‹ Prequel: Sick Little Games
Status: Completed. (But please continue to comment. I'd like to know what you thought of the story overall.)

We've Got Unfinished Business


I stood peering inside Boys Like Girls tour bus refrigerator. There was absolutely nothing inside here, nothing! Ok maybe I was exaggerating since there was stuff in here but it was all leftovers which didn’t smell the freshest. The bus jerked suddenly and I slipped landing on my ass. Nice way of starting out tour. We had been on this bus for only half a day going to our destination, which was Maryland. I’d be on tour for about two months which would be great for me I mean I wouldn’t be staying away from the music industry, I just could never do that.

I had never been a merch girl for anyone before and I was actually looking forward to it. Just thinking about it made me all bubbly, which was good because weren’t merch girls suppose to be that way? I was such an amateur. This would be new and heck I might really enjoy it. Especially since I’d have time with Martin, the guys, and who knows who else. Which reminds me, who else was going to be here?

“Hey you ok?” Paul asked looking down at me while leaning on the open refrigerator. I looked up at him as my thoughts scattered.

“Man you must have really fell if you don’t even know what the hells going on.” Bryan shouted from one of the tables booths.

“Shut it Bryan and yes I am ok just a bit of a fall.” I smiled up at Paul as he extended his hand and I accepted it. When I got up on my feet I grabbed an ice cold water out of the fridge quickly as John commented with a slight chuckle “I’m surprised your knight and shining armor didn’t come to you rescue before your ass even hit the ground.”

“I’m driven! If you guys want to die from a crash be my guest!” Martin shouted from the front of the bus. Apparently he was actually listening to all of us and not listening to his Ipod like I had last left him.

“No thank you!” I shouted along with the other guys. Yawning I went over to the front of the bus and plopped down on the passengers seat. I was so tired since we had woken up early, try six in the morning early.

“Tired?” Martin asked glancing at me real quick and then back at the road.

“Just a little” I replied with another yawn as my eyes seemed to close on their own. It seemed like I was just about to drift off to sleep when Martin said something again.

“I forgot to mention there isn’t a fifth bunk on the bus.” Martin stated and I turned my head lazily to look at him.

“I guess I’ll sleep on the couch then?” I said but more in a question form. I didn’t really want to sleep on the couch, but it was comfy so I could care less.

“Nah I figured you could just share a bunk with me” Martin paused then fake coughed saying “Unless you don’t want to”

“Yeah I guess I could” I mumbled as my face got slightly hot probably a small blush creeping up on my face. He made me blush so much just like, never mind. The short conversation ended as my head when slack and I fell into a deep sleep.

When I awoke Martin was no longer driving and it was pretty dark out. I sat up and my neck felt very sore. I cringed my neck trying to loosen the kinks. Paul was at the wheel and I said hi to him before I got up and went towards the main area. Martin was sitting on the couch quietly singing to himself. I sat down beside him and rested my head on his shoulder as he instinctively put his arm around me.

“So who’s going to be playing with you guys?” I questioned quietly not wanting to make too much noise in the silent bus.

“Mmm were playing with Hey Monday, but after this month they are leaving and some other band will come on, but were not officially sure who its going to be and then Cobra Starship is going to be with us” Martin answered as I groaned.

“Cobra Starship?” I mumbled recalling Gabe Saporta and our crazy weird relationship.

“Do you have a problem with them or something?” Martin asked worried.

“Well Gabe and I just-” I paused “We have a funny love hate friendship”

The sun was scorching hot on my skin this July day compared to the cool air conditioned place. However I quickly spotted two buses, one of which was ours, and ran over to it. Banging on the door someone opened it for me, it was Gabe.

“Oh no not you again” Gabe groaned rolling his eyes.

“Shut up! I’m here for my band! Not you!” I exclaimed flicking him.

“Well you just missed them I think they went over to All Time Low’s bus” he whined rubbing his arm where I had flicked. That baby. I sighed and hung my head low while turning back around. Gabe slammed the door shut and I spun back around shouting “Asshole!!!”

“Cutie Pie!!!” I herd his shouted response. I rolled my eyes and stormed off back into the building.

I smiled brightly just thinking about all the dumb encounters with Gabe throughout the whole tour. The prank wars the name calling. It made me miss the old days even more. Like when I hung out with Alex and Jack 24-7 it seemed.

Something ached in my heart just thinking about Jack. I was so harsh to him. So cruel. He tried. He really tried. I fucked it up by acting that way. We would never have the same friendship ever again because of what happened. It’s not like we could put the whole tour out the window and act like our love for each other was never there. It seemed like Jack and I had great chemistry (I know corny right?) but it just could never happen. I was right from the very start. I could never be with Jack because he could never fully settle with one girl.

Though no one said I could never be friends with him again. When would be the next time I saw him though is the question.
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Ah sorry I didn't update I was busy! (and I wanted an break on my B-day dur! lol)
Also I apologize that this one is short. And that ATL has only been in like what? 3 chapters? But they will be in them soon after a time skip. (hint hint)
