Guilty Pleasure About a Girl

I never wanted anybody more than I wanted you

“as you know” he tried to talk but the crowd was being so loud he had to make small pauses for everybody to process what he was saying “we had a new band touring with us this week, they were here to probe they belong to this stage and that they can entertain you guys” I didn’t really knew were this was going but I started to feel nervous as I was watching that scene from next to the stage “and so today is their final verdict” by then I knew what was going on, I felt William’s soft lips kiss my forehead and his arm around my shoulder pressing me tighter against him.

“oh God” I heard Alice mumble from behind me, slowly approaching us, Gabe had a huge smile on his face as he walked holding hands with her “is he going to do it like this? I mean whatever it is, if he’s either going to kick us out or let us stay he’s going to do it this way?”

“that’s Pete Wentz for you Al” Gabe shrugged his shoulders, they stood next to us as we continued listening to what Pete had to say in between screamings and the band playing pointless and short riffs

“…and after a full week of opening the show and see you guys reaction to them we decided” I felt a knot in my stomach “…that they should keep touring with us and that we’re going to sign them” I looked up to see William with a wide smile on his beautiful face “you did it baby” he told me and kissed me while I heard Alice squeal next to us, she started jumping up and down in excitement, Gabe hugged her “so please make some noise for Alice and Marie Anne from To Bring Him Back” Pete looked at our way and William pushed me lightly towards the stage “go” he whispered in my hear “come on girls!” Patrick said into the microphone, Alice and I walked up stage, I felt as if I was going to have a heart attack, I was so excited as we walked towards Pete to hug him, the lights were blinding us “thank you” I whispered in his hear and he nodded. We repeated the same process with the rest of the guys on stage.
When we were about to leave the stage asked us to stay and do some backup vocals for their next song and he said he was going to fire us if we messed up. By the second verse William and Gabe came upstage too, the four of us took over Pete’s microphone stand, we sang our lungs out, it was one of the most exciting nights of my life.
Being on that stage, in front of that much people screaming, cameras flashing my way and most important singing next to my boyfriend and two of my friends felt as the most amazing thing ever. I knew I belong there.


Gabe’s POV

“this is the best night of my life!” Alice yelled throwing her hands up in the air as she looked up at the sky while we walked towards the buss after signing and getting pictures taken, this time she joined me, there was a lot of kids wanting to get a picture with her too.

“and it gets better” I placed my hand on her back leading her way so she won’t fall, she was still looking at the sky

“I love the stars” she sighed. I like that about her, she finds happiness in the most simple and random stuff but yet again there’s times when you just can’t make her smile, she’s so complicated yet very simple, that’s actually entertaining.

“I know” she stopped walking and so did I “what?” she shook her head and started walking again

“nothing” she smiled

“you’re so weird” I laughed

“Unfortunately you’re going to witness my weirdness for the rest of the tour” she said with a huge smile on her face

“I said you’re weird not that I don’t like you being weird”

“that’s actually sweet of you”

“and I’m going to do something even sweeter for you” we finally made it to the Cobra’s bus, I opened the door for her and she stepped in

“what are you going to do?” I didn’t answer, I just smirked at her and led her to my bunk, we laid down and she rested her head on my chest. The bus started moving and none of us said a word, we just laid there enjoying each other’s company, until she spoke. “if it isn’t Brian Haner Jr wrapped as a present I don’t want to know anything about it” she poked my stomach

“how could you be with me and still want that guy?”

“hey!” she sat up “that guy is a living legend and I don’t want him for what you might be thinking at” she smiled “ok, not now that I have you” I pulled lightly on her hair making her lay on my chest again “you certainly don’t know how to behave with a girl” she rolled her eyes.

“and you certainly know how to make me feel unwanted” it came out of my lips more bitterly than wanted

“aww” she started rubbing on my stomach with her right hand “Gabey baby doesn’t feel wanted” she kissed me in the cheek and kept babbling stuff in a baby like tone, I lost focus on what she was saying, I was too amused by her hand massaging my body. It has been a long dry time, I swear that if she goes two inches lower I’m gonna get a boner. “is Gabey baby mad at me?” she pouted, I shook my head “then why you didn’t answer me” cause I was fantasying with your hand rubbing on my dick? “I’m sorry” she sat up again “is just that… that night at the pre tour party I really wanted to do it and all but after getting caught two times it didn’t felt as a good idea”

“is understandable” I smiled at her and rubbed on her back “but do you want me?” she looked down at me and her cheeks started to get a redder tone as she nodded. “That’s all that matters”

“do you?” she asked back, her voice was shaking as if she was nervous or insecure of my answer

“Do I what?” she laid on my chest again, avoiding eye contact

“Do you want me?”

