‹ Prequel: Sick Little Games
Status: Completed. (But please continue to comment. I'd like to know what you thought of the story overall.)

We've Got Unfinished Business


“Alright guys lets get going on this first song.” I stated with my hands on my hips then took a seat at the control board.

“But Jack isn-” Alex started and Jack burst through the door happily. I glared at him from the corner of my eyes then looked away.

“Hey Case!” Jack sweetly smiled waving at me. I turned my head again and looked at him. Was this is attempt at trying to make it just like old times? I think it was. I sighed and tried to give a real smile.

“Hey Jack” I greeted waving back. When I looked away from him I noticed Alex, Rian, and Zack looking at me, curious. They were most likely wondering how I could have a sudden change from my bitchy self yesterday with Jack to my ‘lets be friends again’ attitude just now.

“Anyway let’s get to it.” I sighed as Alex hesitantly looked at me.

“Okie dokie then!” Jack shouted and next thing I knew he picked me up from the side and started to carry me toward the door.

“Jack what are you doing?!” I shouted wide eyed as I kicked my feet.

“You said let’s get to it so off to my house!” he smiled looking down at me and then winking.

“Like hell I will put me down now!” I whined as I kicked my feet harder and accidentally kicked his ass.

“Oh no Case you kicked his ass. That’s the button that activates his boner!” Alex gasped pointing at me. Jack let me go and I ran away from Jack over to Alex hiding behind him.

“Save me” I sobbed grabbing onto his shoulders and peering over his left shoulder at Jack.

“Haha now there’s the old Case I remember.” Jack laughed as he went and took a seat that was beside the one I was in before.

“Yep this will be a fun time.” Rian commented giving me a cute smile.

“When can I do my Bass recording?” Zack yawned as he lifted up an easy five pound hand weight.

“We can do that right now” I said as I got up, went over to one of the file cabinets. I took out a key that was in my pocket, opened the top drawer, and shuffled though folders until I found the one I was looking for.

“Whatcha doin?” Jack asked poking his head in the cabinet. I whacked his head saying “Get out of there.”

He slowing retreated glaring at me and I just rolled my eyes. Pulling out the folder Rian gave me yesterday I looked for the Damned if I do Ya lyrics and music sheets. When I found them I handed them to Alex and Zack. Zack went in the room with all the instruments. When he was in there he picked up his bass and when I gave him the ok after he put on his headphones he started to play.

About four hours later Zack had completely finished his part along with Rian on the drums. Alex was antsy to get started since we had taken so long on everyone else.

“Calm down Alex you’ll get to start after Jack!” I laughed as I adjusted some knobs.

“But I wanna go” Alex whined jutting his lip out.

“Think of a tune for the rest of the song because what you sang before sounded really good.” I stated.

“I eye captain” Alex said with a salute and going over on the couch quietly singing the words to himself.

“Alright go ahead Jack” I shouted at a sleeping Jack. He didn’t move so I just rolled my eyes. He was sitting on the rolling chair next to mine so I poked his face singing “Jack.”

“Hey Jack!” I yelled as I shoved him off the chair and he went crashing down.

“FUCK!” Jack shouted really loud as he fell to the floor with a big thud “Why’d you do thaaaaaaat?”

“Because you’re an asshole.” I sighed and stuck my tongue out “Now get your ass in there.”

“You’re too bossy!” he whined, but went inside the other room and picked up his purple guitar. As Jack started to record he kept looking up at us and we all would give him the thumbs up because so far there was nothing to change about the music. As Jack went through the song and finished I told him to hold on as I listened to the recording. My hair kept getting in my face so I rolled over to my other desk and grabbed out a hair band.

When I pulled my hair back in a bun Alex all of a sudden shouted “Case what have you been doing?!”

He scared me so I looked at him with wide eyes that were saying ‘what did I do?’. Then I remembered I had a hickey on my neck so I covered it with my left hand as I took my hair out of a bun.

“Nope too late Case I saw that Hickey!” Alex laughed pointing at me as Zack and Rian stopped whatever they were doing and looked at me. Rian gave me a smirk and Zack just looked at me dumbfounded.

“Uh, yeah, so?” I gulped.

“Who’s responsible for that nice sized one?” Rian asked snickering from the couch.

