I really wish I could, but we had to leave this morning since we were a bit behind in schedule. Can’t you get someone there to drive you?”

“No I, uh, can-” Jack grabbed the phone out of my hands as I shouted “Hey!”

“Hey, Martin, don’t worry we’ll give her a ride home.” Jack reassured and then grew silent as he murmured yeahs and uh huhs. Next thing I knew Jack threw the phone at me and I barely caught it.

“What’s your problem?” I shouted angry.

“Hey I told you I’d take you home and that’s what I’m gonna do.” Jack simply stated with a shrug.

I scoffed as I shut down the computer, got my jacket and went through the door. Jack followed hastily as he waved goodbye to the rest of his friends. I let Jack lead the rest of the way once we got outside and he stopped in front of a silver corvette. I have to admit it was a pretty sweet car to have. Jack unlocked the door and I got in on the freezing leather seats. I put my jacket on as Jack plopped down beside me in the driver’s seat.

“Cold?” he questioned but I didn’t answer him. Jack rolled his eyes and just turned the heat on anyway. I mean of course I was cold its September. I averted my eyes from Jack and looked out my window where I saw my boss’s car.

“Your going to have to talk to me some time I need to know where you live so I can drop you off.” He paused “Or do you just want to go to mine?”

“87 Brier Street.” I immediately stated crossing my arms over my chest. I herd Jack sigh as he put the keys in the ignition and back out of the parking spot.

“I’ll need some guidance please.” He smiled at me, but I just looked at him out from under my lashes. I didn’t want him to know I was looking at him.

“Take this right after the light” I mumbled and he did as he was told.

“So who’s this Martin guy anyway? We ever been on tour with him?” Jack questioned taking a right.

I turned my head around to look at Jack and stated “Martin is my boyfriend.”

The car abruptly stopped and I saw Jack’s face looked, what, hurt? I looked ahead and saw we were at a red light. My mistake he just almost ran a red light is all. The rest of the car ride was quite quiet other then me giving the directions to my house. As we pulled up to my home I paused in getting out. I don’t know why I just felt like I should have and I was kind of glad I just because as I put my hand on the door handle Jack stopped me.

“Case wait.” Jack said and I removed my hand placing it in my lap while looking at him “I want to know what happened to us.”

“You want to you? Jack I’ve said a million times you know what you did.” I sighed.

“And I’ve told you a million times I don’t know what I did, honestly.” He probed. He went to place his hand on mine but I moved my hand away from his and his hand lingered in the air until he hesitantly moved it away.

“I’m sorry, but if things are going to be like this for us now I might just have to get another person to do the job on your album.” I confessed looking down.

“No! No the guys would hate that, Case, and you know it. Don’t do that just because of me. Come on like Alex said it will be just like old times!” Jack whined.

“I don’t think it will be.” I murmured.

“Then let’s talk! I just want to talk things out so I know what I did wrong. I have the right to know why my ex girlfriend didn’t talk to me after I left her at the airport and then gets all pissy with me when I try to talk to her!” Jack vented staring at me in the eyes with so much passion. I was a bit startled at the intensity. Maybe he really didn’t realize what he did. No he was just a good liar was all just like how his love for me was all a fucking lie.

“Fine then.” I sighed getting out of the car while rummaging through my pockets for my house keys.

“So do you live here with Martin?” Jack asked suddenly as I stuck the key in the lock. I turned around and looked at him. He put his hands up in surrender and I continued to try and open the door. When I finally got it open I ripped my coat off and hung it up on my coat rack with my pathetic two other coats. Jack did the same and I went into the kitchen. He sat at the small table as I went in the freezer for my instant dinner.

“You want anything? I think I have another lasagna meal” I mumbled as I searched the freezer.

“Just a beer if you have any.” He said and I pulled the refrigerator open, grabbed one out, and threw it to him. He thankfully caught it and easily got the cap open so I took my hand off the bottle opener.

As my dinner was in the microwave I sat down across from Jack.

“Alright so tell me. Why are you so upset with me?” Jack asked taking a sip from his beer.

“I still don’t want to talk about this.” I mumbled.

“Oh come on you just said you would!” Jack complained.

“Well I’m sorry I never told anyone about what the fuck you did!” I shouted.

“What the fuck did I actually do Casey? You won’t tell me!” Jack shouted back and just like that we were in a fight already. Crazy how you can not see someone in two years and just suddenly hate their guts, but in Jack situation I could.

“I fuckin called! I really did Jack I called and I seriously regretted it!”

“You didn’t call what so ever! I had to myself a fucking month later and you were completely fumed with me!”

“Well I did call Jack and you know what happened?” I said my heart pounding against my chest with rage as he shook his head.

“No tell me what did I do that was soooo horrible?” he scoffed.

“A girl picked up and told me you were busy in a sweet fucking voice and then I hear you in the background asking who it is-” Jack cut me off.

“That’s it?!” he laughed outraged as well.

No!” I shouted “I hear giggles and the fucking phone drops and next thing I know I hear moans and my boyfriend having sex with another women!”

Jack stayed silent but rather watched as the tears streaked down my face.

“That’s what fucking happened, Jack. That’s what fucking happened. I wanted to put the phone down or hang up but I couldn’t I was frozen mumbling your name and crying my eyes out. I swear that day is all to fucking clear to me.” I cried looking down at the table and not making a move to the beeping of the microwave.
♠ ♠ ♠
OoOoOo what did Jack do?!
