Guilty Pleasure About a Girl

Life on the road

“there’s no need for you to get your rockstar clothes and make up yet” William told me as I was heading into the buss’ back lounge, where our luggage is , he was laying in his bunk “you can do it once we arrive the venue”

“but we’re the first ones on stage”

“yeah but we’re gonna get there like 3 hours early, we always do so don’t worry”


“come here” he tapped with his hand in the place next to him “get in bed” he told me and I did as he said, he wrapped his arms around me as soon as I was laying next to him. “is Alice ever going to forgive us?”

“she’s not mad at us, she’s just embarrassed” I started to slowly caress his arms, they were wrapped around me below my breast

“is she up already?”

“yeah, she woke up from her nap a while a go, she’s in the back lounge, trying to avoid any kind of eye contact with everybody”

“we’re all used to this kind of stuff, there’s no need for her to worry”

“you’re all used to walk in when one of your mates is about to get laid?”

“sort of and there’s nothing wrong with it because they weren’t humping eachother, they were just kissing” he paused “half dressed but who cares? Nobody else knows about it”

“Nick walked in too”

“don’t worry, Nick’s not that much of a gossip person, worry whenever Pete or Gabe catch you doing something wrong, those are the real gossip queens” he laughed

“I’ll make sure to lock the door if we ever…you know”

“there won’t be a need for it”

“why? You want people to walk in?”

“no” he laughed “we won’t do it in a party with lots of people around”

“then when”

“whenever you’re ready”

“what if I’m ready at a party with lots of people around?”

“then” he paused “I’ll find us some quiet and romantic place to be alone or no matter how bad it sounds I would rather taking you to a hotel”

“very classy” I smacked his arm

“I told you it sounds bad but I don’t like going at it in a crowded place, it’s not nice”

“now that I think about it, it isn’t”

“besides hotel or not I’d find a way to make it romantic, not everyday you have your girl giving herself to you for the first time, that’s something that needs to be cherish” that sentence made my hear beat faster, I don’t know how this boy can be this sweet

“I don’t know how you always find a way to make me feel especial”

“you’re very especial for me baby” he kissed the back of my head, he was laying behind me so there wasn’t any other place he could kiss “and now try to sleep, you’re gonna need all your energy to get on that stage” he kissed me one last time and held me tighter against his chest as I closed my eyes.


Alicia’s POV

I wasn’t even able to look at myself in the mirror, I felt like a slut, like a whore caught when she was about to lose her virginity. Well now that I think about it technically I’m not a slut since I’ve never had sex but whatever, you get the point.

Yesterday after being caught by Bill and Marie Anne I dressed up as quickly as possible, Gabe was standing infront of me apologizing but I couldn’t even look at him in the eyes, I was too embarrassed. We left the party after saying our goodbyes to pretty much everybody, we left Gabe home not after he said “I’m sorry” one last time and kissed me in the forehead.
Minutes later we arrived to William’s house, he lead me to one of his guest rooms so I could sleep there and apologized for walking in at such a crucial moment. I told him it was ok, I was mad at myself for not thinking in the consequences of doing such thing at someone else’s house and without locking the door, he told me I should be more careful on that kind of stuff and even more now that I was going to be on tour with them “you never know when there’s a camera flashing your way so be careful Kido” he told me and kissed my forehead goodnight. I swear William seems to be turning into my big brother, he is so loving and caring, Marie Anne’s so lucky to have him.

The next morning he woke me and Marie Anne up so we could go since The Academy is…’s buss was already parked in his front yard waiting for us.
“you can go in your pj’s, just throw your stuff into he buss, you can go back to sleep once the buss is running” he told us and being as lazy and half asleep as we were we obeyed him.

Once inside the buss William introduced us to all the guys and we settled who was going to sleep in each bunk. Marie Anne and he were going to sleep together and I was going to take the bunk below theirs, I think that wasn’t such a wise decision on my part but anyway, the buss started running and a new chapter of our life started.

I went to my bunk and slept for a bit more than an hour but a text from Gabe woke me up. “morning sunshine, where r u?” I read and a smile took over my face. “morning, TAI’s buss, u?” I replied and got off bed to find shelter in the back lounge.

“Cobra’s buss, how r u feeling? Still bummed?”

“still kinda embarrassed but I’ll live”

“mind if I make u some company?”

“no but how u pretend on getting here? Can u fly?”

