
Party Plans


I live for the parties.

Not being with people my age in a social environment. I could actually live without that easily.

No, I live for the party favors.

Beer, vodka, cigarettes, pot, the occasional E pill.

The heroin.

That's only at some parties, though. In fact, I have to seek out those parties, and find the people who have their hands on some of it.

Yeah, I could seek out the stuff myself. Find myself a dealer. Do this stuff in the secrecy of my room. But that'd never fly in my house. I only go home after I've sobered up considerably. Mom would be so disappointed, and dad? I don't want to know what dad would do if he found out I was a genuine drug addict.

I maneuvered my way through the hallways, people tagging onto me and talking for a moment, before moving on. Then, a new person would hook their fingers onto my backpack, and babble on. I nodded, and commented occasionally, but most of the conversation was them. Eventually, someone caught my attention. Jacob Weider.

"Hey Jared! Party, tonight, at Jenn Nix's house. Heavy on the booze. Heavier on the smack."

He immediately had my full attention. I rarely talked to Jacob, but when I did, he generally had good news for me. We shared the same addiction, but he was more open about his use.

" 'Course you're in," he grinned, roughly putting one arm around my shoulders. "The dope'll be at about 12. You're good with powder, right?" I shrugged. I favored needles, but I would take what I could.

It's been three days since I last shot up.

I'd take anything.

"Great," he smiled again, and released my shoulder. "There'll be 'bout 30 people there. Only 3 or 4 will be with us." Jacob paused. "You'll come alone, right?"

I nodded. Who did I have to bring?

"Cool," he said. He looked at me for another minute, before smiling wider. "See ya tonight." With that, he turned on his heels, and sauntered away.

I watched him walk, my mouth watering. Not for him, but for the opportunity he was providing me.

All I knew, is that it'll be a long wait until 12.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hiiiiii. (:
Next chapter soon?
I think so. ;D