Status: Complete!

The Tale of Frank Stein

The Tale of Frank Stein

The Tale of Frank Stein

A respectable man he was; Frank Stein, he often wrote about all kinds of things: Scientific Tissue, in human skin, Science in terms of brain, and The Creature. All of his ideas were based on the thing he loved to do, in other words science. The man was practically obsessed with the career. He owned a large building decorated with carvings that were done by the most adepts, or the most skillful. People from across the globe came to view his experiments, theory, and just all of his work as a whole.

Unfortunately, his popularity was short lived; and thus it had past a couple of years since his last book; The Creature.

He sat in his office; which was hardly an office at all, more like a creepy cell. The walls had no emotion to it, just plain walls. His desk however was quite the opposite; it held mountains and mountains of paper, most likely his written theory. The paper he wrote read:

Brain Transfusion

Frank worked on a new assignment, one that would be revolutionary, and one that could change the world as it was known. To transfuse a human brain into something else, something stronger than, “just human,” was something innovative and overall positive for all human people to under go, to use. Just to think of all the possibilities in becoming a manufactured, human product that help: Lift, heavy stuff, create buildings way faster, living for who knows how long, the possibilities were endless.

A slight wind made the window to his office close with a noise that alerted him. He had noticed time; it was three in the morning. He had done it again and in effect he picked up the near by phone from its charger.

“Hello, yes Henderson, I’m going to be late tomorrow.”

The conversation was short and with the last words “see you tomorrow then,” Frank hung up the phone.


The following day Frank came to the building in which he worked. It was ten, he had to be at work by seven, hence the call to his boss Henderson.

In the office;

“Frank good morning may you take a seat?” Henderson said.

“Sure.” was Franks reply.

“Have you noticed you have been coming in to work late lately?”

“Yes, I’m aware of that Henderson.”

“You know you have exceeded the maximum count of late entry into my building I will tolerate?”

“Your building, I made this, I’m the chief here stop treating me like you’re my superior! I’ve been working on brain transfusion, I can feel it coming, I’m about to make the world a better place!” Frank’s voice started to escalate.

And so in reply, Henderson met in volume.
“Don’t give me that. You’ve been saying this for the past year. Listen, I think it would be best if you took a break, you know, just to bring you down to reality, last couple of years ago you were great, but your not any more so I suggest you get it into gear, remember, all us scientist need to know when to hit the brakes on a project. Is this clear Frank?”

“You can’t do that, I made this place, I’m just as superior as you. You will regret this, I quit!”

“Don’t be rash Frank!”

“Oh I’m rash, a Big-Ass one too!” With that Frank stormed off, thinking; “When I get home I’ll show him!”

The night held darkness; it was creepy to stare at too long like it was staring back, staring deep into your heart. The feeling was similar to being frightened except the heart was still in fright; like a permanent shock was carved into your heart and breathing.

Frank pulled up to his drive way, stormed in to his house with a slam following behind. Now in his office he came to one of the plain old walls that was described earlier on, he pushed in a piece of the wall and it caved backwards; folding itself up into stairs that Frank Stein went down with irritated hurry.

The room was huge, it was a lab. Frank’s lab, displayed all kinds of scientific machines, but one machine he paid particular interest to.
It was big, and had two sides, each with a bowl facing a house position. He turned the machine on and it lighted up in all kinds of different colors. Frank occupied one of the sides in which placed the bowl over his head and strapped the hanging pieces to his chin tightly, his expression engraved, infuriation.

Occupying the other side was something else. Something Frank had built, it was huge and in a way it resembled Frank’s appearance; short hair, forehead protruding out from his face, somewhat of a round chin and a chubby cylinder neck. The clothes the other Frank wore were his clothes; thus were far too small for the thing. There were stitches on the thing; they lie across the forehead, stretching all the way down to the neck where a two iron stubs were, most likely connecting the neck. Along its arm were stitches also. He made the skin and face from a sculpture of him up stairs, taking careful note of his features and incorporating them on to the figure. The skin was made of elephant; hard and tough.

He flicked on the switch that initiated countdown. His heart beat was in sync with the loud siren. “3…2…1…, Initiating Brain transfusion” the womanly voice said.

The lights that followed were bright and the creature that was once still had moved.

Frank through his calculations had everything right except, one thing; his emotion. The emotion he experience was the principal thing that went into the new Frank, the old Frank called Frankenstein.

It broke through the town and later caused much distress, the main focus of this beast was Henderson who it went straight for. The monster killed Henderson and the military personnel killed the beast.

Now frank lays silent, still alive, just doing nothing. He just sat in a vault in top secret agent’s hands wasting, rotting.
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Submitted contest entry, I hope it is as good as all the other, for I wasn't quite feeling the mood.