Status: Complete

Secrets of Tanya Light


I walked to my car and got in. I sat in the car for a while before turning the car on. I did a U turn and started heading for Ryan's... old apartment.
Tears streamed down my face, as I thought of Ryan. How could he do this to me- I mean... Oh gosh... Why?!
Jessica just HAD to kill him! I still can't grasp the thought that I would never see Ryan again. I don't believe in after life. I never really have. No more hugs from Ryan, no more kisses from Ryan, no more ANYTHING!
I pulled into the parking lot and parked next to the sidewalk. I got out of my red jaguar, and sighed then started heading up the stairs to Rya- TUCKERS apartment.
I knocked on the door trying to keep my cool. Tucker opened the door, and I started breaking down crying. Shoot...
I threw my arms around him and gave him one huge hug. Tucker, not sure what to do, slowly put his arms around me.
"Tanya, are you alright?" He asked me. "Did someone hurt you? Why are you crying?"
I stopped hugging him and stared at him.
"R- Ryan's..." I cried, then looked away from him. This is so stupid why can't I just suck it up and tell him?- Because I'm talking about the guy who's been there all these years for me and now, he's never going to be.
"Ryan's...?" Tucker prompted.
"RYAN'S DEAD!" I sobbed.
He frowned. "No...." He whispered to himself.
"Tucker, I- He's gone!" I said quietly.
"When did this happen?" He asked.
"We were in the woods after school-" I tried to tell him, shakily.
Tucker brushed past me and walked down the hall; and stopped at door number 85 and banged on the door with his fist. "ALLEN!"

The door opened and Allen stood there, frowning. "What?"
"Ryan's dead." Tucker told him.
"What the hell? No he ain't where did you hear that?" Allen growled.
"Tanya told me." Tucker said.
Allen looked at me, with an angry look. "What?! How the fuck do YOU know?"
"I saw him die!" I yelled at him. "Do you think I'd be here telling you this if I was making it up?"
Allen slapped me, actually SLAPPED me! "Ow-"
"Just because your Ricks daughter does NOT mean we have to believe everything you say!"
Tucker just stared at me; knowing if he talked back to Allen- he'd be dead. Allen DID have a pistol in his hand. For what? I have NO clue.
"Even IF Rapid was dead- Why would YOU be tellin us this shit and not Rick?" Allen spat.
I shivered at Ryans "Gang Name". It was so stupid! I just- I don't get gangs at ALL.
"I-I-I- I just-"
"Allen, give her a break. What if Ryan actually IS dead?" Tucker spoke up for me.
Allen glared at him, but spoke to me. "Tanya, where did Rapid die?"
"In the woods..." I answered, slowly.
"Take us there. I want proof that he died." Allen growled.