“there must be a reason why we’re together isn’t it?” I felt her nod on my chest “look at me” I told her and she did as I said, I cupped her face and crashed my lips to hers for one of the sloppiest, wettest yet hottest kiss we’ve had so far “I want you”


Maybe is the way she has been kissing me all night, the way she has been grinding against me as we dance or just the fact that the lack of “activity” is killing me but I think she wants to screw me, right here, right now, in the middle of the dance floor.
Now that I think of it, it wouldn’t really matter and nobody would notice, everybody in this club is too into their own business to notice us or in the case they actually turn their heads towards our way they all get distracted by the sight of Gabe dry humping….I mean dirty dancing to Ali.
Nice way to celebrate with your friends and girl the fact that they’re going to stay on the tour, thumbs up to Gabe who invited us to party in this place full of horny couples dry humping in the dance floor. Maybe he didn’t know what kind of place this was or maybe he actually picked this place on purpose. This is one of the many wonders of being friends with Gabe, you never know what he’s planning, thinking or going to do, he has such a twisted mind.

I soon got tired of dancing and to be honest a little uncomfortable since dancing is not one of my talents so I used my dry mouth as an excuse to go get more drinks and sit in our table, we used the “don’t you know I’m in a band?” card and got into the VIP section, even though Gabe hated that part, he usually loves getting into that section by flirting to people.

A few beers and many body shots later I started to feel a little tipsy, yet I was still in total control of my actions but I couldn’t say the same about my fellow party friends; Miss “I’m a saint and you can´t get body shots from me” was on Gabe’s lap doing exactly what she said she wasn’t going to do and Gabe was taking advantage of the situation. Marie Anne, in the other hand, was being a little too touching, not that I’m complaining but half the time I’m the one either hugging her or kissing her, I’m the one making physical contact most of the time but right now she seems to be taking control over the situation. I refuse to believe is the alcohol though.

I finally gave in, alcohol or not her lips upon mine felt unbelievable.
I kissed back as eagerly as her at first but then I took control over the kiss making it a little less “pre sex” and a little sweeter. My hands tangled on her smooth brown hair as I kissed her warm and soft lips. I longed for her touch the whole day. Giving her little kisses during the day is not as comforting as kissing her like this. Although I love little displays of affection I can enjoy a hot make out session, even in a public place.
I felt this was going too fast so I stopped slowly and held her in my arms until her breathe was a little more steady. Meanwhile I checked on Ali and Gabe. He was sitting normally and for some reason she was on her feet in front of him. She put a piece of lime on her mouth and handed him a shot of tequila, he took it and placed it in between her boobs. I wasn’t exactly hearing what they were saying or knew how they got into that situation, I only knew she was tense and he was pushing her. It showed.
He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her as close as possible to him, he drank the tequila from her cleavage, licked salt off her collar bone and finally took the lime out of her lips. He pulled up her dress a bit and got her in his lap, she started kissing him as sweetly as she always does but then he took over making it a little hard to watch. She got off his lap and re adjusted her tube dress, said something and disappeared from our sight. Gabe sat alone with his thoughts for a couple seconds before he followed her not without telling me not to wait up from him and blinking at me.

This can’t be good.

I shook my head and got back to my own business.
The lady breathing on my neck needed my attention.
I kissed her forehead and she looked at me “are you tired?” she asked me, I shook my head “then let’s go back to dance” she stood up and stretched up her arms as if she just woke up “where’s Ali and Gabe?”

“I’m not sure, they just left”

“weird” she shook her head “let’s go get more drinks”

“I think you’ve had enough, baby”

“I’m not drunk”

“I know you’re not”

“we’re supposed to be celebrating” she rolled her eyes

“you can celebrate without drinking, besides we’re celebrating you’re going to stay with me so the best way to celebrate it is by staying together” she looked at me with a confused look on her face “what?”

“you said “celebrate” three times”


“is like Beetlejuice, the “celebration” creature is going to pop out of nowhere in any second”

“I love how random you are” I laughed and she sat next to me again “ so what else…”

“William” she cut me off “just shut up and kiss me!” she demanded and I happily obeyed.
Her lips tasted as the same as the first time ever, sweet and a bit like alcohol, perfect if you ask me.
I cupped her face and deepened the kiss. As usual, our kiss grew hotter quickly, my hands were roaming on her lower back and hers were tangled on my hair. As usual we were going too far for her and I needed to go further than that. I didn’t think I was going to be able to resist it anymore so I decided to take one last chance and took advantage of the lack of light and depending on her response I was going to take things further.

She tilted her head to a side and deepened the kiss, she took over it with a lot of lust covered strength it made hard to believe I was being kissed by the same girl who kissed me earlier in the venue.
So knowing how desperate to kiss me she was, I tried to find out how desperate to have me inside she was. My left hand left her back to caress her leg, I felt her warm and smooth skin react against my touch so I slid my hand in between her legs, I got a soft moan in response so I pressed my hand harder against her entrance gaining another moan.
She was ready to roll and seemed to be wanting to do it so I pressed harder a couple more times and then stopped, just to tease her and leave her wanting for more.

