


I hate drama class.

Drama, you might think, would have been one of my favorite classes. Great, friendly teacher who worships to ground I walk on, and classmates looking onto me in awe; 'He's the one in the plays. He's the one with the perfect range, and the perfect skills. And while their admiration never gets truly old, their lack of skill in anything close to art always astounds me.

Drama's an open class. No academic, no applied. Just all the students who aspire to go somewhere in their lifetime. Half of them wont even get in the school play. The other half will be extremely lucky to get an audition on Broadway.

I leaned against the wall, watching a group of three trying to remember their lines in their pathetic little skit about the importance of sun screen. Or something like that. It could have been quite endearing, the way they were stumbling over themselves, their faces turning bright red with even the slightest of pronunciation mistakes. I rested my head on my hand, and yawned loudly. I giggled internally when that messed them up.

"Hey, Jared!" Cynthia whispered. She has crept her way from across the room, and is now sitting beside me, grinning. "These guys suck, don't they?"

I really extremely hate it when people do that. Add the question mark to the end of a sentence, when it is clearly a statement. Yes, they do suck. Do you really need me to confirm it?

Instead, I just half-smiled, and nodded. She was delighted to have gotten even that. Laughter was one thing that, unless the character I was playing laughed, a chuckle; a snort; a giggle, all of them never escaped my lips. A full smile was just as rare. My mouth never wanted to curl up in that curve.

"All right class! We're going to do the eye-contact exercise----again. Stand in a circle." Mrs Travis said, after being the only one who clapped for the group. I moaned internally. The eye contact exercise was extremely awkward. You are given a partner, and you sit across from them. Then, you just stare into their eyes for as long as you possibly can. Not only is this exercise unnecessary, but it's also awkward.

The whole class (except me) groaned in unison. Mrs Travis smiled, the sadistic bastard.

I was paired with a sophomore girl. She was a small, small girl, with hardly any substance to her. She was also extremely giggly, and I immediately knew that if Mrs Travis made this a competition for who can stare the longest without making noise, we would lose. Even standing across from me, not looking at each other, she giggled.

Just then, the bell rang. The class sighed in relief, as they sprinted from the room, my partner included. I slowly rose to my feet, keeping my balance carefully. I shouldn't have to worry about being graceful, though. Even if I'm completely fucked up, I never fall.

"Jared? A word, please?" Mrs Travis said, smiling warmly from the doorway I should've rushed through the first chance I got.

And now I'm trapped.

With her. And god knows, she'll either personally tell me about the upcoming play, or do some other drama stuff I don't care about.

I walked over to her, dragging my feet a little.

"This'll just be a minute," Mrs Travis said, "we don't want you to be late for next period." She cleared her throat, smiling broadly. "As you know, the school play is coming up. The performance this year is one myself, and the rest of the arts staff put together, called 'Prices'. And the lead male role would be perfect for you! Do you want to know when auditions are?" She winked at the word 'audition'.

The lead role would be perfect for me? Or it was written, with me in mind? Sometimes, I wonder what these people see in me. Not just my outside. Once people get to know me, what do they see? What do they see that makes them so damn impressed? What makes them think that it would be good to be friends with me, that it would be good to be close to me? Or do they only see the pretty face, and the acting?

I sighed, but then nodded. "Yeah, Mrs Travis," I said, "I'd really like to know."
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