“LOL, dork. We r gonna stop at a gas station in 2 hours, I’ll meet u there”
And with that said I walked towards the bathroom to check myself in the mirror. I cleaned up some of yesterday’s smudged eyeliner and put on a bit of foundation, just enough to not look that crappy and not too much I could look I actually got make up ‘cause he was coming. Once I finished I went back to the back lounge, Butcher was there, shirtless, eating a huge bowl of cereal. He smiled once I walked in, I smiled back “mind if I stay here?”

“no” he smiled again “want some?” he pointed to his bowl of cereal, I shook my head, thanked him and sat in the black leather couch.

After a few seconds of silence we started a conversation and I spent the two shortest hour of my life talking to him, he was a nice and interesting guy, I was actually glad I was riding with them.
I felt the buss stopping and my heart started to race. The driver stood up from his seat and said we were at some gas station and that there was a small cafeteria in case one of us wanted to get something for breakfast, then he walked out the buss leaving the door open.
“want something to eat?” Butcher asked me

“I’m not hungry yet but thank you” I smiled politely at him and directed my attention towards the door once I heard footsteps.

“Oh no! Here comes trouble!” Butcher yelled playfully to Gabe while he made his way towards us , Gabe smiled. “he got caught half naked with some chick last night” he whispered at me. My jaw dropped to the floor, I thought only Bill and Marie Anne knew about it but seems like gossip runs like venom through blood in here.

“hi” Gabe greeted us once he was in front of us.

“hi” we replied and he sat next to me, put his hand on my cheek and made me look his way “hey” he said and kissed me.

“sorry about that” Butcher told me referring to the half naked thing before standing up and leaving me and Gabe alone in the lounge

“you ok?” Gabe asked me, he seemed to be truly concerned “you look worried”

“Butcher just told me you got caught half naked with some chick last night”

“the rumor spread” he murmured and looked away from me “I’m sorry”

“any other day, I wouldn’t mind. The thing that bothers me is that those guys don’t know me and they’re already talking shit about me” I caressed his cheek with my hand and he looked at me “us” I corrected “but I’ll make it through this, I don’t really care what people think about me and I’m sure you don’t care either”

“I don’t” he smiled

“besides, we were doing anything…”

“yet” he grinned at me

“we’ll talk about that later” he smiled at me and pecked my lips. “so how has your day been so far?”

“well, I woke up, the Cobra buss was outside, loaded my shit, slept, woke up again and texted you, took another nap and here I am, still in my sexy pajamas” he smirked “what about you?”

“pretty much the same, so what do you wanted to do? Why you wanted to spend time with me?”

“because I like you, isn’t that enough?” my heart started beating faster when I heard those words

“yeah but I thought there was something you wanted to discuss or something” like asking me to be your girlfriend by example?

“hmm…no” he leaned closer to me to met my lips

“so what you wanna do? From what I heard we still have like three ours before we get to the venue” I asked him and he didn’t responded verbally, he kissed me again.

“you already have a bunk right?” he asked me while kissing me in the neck “why don’t we …”

“take a nap?” I suggested, he shook his head and laughed “come with me” I pulled him up by his hand and led him to my bunk “get in” I told him when I was already laying, my back against the wall, he kicked off his shoes and got next to me, closed the curtain and pressed his lips against mines. “are you tired?”

“a bit” he smiled “you have anything in mind?”

“how about taking another nap?” I smiled back

“sounds good” the silence took over for a few minutes, the only thing we heard was the buss moving and the light snoring from the rest of the guys and girl in the buss. “you fell asleep already?”

“no” I grabbed a blanket from my feet and covered myself with it

“if you are cold you should tell me so I can to something about it” he told me as he pulled me closer to him so my head was resting on his chest and his arms around me. I was surprised by his sudden display of affection and not lust so I kinda froze “I told you I’m not gonna hurt you so please stop being nervous”

“I’m not nervous, who told you that?”

“you have your boobs pressed against my side, I can feel your heart beat”

“oh fuck” he laughed “but I’m not nervous I’m just…”

“I don’t mind anyway, is kinda cute actually” he smiled “you’re such a kindergarten girl” he sighed “sleep, ok?” he told me “you’re gonna need all your energy later and if being touching me makes your heart beat this fast you’re gonna need to be calmed to bear what’s going to happen tonight” he kissed my forehead “sleep well” he told me and I closed my eyes.


A few hours later I woke up, Gabe was still by my side calling my name and telling me to wake up. “time to dress up” he kissed my forehead again and dragged me out my bunk. The boys were already gone, only William and Marie Anne were there, he was helping her pick the stuff she was going to take to the venue’s dressing room. “hi” I waved them and stretched my arms.

