Guilty Pleasure About a Girl

LAX to where ever you are from

I felt his soft and warm lips kiss my forehead and I slowly opened my eyes. The sun was bright and blinding outside indicating it was noon, although we needed to be at the airport by 6 PM and I still needed to pack, I didn't wanted to get out of bed.
I caressed his stomach with my hand and buried my face in his chest again
“William” I whispered

“you finally awake, baby?”

“yeah” I looked up at him “when did you wake up?”

“like an hour a go”

“why didn't you woke me up?”

“because you look so cute asleep” he smiled “but no matter how much I enjoyed seeing you sleep I was already going to wake you up, we have a lot to do before you go”

“can't we cuddle until I leave?”

“no” he shook his head “we need to get out of bed, get some breakfast, hang out, have lunch, check if Alice and Gabe are still alive...” I laughed

“why checking if they're still alive?”

“because those two are not good together, I have the feeling that they will end up cutting each others throats one day” I nodded “anyway, we have stuff to do so get up”

“no!” I whined and wrapped my arms around him

“come on get up” he laughed and tried to stand up but I got on top of him so he won't go anywhere

“let's just kiss and cuddle” I looked at him, he smiled and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me, kissing him and laying with him this way was so hard. Even though it felt awesome it was bad for me, it was killing my inner strength.
“alright, let's go” he said once we pulled away

“but baby!” I whined again

“trust me” he cupped my face “get up, you're not gonna regret it” he kissed my lips one last time and I got off him, he got up and went into the bathroom.

We took a shower, separately and dressed up, then we went to William's apartment, he cooked me breakfast, surprisingly, we woke up early so it was still breakfast and not lunch. We cuddled in his bed for a couple of hours watching TV until it was late enough to have lunch, we went out to the same vegetarian restaurant were we went yesterday to.
We gave Alice and Gabe a call before heading back to the hotel.


the next morning I woke up to the sound of his phone, I decided to wake him up to so he could get it after it rang for about five minutes straight. Being the lazy ass he is he didn't pick up, he just rolled over taking the covers off me.

I got out of bed and went to his bathroom, brushed my teeth and tried to fix a bit my make up from yesterday.
Minutes later I went down to his kitchen, he was already awake and making some coffee, I sat on one of the stools in the island and stared at him feeling the tension in between us grow.

It feels as if there was something we had to say but none of us was going to say it, maybe it was about our “goodnight kiss” or the time I ran-away in the club or all the times I've felt chills when he touches me. I hate it, he can hand me a guitar pick, a drink or the ketchup and whenever our fingers touch I feel chills running through my body and I know he noticed it 'cause he wears a stupid sweet smile every time it happens.

He poured coffee in two mugs, handed me one and sat in front of me across the island.

“so...” he took a deep breathe “you're leaving today?”

“yeah” I took a sip from my coffee

“you really have to?”

“yeah, we have school time to go back to reality”

“sucks for you” he gave me a weak smile

“yeah” I smiled back “but I've had a lot of fun with you I just don't want to go home yet” I looked at my hands, ashamed of the fact that I spoke with my heart and not with my brain.

“I don't want you to go home” he shook his head and then smiled at me “you wanna do something before you leave?” suddenly my mind got plagued with thoughts of me and him cuddling together and many more corny and not sexual at all thoughts but I decided to push them to the back of my mind

“hang out?” he nodded and stood up. “go to my bedroom, I'll be there in a second” he told me and I did as he said.
I laid down again in his bed and turned on the TV, surprisingly we woke up early so there was enough time for us to spend together.
Minutes later he came into the room with two bowls, two spoons, three boxes of cereal and milk.

“here's breakfast” he said wearing a beautiful smile on his face
we spent the rest of the morning eating cereal and watching cartoons until it was late enough to have lunch.
I asked him to take me to my hotel so I could start packing. He took a shower and dressed up then we left to the hotel. We were silent the whole time, we only smiled at each other every now and then. Once in my hotel I took a shower, dressed up and got make up on, I secretly wanted to look as good as possible for him, as pathetic as it sounds.