I parked my car next to the house, and we all got out. We began to head for the woods, with me in the lead.
Tucker walked beside me, with his head hanging. He finally looked at me.
"H- how did he die, Tanya?" Tucker asked.
I frowned. I didn't want to talk about it... but I had to tell him.
"A Mountain Ranger gang member killed him." I replied.
He sighed, looking away from me.
"I want to find his killer and kill him." Tucker murmured to himself.
"You... can't. And it was a SHE that killed him." I said.
Tucker quickly looked at me. "What? They- let girls into their gang?"
"Well, yeah. The leader of it IS a girl." I told him.
All of the sudden I heard a growl. No...
I followed the growl behind me and saw Jason. In his human form.
"Tanya, get behind me." Allen ordered.
"I can hear you and I'm NOT here for Tanya." Jason said, coldly.
I stayed put where I was. Jason looked at me and gave me a hard glare.
"Why did you bring them?" Jason growled, spitting out the word 'them'.
"They needed proof Ryan died-"
"Tanya, you CAN'T go back there!" Jason yelled interrupting me.
"You need to leave or we will kill you." Allen threatened.
"Oh, I'd like to see you TRY!" He snarled and leaped at him, transforming into his wolf form. I got in front of Allen and let Jason bite me in stead.
I screamed in agony, as his teeth sank into my right shoulder, then transformed into MY wolf form.
Tucker and Allen stepped away from us.
I bit Jason's neck and tared out some fur. He growled, and clawed at my belly, with his two back legs. I let go of his neck for a brief second and Jason let go of my shoulder and pushed me away with his whole body. I tumbled sideways and fell to the ground, then stood up, dizzily, facing Jason. I growled a warning for him to stay back, then waited to see what he would do.
To my surprise, he transformed into his human form. He wore black skinny jeans, a white shirt with short sleeves, and black converse shoes. his black hair hung in his face, that made his green eyes pop out.
I stayed in my wolf form... I think I was too scared to come out of it.
"What were you thinking? Pulling a stunt like that?! I could have easily killed you!" Jason growled.
"I was saving my friend from you!" I told him.
"Your friends are getting confused, Tanya." Jason told me.
I looked over at Allen and Tucker. They backed away slowly.
"Tucker- it's okay I won't hurt you." I protested to him.
"I- I'm not so sure. YOU could have killed Ryan..." Tucker replied.
I frowned. What..?
"No- I didn't! Tucker- WHY WOULD I KILL HIM!? I LOVED him!" I barked.
I heard Jason sigh.
I turned into my human form, and so did Jason.
"Just- take us to Rick." Allen said.
I nodded and trekked through the fall leaves, towards the clearing that started it all. I heard Jason growl but he followed us.
As we got into the clearing, no one was really there. Some Mountain Rangers lay dead, and some were injured. I saw Jessica sitting down, holding her legs to her chest.
her eyes flickered up towards me.
"I'm sorry... for killing him...." She whispered.
I heard Jason growl at her and she looked away.
We continued walking then I saw my parents. "Mom?- Dad?"
I began to rush towards them, and Jason followed me. All of the sudden the air got foggy and I stopped running. My parents had vanished.
"How easy it was.... to get you." I cold voice growled.
I turned around a couple of times searching for the voice. Then, I saw Amy, holding up my cell phone in her hand, smiling a sly smile towards me.
She threw me my phone and I picked it up, from where it fell to the ground.
There were no unread messages from Ryan. Oh...
My parents were gone... I didn't know WHERE they were and Johnathan... Johnathan was suppose to be running from Amy, leading her away from me.
"Jason... Where's Johnathan?" I whispered.
"Where's John!?" Jason yelled to Amy. "I know you know, Amy!"
"He's fine, Jason, he's FINE." Amy replied. "He lost my trail."
I tensed up. "I thought you were chasing him!"
Amy laughed. "Ha, sweetheart! Men chase me, I don't chase them!"
I felt anger build up inside me. 'Where. Is. He?!" I asked through my teeth.
"Why don't you go LOOK for him?!" She growled, and transformed into her wolf form, that was a white wolf with blue eyes.
"Don't do it..." Jason whispered to me. "I know what you're thinking don't do it...."
I was thinking about changing into my wolf form... then it happened. I was a black wolf and I was facing Amy.
She laughed. "Let's FINISH this!"
Amy leaped at me baring her teeth. In a blink of an eye, she was biting my neck and was pinning me to the cold wet grass. I pushed her off me and hit her face with my claws. She had this huge gash across her face. She glared at me ad ran at me; for she had backed up tossing her head side to side trying to get the blood off her face. I ran and her; and we collided. I bit her neck, taring it. Blood spilled onto the ground and Amy staggered backwards. I followed her, not letting go of her neck. How did I even LEARN to fight like this??
She was coughing and then she bit my neck and bit harder with each move I made.
Soon, I was still. She was suffocating me, and I was losing air, fast.
All of the sudden, I felt Amy's fangs leave my neck. I fell to the ground coughing and gasping for air. She would have killed me, but who saved me?... my eye site was fuzzy and all I saw was a whole bunch of blurs.
I shut my eyes, not knowing where anyone was... and passed out into darkness.
♠ ♠ ♠
*~Comment and Enjoy~* :) O.o what happened to Tanya?? and where was Johnathan? Who saved her? Jason, Allen, or Tucker??
A good song for this chapter: Idk...