“slept well?” William asked me as politely as always

“of course, she had company” Marie Anne added and pointed to Gabe, he just smiled and winked at them

“we’re ready, you want us to wait for you or Gabe’s gonna walk you to your dressing room?” Bill asked me

“go, I’ll show her the place” he told them and with that they left, I grabbed a bag and I put the first clothes I saw on it since I didn’t knew what to wear, grabbed my make up bag and put on sunglasses. ”ready!” I told Gabe

“ok, let’s go” he told me and being the gentleman he is, most of the time, he grabbed my bag and helped me carrying it into the venue.

Once inside he started to tell me a bit of how stuff worked, he didn’t had to carry his stuff like I was right now, his roadies do it, his band has a dressing room for the boys and Victoria has one on her own, the set up is handed to them as soon as they get into the venue, sometimes they have to do their own sound checks and he always try to be ready before even the opening band starts. He told me is important be ready for everything all day and that he likes see the bands playing before him so he can get all psyched up. “and there’s one more thing” he told me “we’re always surrounded by people, teenagers mostly therefore they’re always trying to capture the next big thing with their cameras so they can blog and gossip about it so be careful with what you do but most important with what you say” I nodded, I had the feeling he was referring to us, as if he didn’t wanted people knowing we’re together or something like that although we’re not officially together. “the TAI boys always get their dressing room next to us so I would go check on you later, ok?” he opened the dressing room’s door for me “welcome to the touring life” he told me, kissed me one last time before he left to his own dressing room.

All the TAI boys were already there, William was helping Marie Anne pick up and outfit and the rest of the boys were eating chips from the little table with all kinds of junk food in the corner of the room.

“hey Al” Butcher waved at me, I settled my bags on the floor and walked into their way

“hi Butcher, hey guys” I waved at the rest of them

“eat some chips with us” Mike said “we have cookies too” he smiled with a mouthful of half munched chips

“what about real food?” I asked

“that will arrive in about ten minutes, hope you like sushi”

“you kidding me? I love it”

“good, now have a drink with us” he handed me a can of beer “or you rather a coke?”

“yeah, that would be better” I told him and he gave me a coke. I was starting to like these guys, they were as cool and easy going as William.

I spent the next half an hour bonding with the guys. When the food arrived we gathered in a table and ate like a big family while Bill, being the control freak he is, arranged the showering and dressing up turns. We, the girls got the bathroom first so we can have a shower and after that the boys would be the next ones in line to get shower. “and please, knock at the door before you walk in, we have ladies now” and that reminded me yesterday’s incident.

Anyway, Marie Anne and I left the boys alone and went to take a shower, not together of course, and shared some words meanwhile. She told me she was very happy with William, not that she needed to tell me, it shows, they look really happy together. I told her I liked Gabe a lot but I wasn’t sure we both want the same, I’m pretty sure she got what I meant.
So after a few minutes we went back to the boys, Marie Anne was fully dressed, I was in my pants and some sweater ‘cause I wasn’t sure of what I was going to wear yet. So we took over the dressing table and started to put on some make up, William came back from getting shower and hugged Marie Anne from behind. “I just got the set up” he started, I looked up at him “you’re first, then us so don’t worry” he kissed Marie Anne in the back of her neck “we’re gonna be supporting you girls from backstage” although I found extremely sweet on his part being worried about us that made the knot in my stomach grow. “I’ll go change quickly” he kissed her one last time and left “he’s so sweet” I said , “I know” she sighed and I proceed to finish getting make up. Once done I walked towards by bag and tried to figure out what to wear but then I lost my focus as soon as I heard him walking in.

He stared at me a couple of seconds “what?”

He laughed “no way! With those boobs” he pointed at my sweater

“that’s exactly what I thought the first time I read it” William said from across the room

“I was cold besides I’m just wearing this because I still don’t know what to wear” I said still checking through my bag

“wear this” he said grabbing one of my shirts “I would look so good in this one!” he put it in his chest and posed like a girl with one of his hands on his hip and the other one on his head

“yeah you would” I laughed

“change so I can show you around” he handed the shirt back to me

“we need to be on stage in an hour”


“so, you have to warm up, I have to tune my guitar and stuff”

“tuning will take you less than ten minutes and I don’t really need to warm up my throat for long, Bill and I discovered a new, more interesting and hotter way to do vocal warm up” he smiled

“do I even want to know how?”

“yeah, you’re gonna love it” he turned his sight at William and Marie Anne in the opposite side of the room, they were in the couch talking “William show her how to warm up” Bill smiled an d cupped Marie Anne’s face and started kissing her

“you guys discovered that together?...I mean…experimenting with each other?” he didn’t answer my question, he just smiled and dragged me out the room “let’s give them enough room to warm up” he said as we left.