I went out the bathroom only to see him half asleep laying on my bed, I felt the urge to cuddle with him again but it soon disappeared once I remembered he was Gabe Saporta. His eyes snapped open as soon as I sat on the bed, he told me he was hungry so we called room service, he got a call from Bill as soon as I hung up from ordering our food.
A couple minutes later our food arrived so we sat on bed and started eating, once again I felt as if he wanted to tell me something but I pushed it to the back of my head again, until he spoke...

“are you going to keep in touch when you leave?” he asked with a mouthful of salad

“yeah” I smiled

“I'm going to visit you when I'm not in the road”

“ok” I smiled again, I was obviously faking it, I knew as a fact he was going to forget about me as soon as my feet stepped on the plane. “I wanna thank you for letting me sleep in your house last night”

“not a problem, you should know you can sleep with me whenever you want” he smirked

“right” I smiled

“I meant it” I nodded and turned back my sight at my plate . In my heart I felt as if he was being serious, as if he actually wanted to keep in touch, as if he really cared about me, in that moment I even felt as if he kinda liked me a bit. Although I knew someone like him can't possibly like someone like me I decided to take a chance and ask about what has been torturing me since last night. How bad could it be? I'm not going to see him ever again anyway.



“why did you kissed me that way last night?” I kept my sight on my food, I was too nervous to look at him 'cause whatever his answer was going to be it was going to change my feelings for him.

“I was just showing you how to give a proper goodnight kiss” I knew it, it didn't mean a thing for him. “it was just a goodnight kiss on the cheek in between buddies, you said we were buddies, remember?” I gave him a weak smile and nodded. He was right, we were only friends. Although I was expecting him to say that I couldn't help but feel like shit but he's not the one to blame, if there was somebody guilty of my sudden sadness was me and my stupid heart refusing to obey my brain. He started blabbing on how much fun we had together and pretty much quoting my speech about us being buddies but I didn't really paid any attention, I was mentally hitting my head against the wall. I've always being the friend and never the girlfriend of all guys I've ever liked, it hurts but at the same time is better than not having any sort of contact with my secret crush. It hurts but is better than nothing and the only consolation about this is that once I get into that plane I'm never gonna see him again.
“can I ask you something?”


“why are you asking me this?”

“just wondering” I smiled

“what would had happened if I had given you a real kiss on the lips last night?”

“didn't you just said we're friends?” he nodded “then it doesn't matter, I told you I was just wondering”

William and Marie Anne arrived just in time to stop us from going any further in the stupid conversation. We started packing our stuff, William helped Marie Anne and Gabe kept laying on bed watching TV.
About an hour later we were in our way to the airport, Gabe was driving,
I was on the passenger's seat, it was silent except for the sound of kisses coming from the back seat.


Marie Ann's POV

after having lunch we went back to the hotel, we packed and then Gabe drove us to the airport.
As soon as me and William got in the backseat we didn't waste any time and started kissing, after all, only God knows when I'm ever going to be able to see him again. I love the way he kisses, he's so gentle and sweet but at the same time he's very passionate. I even love the way he touches, his hands feel like velvet, he has the most loving and caring touch ever.
Everything about him feels like perfection.

Minutes later we arrived to the airport, the boys helped us with our luggage, we made some final arrangements and we sat and waited for our plane. I was sitting next to Bill, Gabe & Alice were sitting in front of me.
William wrapped his arms around my shoulders pulling me closer to him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my nose in his neck, smelling his very characteristic cologne and a small trace of cigarettes. I suddenly started to feel sad, I was going to leave behind the boy I've been crushing on since a couple years a go, the man that had grown on me so quickly in the last few days that is scary, the man that is so perfect it makes it hard to believe it is real, the man I'm going to leave.

