Guilty Pleasure About a Girl

Mr. Wiped & Miss Hot mess

Marie Ann’s POV

The night of the fight Gabe and Ali patched out and William did one of the most amazing things he has done for me because it was our third month anniversary.
Since we weren’t going to stay at a hotel he managed to get all of the guys out of the buss, put candles around along with flower. He cooked the most delicious Tai food, my favorite, after dinner we cuddled up in the back lounge and watched “500 days of Summer”, my favorite movie.

In a few words, I’ve never been happier in my life.

Alice’s POV
“we’re in CALIFORNIA!” Marie Ann made emphasis in the word “we gotta go clubbin’” she begged William. We were all at a hotel room, deciding what we were going to do for the night.

“exactly, we’re in California! We have to go to the beach!” they argued like little kids so I decided to butt in

“last time we were here we went clubbing, I think is time for us to go to the beach, besides there’s clubs everywhere! We’re in SoCal! We HAVE TO go to the beach!”

“ I want to go clubbing’ too” Gabriel said giving us thumbs up

“you’re supposed to be with me on this one” I told him

“Ali, I know you love the beach but there’s been a while since we went out for drinks” he said

“yeah, two days a go” I rolled my eyes

“and I want to dance!” he took one step forward, closer to me, I was sitting on the bed “you know you love dirty dancing with me” though I found his dancing amusing I wanted to have a quiet night, at least once.

“Gabriel, we always do as you want” I pouted

“liar, last night you said you were too tired and King Cobra didn’t get his royal threatment!”

“eww, Gabe” Marie Ann threw a pillow at him “not the kind of info I need

“alright kids, I have a solution” William stood up from bed and explained “you two should go clubbing while Ali and I go to the beach, how does that sound?”

“wonderful! Thanks babe” Marie Ann stood up from bed too and ran to the bathroom to get shower and ready not without kissing Bill before leaving
Gabe didn’t move, he stood there looking at us, thinking.
“and what are you two exactly going to do?”

“we’re grabbing some dinner, then to the beach to have some beers and red wine” William told Gabe

“sounds like the perfect date to me” I smiled “why you never do anything like that, Gabriel?”

“haha, very funny!” he said sarcastically and sat next to me

“are you aware of the fact that those two are going to drink right?” I asked Bill

“yeah, why?”

“haven’t you realize alcohol gets them all horny?”

“truth!” Gabe spoke

“yeah but I know my girl, she will save all of her desire for when she comes back to me”

“and I know my Gabriel, therefore I’m worried” he rolled his eyes

“I promise I’ll keep it in my pants but when I come back the beast will be unchained” he kissed me in the cheek and ran his hands on my tight

“I think that’s gonna hurt, Ali” Bill said.

About an hour later Gabe and Marie Ann went out to the club, Bill and I went out to get some pizza, beers, red wine and cigarettes, then we headed to the beach.

“we’re all aware of the fact that he has been known for being a one night stander but he has been acting different since he’s with you” William told me

“that’s actually good”

“it is, he has barely done relationships in the past so you should be happy he’s in one with you right now”

“I actually am” I sat up and looked down at him with a smile, he sat up too and waited for me to continue talking “as you and probably the rest of the guys on tour know I lost my virginity to him” he nodded “well, that day, when we were done we cuddled and I don’t know I felt different and not only because I became an statistic and not to mention a deadly sinner” he laughed “but because I felt as if I finally found what I was missing in”

“sex?” Bill said with a smile

“no, him” I felt my cheeks start to warm up as I spoke “I’ve felt empty my whole life, no matter what I did I always felt that way but that time, when he was happy and by my side felt as if the puzzle was complete, as if I found what I needed to be happy and these few months I’ve been happy for the first time in my life and is all because of him”

“wow” he stared down at his hands and then back at me

“and well is has not always being easy, I have to deal with girls trying to get into his pants every night along with the time he denied me in an interview but if that’s the price I have to pay for being with him so be it”

“are you in love of him?” he asked me, he looked a bit concerned for some reason. I nooded shyly, he looked away and sighed heavily. “Does he know?”