We walked around for a couple of minutes, that damn question still in my head, he held my hand in his once we were at a less crowded part of the backstage area. That gesture sent red flags to my brain but I left it all go just because it felt so good.
“I’ll tune your guitar if you help me warm up” he offered and although I knew were this was going and how it was going to end I accepted for the same reason, just because I like how it feels like.

He led me to a small dark room, just like the one we got into at the FOB concert, he pushed me against a wall once we were inside and started kissing me, I kissed back just as eagerly.
No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t stop thinking in why he choose this. I mean why he led me to a lonely room? why he didn’t even hold my hand until we were pretty much alone? and most important; what does he really want?

I felt his warm lips kissing down my jaw line, I snapped my eyes open and I couldn’t see a thing, only dark shapes around us. He started to pull up my sweater and that’s the part when I knew this wasn’t right. I want this to happen, maybe more than he wants it but with me nothing and I mean NOTHING has a happy ending and maybe this know in my stomach is a sign that I should stop this right now.

“you locked the door?” I asked him

“oh shit!” he laughed “no but I don’t think somebody would walk in, they’re all busy in their own stuff” another red flag

“but what if …” I wasn’t able to finish my sentence, he started kissing me again “is this enough warm up for you?” I asked in between kisses, he sighed and stopped.


“nothing is just that this is all kinda weird”

“I thought you liked weirdness”

“I do but… I don’t know, this doesn’t feel right” IT FEELS FUCKING AWESOME!

“I think I understand what you mean” he sighed again and opened the door “let’s get out of here” he led me back to TAI’s dressing room, he tuned my guitar as he promised and gave me a few tips, he told me not to get nervous and stuff like that, he promised me he was going to be next to us to cheer us up the whole time.

The time went by flying, one minute we were at the dressing room and at the next minute Gabe was dragging me to the stage.
I was so nervous but having him by my side somehow made me feel a bit better. William and Marie Anne were walking behind us holding hands as usual. Soon we made it to the stage and I could hear a bunch of people already in there screaming. Pete jumped on stage and the crowd went crazy, he introduced us and made us a sign to get on stage, my knees grew weak but I was also excited to do it. I looked at my left side and saw Bill kissing Marie Anne so I looked at my right side expecting the same treatment but I didn’t, Gabe half hugged me with an arm and told me “good luck”, I felt my insides twitching. “good luck kiddo, don’t be nervous” Bill hugged me and kissed me in the cheek before I walked up stage.


Marie Anne’s POV

Just as William told me, time upstage goes by very fast. One minute I was fighting for my place in the tour, the next one I was watching my boyfriend making girls fall in love of him on stage and the next one I was cuddling with him in our bunk.

He next day we pretty much repeated the same procedure, we woke up at noon, different city, different venue, same loving boyfriend helping me carry my stuff inside.

About two hours before going on stage again Gabe and William were having one of those “performer to performer” conversations with me and Alice. They told us we should move more and do stuff to make the crowd get excited and stuff like that.
Just like yesterday Alice was not sure about what she was going to wear again so Gabe, joking, told us we should dress up the same and so we did.

This show went by quickly and we followed Gabe’s and my boyfriend’s advices so it turned out better than yesterday. Needless to say we got more clapping from the few guys around than from the girls.

So once again I stood next to the stage to see my boyfriend’s performance, this time alone since Gabe kidnapped Alice.
William looks even more perfect on stage; I love how passionate he looks, how much heart he puts on each one of his songs, I love everything he does.

Gabe and Alice came back just about ten minutes before Cobra’s time to get on stage, both with smiles on their faces.
We watched Cobra’s set and then hung out with the guys backstage before watching the main event, Fall Out Boy, then we all wrap it up and went back to the busses.

Just like yesterday I laid down with William but this time our good night kiss lasted longer than a normal goodnight kiss does.
By the time I realized we both were shirtless, sweaty and roaming each other’s body with our hands. He was on top of me, he gave my lips a rest and started kissing my neck, then he went back to my lips and he pressed himself against me. The touch of his soft and sweaty skin against mine turned me on so much so I stopped caring about the romanticism of our scenario, I wanted him right now and so I thought he did.

Our kiss turned even deeper and he slowly started to grind against me making me moan the first two times because he hit the right spot. Yeah, we were still with our pants on but when your legs are spread open and your man and his buddy are in between them you can feel everything.
I was getting tired of all this foreplay; I was ready for the main event so I started to unbutton his pants.