“baby, I want you to know that even though you're going back home I'm not going to forget you, these have been some one the most wonderful days of my life and I'm never going to forget you”

“please Bill, don't say that, you make me feel as if I was going to die”

“don't be silly love, you're going to be ok, I'll fly you in as soon as you can come and I'm going to visit you and Alice in your apartment as soon as I can” he kissed my forehead as I felt a tear roll down my cheek, he noticed it and cupped my face in his hands “don't cry baby” he wiped my tear away with his thumb “this is not the end” he smiled and pecked my lips “ I like you too much to forget about you and you're very important in my life” although he was trying to comfort me, his words made me feel sadder “don't cry or you're gonna make me cry” he made a pout which made me laugh “you look so pretty when you laugh” he said and pecked my lips “baby, you should know by know that you're always in my head and you will always be so” he put his hand inside his pockets looking for something “here it is” he pulled out a small box and opened it in front of me “this is for you so you can remember me”

“is beautiful” I told him as he helped me get the necklace with a “W” on it on “thank you William” I kissed him and rested my head on his chest, his arms wrapping around me.

I closed my eyes so I could froze and keep that moment in my memory forever. I love how he rests his chin in my head, how his arms feel around me, how he smells, how he makes me feel, I think I love everything about him, he's too perfect.

“Marie Anne” I heard Alice call my name from her seat in front of me but I ignored her “Marie Anne, our flight has just being announced” I opened my eyes, the words I didn't want to hear has just being spoke “we have to go”

“I don't want to go” I whined

“we have to, I'm sorry” she stood up “let's go”

“baby, you have to go” William kissed me in the forehead “I'll go visit you as soon as I can”

“how soon?”

“we're hitting the road in about a week and we're gonna have a 3 days break once we have 2 weeks touring”

“that's three weeks”

“they'll go by fast, I promise” he cupped my face and kissed me

“I'm going to miss you a lot”

“I'm going to miss you too but it will be easier if you think of me everytime you feel lonely”

“William, I think of you even when I'm with you”

“I didn't know that was even possible” he smiled and kissed me one last time before we stood up. Gabe and Alice were still standing infront of us, there were looking at eachother, it seemed as if they wanted to say something but none of them had the nerve to say it “I...I have to go” she turned her back on Gabe and walked away, he shook his head and looked down his feet.

“let's go” William whispered in my ear, we laced our fingers together and walked towards the gates area.

“I'm really happy I met both of you” Alice said once we were all together a few steps away from our gate “I've had a lot of fun with you guys, this has been unbelievable, I'm going to miss both of you” she gave William a hug, he whispered something in her ear, they pulled away and she nodded, they smiled at eachother hugged again.

“bye Gabe” she said once she pulled away from my boyfriend, Gabe leaned down and kissed her in the cheek, funny thing is that it lasted more than a normal kiss on the cheek and both of them closed their eyes. They hugged after that, it was shorter than their kiss though.

“goodbye, love” William told me and leaned down for one last kiss “I'm going to miss you”

“me too” I hugged him

“call me as soon as you get home so I know you're ok”

“I will” I kissed him one last time before hugging Gabe goodbye and then we walked to the gate.


“I already miss them” I breathed out as we walked in the kinda tunnel that will lead us to our plane

“me too”

“I'm really happy you're with William, he's such a nice good”

“I know, he's just the way I thought he would be”

“yeah” sadness was in the air, I knew her too well that I knew she wanted to cry as much as I wanted to

“can't we miss school this semester?”

