

Jared's P.O.V

The rest of the day passed in a excitement filled haze, as they always did when I expected my addiction shortly. But, like usual, it passed slowly.

At the end of period 4, I breathed a little faster in anticipation. My stride quickened, and my face grew stiffer. Though it was only 2:10, I knew that I had made it halfway through the day. It was simply proof that time was passing, however slowly.

"Jared, hey!" Stephanie, said softly. She was one of the people in the school that I actually liked. She was quiet, and soft-spoken, despite her obvious beauty, and everyone's desire to be her, or be with her. She's the classic beauty, blond hair and blue eyes, but her delicate, sculpted features cried timidness and fear. She was beautiful, but horribly self-conscious. Stephanie never hesitated in handing out compliments like candy, but she accepted them only with a battle. She was just a lovely person altogether, with a wonderful personality.

"Hello Stephanie," I said quietly. I waited for a minute, to let her catch up to me. When she was by my side, we walked together towards the bus stop in silence. This was routine, and we were both too used to our lips being closed while together for it to feel awkward.

When we got to the bus stop, a great group of people in our grade were bunched together, talking rowdily. We made a point of standing to the side of them, ignoring their half-hopeful glances. When they saw we would not join them, they continued talking, as loudly as ever.

"Did you hear about the party?" Cynthia, the girl from my drama class said to them. They nodded eagerly.

"No chance I'm missing it!"

"I have to ask..."

"Where's it?"

"Jenn Nix's house."

Their voices increased in volume as they heard Jenn's name. She was (in)famous for her parties being full of booze, drugs, dancing, and sex.

They slowly went around their circle, and said if they were going, or not. The majority of them were, but a few sadly shook their head, speaking of doctor's, and family gatherings, or groundings.

They smiled, and most turned to us now. "You two coming?" Brian, the football teams quarterback said.

Stephanie shook her head immediately, but not hastily. She smiled sweetly, and whispered an excuse that not even I could hear.

They shook their heads, as if expecting that. "And you Jared?" One of them asked.

I bit my lip a little bit, and considered what to tell them. If I said yes, then they would swarm me, and include me in the conversations I really don't care about. If I said no, they'd see me later at the party, and know I was lying. While the prospect of them maybe hating me and leaving me alone was appealing, how would I get invited to another party with the things I wanted?

"Yes," I finally decided on saying, "I most likely am." It was either have to listen to them, or lose the heroin. Simple choice.

Voices chorused, so much so I couldn't hear more then a rumble of happiness. We were immediately surrounded by them, smashed into the middle of a mob.

Luckily, their bus came. They smiled and waved goodbye, and boarded the bus swiftly. Not even a minute after I said I would go, they were gone.

It was only me and Stephanie left, and we stood quietly. She looked at me, with big, blue eyes, and said, "You're going?"

I merely nodded. She knew why I was, and she hated it.

She shook her head, and took a deep breath. "It's going to kill you one day," Stephanie said, "and a lot of people'll be at your funeral."

I scoffed. "Yes, but who will really miss me, not the actor?"

She turned her head to the side slightly, cocking her head adorably. "I would." She said simply said, and looked away from me.

If I didn't know better, I'd have said that there was a tear running down my only friend's face.
♠ ♠ ♠
After awhile, I finally realized that kathstew is NEVEREVEREVER gonna write a new chapter, despite my constant nagging. So, I TOOK THINGS INTO MY OWN HANDSSS.... My typing hands. ;)

So, if there's a comment, I'll update. c:
& maybe I can get that neglecting kathstew to, too! D:<