“I haven’t tell him, I’m too scared to do it”

“you’ve been together for a while, I think is time”

“I’ve never said “I love you” not even to my mom and I’m afraid he won’t say he loves me back”

“how do you know?”

“I don’t know, I’m just assuming. Besides, if I tell him I love him and he doesn’t love me back there might be catastrophic concecuences”

“like what?” he opened another beer and took a long sip from it as I spoke

“he might break up with me or simply leave. I know his type”

“I think you should tell him but find an especial occasion so if he doesn’t say it back you could blame it on the alcohol you drank that day or something” he took another sip from his beer, he started to look a little nervous “isn’t your birthday coming in three weeks?” I nodded “then there you go, you can confess your feelings on that day”

“but what if..?” I started but he cut me off

“no buts! You’re doing it missy” he said in a demanding tone

“alright, dad” I rolled my eyes and he laughed “so what was so important you have to tell me we put each other on risk of being cheated at” he laughed again but then turned serious.

“when we go on break and you have to go back home for those two weeks I wanna go with you, I wanna meet Marie Ann’s parents and everything”

“that’s great, I wish Gabe could come too”

“I’ll help you try to convince him but probably he won’t go under the same circumstances as I will”

“what do you mean?”

“well, Gabe told me that in Latin America you have to get you girl’s family’s approval before you pop the question so…” he explained but got cut off by a squeal coming from my lips.

“are you serious?” I asked him as I squeezed the life out of him with my arms

“dead serious” he hugged me back

“oh my God!” we pulled away after a couple more seconds “I’m very excited for you guys, you have something planned yet?”

“no” he took a cigarette from my bag and lit it up “I’m waiting to see how the trip goes. If they like me I’ll propose on her birthday or mine and then I’ll let her pick the wedding date”

“can I help planning?”

“of course!”

“you have the rock yet?”

“no, I was hoping you will help me buy her one?”

“right now?”

“no, when we get on break. That way I’ll have a new check in my pocket” he smiled widely and then took a drag from his cigarette.

“there’s another question, where are you going to live after you get married?”

“wherever she wants to” he shrugged his shoulders “we can buy a house in México or one in Chicago or maybe we will move to LA since she liked California so much”

“I think Cali would be awesome for you guys, the weather is warm but not as warm as in México”

“I rather California’s heat over México’s, that’s for sure” he smiled “I remember the time we went there to pick you girls up, I thought I was going to die”

“you’re so weak, Bill” I smacked him playfully in his arm

“I’m not weak, I’m just not used to the heat” he defended

“you’re weak, I can beat you at wrestling, arm wrestling, hell! Even at thumb wrestling!”

“that’s not fair, you’re a total dude!”

“hey!” I threw a handful of sand at him

“see?” he rolled his eyes “only Gabe can pull the woman out of you”

“that’s not true!” I crossed my arms across my chest

“you’re always picking playful fights with everybody, sitting and barfing like a guy along with talking shit with them but as soon as Gabe walks in you get on your “girl mode”; you talk different, talk appropriately and even flirt”


“I’m not kidding and I’m not the only one who notices it. The other you were wrestling with Sisky, Michael came to me when I was watching you guys, then Gabe came in and you guys sat near us and started to do what you do best and Michael told me: “if it wasn’t because I know her well and judging only for how she acts when she’s with Gabe I would think she’s actually sexy” and then we continued observing your primitive and lustful behavior” he nodded

“oh really?” I raised and eyebrow “well, you act all gay and love-sick when you’re with Marie Ann”

“you gotta be kidding me!” he threw some sand at me

“I’m not! One minute you’re doing your normal stuff and the other one you’re drooling over the floor and doing as she pleases”

“sure Miss Hot-mess”

“of course Mister wiped!”