“None of your damn business!” I retorted.

“Oh, oh! Me! That was me!” Jack shouted from behind the glass waving a hand in the air and jumping happily. I balled my hands into fists and slammed my hand down on a button where it cut off sound from the room. I swiftly got up steaming mad and walked over to door to get in the other room. When I stepped in Jack gave me a wide smile. I’d wipe that off in about two seconds.

His guitar was off and as I approached I guess he hadn’t noticed I was pissed. I lifted my hand up and struck him across the face. I really hated him. What was his problem?

“Ouchie what was that for?” he sobbed rubbing his reddened cheek.

“For being such a fucking jackass!” I yelled at him.

“Well I’m sorry.” He mumbled.

“From day one you’ve made me feel like shit! I’m with Martin, Jack, Martin not with you! You just had to do that yesterday? What is with you? I’m pretending to be your friend now, but really Jack? I just have this passion of hate toward you right now!” I blurted out angrily.

“You should turn that passion into something else.” He murmured. I heard some noise and I whipped my head to look through the window and saw Rian, Alex, and Zack around the control board.

Turn that off now and let us be” I demanded and Alex took his finger off the button to listen in on us. They scattered away and started doing their own thing, but in reality they were watching our every move.

“Come on Case lighten up alright?” Jack weakly smiled rubbing the back of his neck.

“No I will not-” I started but was cut off.

“What’s going on in there?” I heard my bosses voice ask. My heart beat hard against my chest. I looked over toward the window and saw Rob standing there looking just as angry as I had been.

I didn’t know what to say I was frozen in place wide eyed as Rob stated “I need to talk to you now

I sighed glaring quickly at Jack and then left the room hastily. With my head down I quickly exited the room where my boss had gone. As I was outside he was waiting with his arms crossed over his chest. I didn’t look at him in the eyes, but at a platinum record hanging on the wall behind him.

”Can you explain what that was?” he asked and my eyes darted down toward the ground.

“It was an argument is all.” I sighed biting my lip. Everyone was told multiple times by Rob not to have arguments with any clients. I was usually great with anyone, but this was a personal issue that I should not have added fire to the kindle Alex had set.

“Yeah I know it was an argument. How many times have I told everyone that there will be no arguments with the clients what so ever? I’ve never told you once and I’m surprised you did Casey.” He said truly disappointed in me.

“It was just personal issues getting in the way. I’m very sorry.” I mumbled as I fidgeted with my hands.

“I think its best you take that long vacation you were planning on now. I’ll get someone else to record All Time Low’s songs.” He stated and as I was about to open my mouth he added “That’s not a suggestion it’s an order.”

I nodded glumly and went back inside the room. They were talking but when they saw me they stopped talking and watched me. I went over toward the computer desk not looking at anyone as I picked up my big bag that I carried with me most of the time and started packing up my things.

“Case?” Zack suddenly spoke up “Did we get you into trouble?”

“You didn’t get fired did you?” Alex asked as he quickly walked over to me.

“No I didn’t, but I’m not recording you anymore.” I sighed looking up at Alex with a sad smile.

“What? Why?!” he asked looking upset.

“I was in an argument with Jack.” I shrugged as I hung my purse on my left shoulder.

“Jack you dick head!” Alex whined pointing at him on the couch. Jack looked equally upset.

“Maybe if we talk to your boss to let you stay?” Jack suggested.

“No, no that’s ok I’ve needed a nice long vacation anyway.” I reassured as I gave a tiny smile at him “Well I’ll see you guys whenever I guess?”

“Bye Case” Alex sighed as he hugged me tightly and let me go as Rian and Zack did the same. Jack stayed where he was most likely thinking that he had caused enough damage.

“I’m sorry.” Jack mumbled and I looked at him.

“It was my fault for getting all hotheaded” I replied back as I waved one last time and exited the room. Why did I take the blame when it was all Jack’s fault? It just made me feel even more annoyed. However I was going on a nice long vacation where I could just forget all about it. Maybe I could get into some trouble with Martin on tour? Or maybe I’ll just be lazy and hang out at home for the whole two months.
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O_O 71 readers, 28 subscribers, and 20 comments already? geez! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! You guys make me happy! :D

I made this one longer cuz you all deserved it and I felt like i should be writting longer chapters! :)