“they're going to start touring, it doesn't matter if we manage to stay anyway”


“I don't wanna go back to reality”

“me neither, being with William feels like dreaming and I don't want to wake up”

“then don't” we heard a masculine voice say, we didn't had to turn back to figure out who it was. We stopped walking and turned around to face William, he wrapped his arms around Marie Anne and kissed her. I must admit I envy how cute they look together, they were meant to be with together and I truly hope that one day I will be fortunate enough to have what they have. Although “love” is a forbidden word for me, this past few days it seemed to be changing because I met Gabe.
I like him, a lot but there's nothing I can do about it, I know he's a player, I know he wouldn't care about my feeling for him and I certainly know he doesn't feel the same way about me even though this past days I've felt as if he liked me back.
Who am I kidding? He probably has just being doing that kind of stuff to get pussy or because we had a perfect mood, that's probably what happened yesterday, we were alone, in bed and he knows I'm so weak around him so he kinda tried to kiss me then chickened out.

I felt chills running through all my body, I was getting sadder as the seconds passed and watching this beautiful couple kiss in front of me wasn't helping so I looked down to my feet and for some reason Gabe's face came to my mind and I felt the urge to hug him and telling him the truth. My experience with guys was telling me not to do it but what William whispered in my ear when we hugged was echoing in my head.

“listen to your heard” I heard him say to me again once they pulled away for a second to take a breathe, he smiled at me and I nodded, they started kissing again and I suddenly knew what to do but not how to do it.
I started running away again but this time it was away from William and Marie Anne and into Gabe's direction.
I felt my knees go weak as soon as I saw him standing with his hands inside his pockets, he looked a bit upset, it made me feel sadder, I'm used to see him smiling all the time, this wasn't the Gabe I knew.

“hi” I said once I was in front of him

“hey, back so soon?”

“yeah” I looked down, my heart was racing, I lost the strength as soon as he looked into my eyes

“forgot something?”

“yeah...” I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe “I didn't kiss you goodbye”

“here” he leaned down and kissed me in the cheek “problem solved”

“are you five years old?” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close enough to meet his lips, he smiled and closed his eyes, I closed the gap in between us.
I kissed him as softly as I could, it was our first kiss and probably the last one after all so I didn't wanted him to believe I just wanted to kiss him so we can have a quicky in the bathroom, I wanted him to know I really liked him.

“I'm sorry I rejected you when we met” I told him once we pulled away, I was cupping his face with my hands “I was scared, I knew you were only doing it because it was the right moment not because you liked me, I knew you were doing it in hopes of getting laid...”


“no, let me finish!” he nodded “I know who you are, I know you're a player and I knew that if you kissed me I was going to fall for it and let you have your way on me” he stared at my with an undecodable look on his face, maybe I hurt him by the use of the term “player” but I knew that's what he was, I also knew he's a fun, loving and caring guy, enough to make me take a chance on him but I was to scared to be hurt.
“I'm sorry if I offended you but I was scared to fuck up because I...” I felt my knees go weaker and I felt as if I was about to faint “I like you” I closed my eyes, I didn't wanted to look at his face when he rejected me “ a lot and I feel like an idiot because...” I wasn't able to finish, he cut me off by the best way he could ever had, with his lips on mine. He kissed me so eagerly yet so sweetly, I didn't wanted it to end, I felt him wrap his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

“so now that we're coming clean” he sighed “yesterday I actually wanted to bone you but after writing with you I got to know you better and I knew it was going to hurt you in more ways than the pleasure ones” I laughed “so I decided not to get you drunk and seduce you, I watched you sleep instead”

“creepy” he smiled “then why didn't you kiss me when you had the chance?”

“because you were so vulnerable, you wanted it as much as I wanted it, I saw it in your eyes but I didn't do it because I was afraid I was going to want to go further and I was going to miss you when you were gone” he pecked my lips “but I was wrong, I started missing you since you turned your back on me and I don't want to go any further than kissing you because your plane is leaving in less than 5 minutes”

“I should go then” we pulled away and I turned around, walking towards the gate but he took a firm grip on my left arm and made me turn to face him. “I was missing you already” he told me with a smile before crashing his lips to mine, he wrapped his arms on my waist again lifting me up a bit, one of my hands were on his arm so I could remain in balance while the other one was tangled on his hair.

“just so you know” he pecked my lips “I like you too” I smiled “ a lot” he kissed me one last time.