
Damn Hormones


Mmm Mmm.

That boy is FINE.

I leaned against the coffee shop counter and looked at the cashiers ass as he leaned down and to pick up a stirring spoon he had dropped.

He stood back up and turned around, as I flashed him my toothiest, welcoming grin.

"May I take your order?" He asked, as he put the spoon to the side.

"Yes, I'll have a large decaf, two milks." And you, "to go, please."

As he turned around again, to pour my coffee, I let my eyes wander over his muscular body. His eyes were bright, and his face handsome. I felt myself fall into a daydream, where I actually had the guts to speak up to this guy and say more then "A large decaf please".

"Dude? You alright?"

I snapped out of my dream with the sound of the angelic boy in front of me. My eyes were again pointed in the lower regions of his body, and when I lifted my eyes to his face, I saw a slightly horrifed look on his face.

"Yeah... I - I - just zoned out for a second." I answered, fishing in my pocket for some change.

"Sure." He answered, although I knew he was thinking: Yeah, zoned out looking at my dick.

After paying, I slunk away, a mental image of a tail tucked between my legs in my mind as I left the coffee shop and headed to the bus stop.

Was it really my fault if I had a bit of a case of raging hormones? Its not like I didn't TRY to control them.

Because I did. It just never worked. And when I saw a hot guy my mind would just -



He walked past me and BRUSHED AGAINST my arm. Oh my god. Oh my god.

Thats giving me a fucking boner man!

Crap. Did it again.


I made it to the bus stop just as the bus pulled in. Hopping on, I flashed my bus pass to the driver before taking a seat in the very back.

What? It was the best spot for checking out the guy passengers. Right in the back, I had full view of every person getting on and off this bus.

The ride to my house was about five minutes; in those five minutes nine damn fine guys came on, three hot guys, and one "I gotta fuck this guy NOW" reaction type-of-guy.

Sadly, I would of course not be fucking ANY guy ANY time soon.

My house wasn't too luxiorious, but it wasn't a dump either. Which was perfect for my line of work.

You see, if my house was a dump, it would easily be distiguished for what it was, and that, would be a crack house.

But if I lived in one of those fat-ass houses, it would show the kind of money I earned from dealing. Which is a big no-no, if you want to stay low from the coppers.

Which I did.

I opened the door, which was unlocked, and walked inside. My parents were still at work, it was only 4:30 on a Monday, they usually got home around 6:00 at the earliest. My numerous siblings were all at friends house's or at some team meeting or something else equally amazing.

Emmanuel, my faithful dog companion, lopped into the entrance way, and sat in front of me, waiting for a greeting.

"Yo, Manny." I petted his head, and walked down the hall, past the living room and kitchen. At the end of the hallway was two doors; one leading to the bathroom and the other to the basement. The basement was my area of the house.

I would say 'room', but after my parents let me move in down there, I renovated it and made it into several rooms.

One of which they were clueless about.

It was times like these, where I was the only one in the house, when I could work on my little "hobby".

Down the carpeted stairs, past my bedroom, and through the little door hidden behind a large black curtain that I said was "for decoration."

Here was my crack house.

Rows of weed lined the floor, and high strength UVA/UVB lights shone from the ceiling, supplying my little garden with "sunlight."

But something was different today......

It smelt.... musty.

Walking further into the room, closing the door behind me so Manny couldn't follow, I started to sniff around, trying to locate the scent.


My foot sunk into a large puddle of what looked like greenish brown sludge.

"What the fuck....?"

DAMMIT! The pipes had burst!

Crap. Crap. Crap!

This isn't good!

I fell to the floor, my knees squelching in the sludge, as I buried my head in my hands. If the pipes burst, this meant it contaminated my latest batch with who-knows-what!

This also meant the pipes need to be fixed.

But how could they, if no one knows about this room?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello! Welcome to the first chapter of this amazing story!

Me and Gerard Way;; will be writing this story. I guess we will each be writing a chapter, taking turns.

So, first up of course, is none other then.... KATHSTEW!

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