“wanna go back to the hotel?” I asked her as soon as I broke our kiss

“why not here?” she pecked my lips and I pressed my hand against her again “oh fuck!” I felt her tighten in my hand “why not here?”

“too many witnesses, my dear” I kissed her one more time and pressed harder “besides, you will like it better if I lay you down first” I whispered in her ear and it was all it took for me to make her get into the first cab outside the club.


Alicia’s POV
I made it to the bathroom after sailing on the sea of people. “I don’t think I would be able to do this if I’m not drunk” I whispered to myself as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I shook my head and re did my make up just like the rest of the girls in front of the mirror. I saw someone going out of one of the toilets so I walked inside of it. I didn’t think I could hold it in much longer. I closed the door behind me only to be flung open again by Gabe.
“what are you doing here?” I asked him but I didn’t get any sort of verbal response, he closed the door and pulled me closer to him by my hips. Our lips crashed together in the most needy and lustful kiss we’ve had so far.
He pushed me to one of the walls and kissed my neck as his hands parted my legs open, he then lifted me up so our heads were almost at the same level, afraid to fall I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pressed against me so I won’t fall.
We then returned to the kissing part, it was so fast, hard and sloppy, I loved it. He somehow slid a hand in between us which went straight to my crotch, he pressed it against my entrance and made me loose it. I was going to pee in his hand.
“oh fuck!” I said in an embarrassed and painful moan

“you’re gonna like it” he whispered against my neck’s skin

“but you won’t” he looked at me “put me down”

“no” he smirked at me and sucked on one of my breast, that was certainly going to leave a mark. MENTAL NOTE: SLAP HIM LATER FOR THAT SLUTTY HICKEY ON MY BOOB

“seriously!” I said in a more demanding tone, he looked at me again “I gotta pee” he shook his head and started kissing me again, he slowly put me down and when I thought he was going to finally leave me alone so I could do my business he started attacking my neck again, I was going to protest but it felt too good, is sent chills down my spine which increased my need to pee. He went back to kissing me in the lips as he started to pull down my straps. “they’re not part of the dress” I told him and he stopped, kissed the bare skin in my shoulder and squeezed my boobs.
His arms went back to my hips and mines to his waist, he pressed himself against me and I could feel him getting harder just like the other night at the party. He kissed my lips, then down to my jaw line and neck as he grinded against me, I closed my eyes but it wasn’t because of how good it felt like but because he was pressing too hard against my bladder, I didn’t think I was going to be able to hold in much longer.
He continued kissing down my body through my clothes until he got on his knees, he then kissed/sucked on the inner part of my leg, pulling my dress up so he could keep kissing up to my growing bladder pain.
“hello Kitty!” he said when he pulled my dress up enough to see my underwear.
“fuck!” I pulled down my dress embarrassed

“shut up, I love them!” he pulled it up again and kissed the inner part of my other leg, then he placed my leg on his shoulder and before I could process what was going on he started running his tongue on my entrance thought my boxer.
“please, don’t do that in here” I told him but as usual he didn’t listen, it only make him fasten his tongue movements and I was actually starting to like it but yet I had to try to behave “stop, Gabe” it sounded less demanding and more motivating than I wanted it to be. I was starting to enjoy it and letting myself go until he bit me. I screamed in pain which made him laugh. Three seconds of glory and then he fucks it up, typical of him.
“it hurt!” I pulled his head off my crotch by his hair and he stood up “why did you do that?”

“I like flipping you off” he smiled and I shook my head “let’s go back dancing”

“no!” I crossed my arms across my chest “I’m mad at you, you hurt me”

“you’ve hurt me too” I raised an eyebrow “yeah, you’ve hurt my pride in the past, you’re a teaser”

“don’t blame it on me, I don’t plan on getting caught and I’m sorry is not one of my dreams my first time to be in a bunk” he raised an eyebrow as his lips slightly parted open, as if he didn’t like what he heard “I mean, my first time with you” I rolled my eyes, trying to pull off the fact that I was still a virgin

“the location doesn’t affect the quality of the fucking”

“it does and most important I don’t want it to be a quickie or I don’t want you to do it only ‘cause you got horny and I was the only girl already in your bed” he rolled his eyes “don’t you care about what I want?” there were a couple of seconds of awkward and hurtful silence “then is nice to know you don’t” I re adjusted my dress and tried to open the door and get out of there but he stopped me, pushed me against the door and kissed me.

“I do care about what you want” he kissed me again “like I told you earlier, there’s a reason why we’re together” his words made my heart start beating faster ‘cause it was exactly what I wanted to hear and most important, it felt as if he meant it so now, knowing he actually cared about me I was determinate to satisfy his physical needs.

“Gabe, why don’t we go back to the hotel?”

“is too early to sleep and I still have enough energy to keep dancing”

“who said I wanted to sleep?” I kissed his neck and rubbed my hand lightly against his bulge.

“I’ll wait for you outside, I’m gonna get us a cab”

Boys; they’re so easy.