Status: On hold- Undecided of whether it should be continued

Pursuing Passion

Phone Call

Vanessa toyed restlessly with a black, leather-bound notebook in her hands labeled "Bella’s Diary". Bella had dropped it, and Vanessa was going to return it, before a single word on the open page caught her eye. “Vampire.”

She sighed and ran a hand through her wavy black tresses, the auburn streaks sparkling in the sunlight. A quick glance at the page confirmed her thoughts about the Cullens.

Remarkably attractive, supernaturally fast, strong, cold and eyes that changed colors. The whole nine yards. But without this proof, she had no way to prove it. Edward would, without a doubt, attempt to send her off to the nearest psych ward. God knows he hated her for making passes at him every other day. Come on! I mean, what kind of confident girl wouldn't go and flirt with him? It's not like she was being a homewrecker- they weren't engaged and no one would cry if Edward broke up with Bella. In fact, Jessica Stanley would probably throw a party for the entire high school!

Rosalie, who paired with her several times in chem activities in class, would not like her plan. But Rose was smart- she’d expected Vanessa to figure it out sooner or later...probably. Maybe. They were almost friends, after all.

I wonder if it's worse to tell Edward that I know he's a vampire, or spray-paint his car pink...?

She stood from her seat by a large window, and lowered into her center splits before turning to do the same on her left and right sides. Her Dior jeans stretched with her, as did her lacy black tank top. The stretching calmed and relaxed her, as always. Standing, she grabbed the book and dented it with her squared nails. Vanessa popped a couple of chocolates into her mouth before dialing Emmett’s number. Rosalie was getting her nails done. After only two rings, a voice radiated loudly from the speaker. “Yo, what’s up?”

With a delicate cringe and swallow, Vanessa answered. “Well for one, my ears are more vampire than human, and you know that. Stop being so loud. Now I might need surgery.”

Emmett laughed, ignoring the possibility that she actually figured out what they were. “What can I say? You’re hilarious to piss off.”

Vanessa rolled her eyes. “Sure, whatever. Hey, is Edward home? He left something at school, and I thought I could give it to him at your house.”

“Why not have him go to yours? It is small, but it's private. I don’t know how you take up a whole house and can afford it. Back to the topic though, what do you plan to do about Edward anyways? Whatever you're plotting for your master plan, you swore to me you wouldn’t hurt Bella-” He was cut off sharply.

“Is she the only human you care about?” Her sweet tone took a bitter twist. “Really, I know what you mean by laughing at her stupidity and clumsiness, but it’s getting ridiculous.”

“Vanessa-” he began

“And it’s not just you. It’s everyone in the whole fucking family/coven. The only one who actually has enough sense not to become enraptured is Rosalie, thank God. But everyone disagrees with her for having sense. I don’t even know where to begin with Edward, who I know is not going to be my mate, so rest assured. But back to the point-”

“Vanessa.” This was a different tone. Female, beautiful, strong. Rosalie.

“You seem to enjoy cutting into my tirades.”

“Emmett looks almost worn out. Have you been verbally tormenting him?”

“Guilty. But since I know he can hear, my opening plan from the beginning of the first conversation is possible, isn’t it?” Vanessa finally took a pause.

“Yes.” Emmett’s voice was faintly audible in the background.

“Well, then I will see you both in approximately three minutes.” Vanessa grabbed her black Coach bag from the counter and dropped the book inside with one hand while pulling on a white fur-trimmed coat with the other, the phone clamped firmly between her left shoulder and ear.

Rose hung up, and the phone slid smoothly into the bag as she glided her feet into a pair of silver heels. She sauntered outside, started her silver maserati-granturismo-2007, then drove at full speed to the Cullens’ mansion. Her long hair blew out behind her from the wind of her open window as her black cross necklace and similarly jeweled earrings glittered in the light of the setting sun.

Sneak Preview Below...
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Well, that’s my first Twilight story, I hope you all like it. Please comment and/or subscribe. Reading another one of my stories would also be wonderful. I know that this chapter isn't eventful, but it's necessary as an intro. You all know how it works


His strong hands wrapped around her neck, limiting her air supply. “If I find that a hair on her head is harmed because of you, you will pay dearly.”

Vanessa smirked.

“Oh, Edward. I know what my limits are as to how to anger you. We wouldn’t want you running to Volterra again, would we?” More air was cut off. “I would not think of having anyone but you kill me, Edward. But will you become what you have sworn never to be again?” Using a corner of her nail, she pricked a minuscule hole in her palm, only ever opening one pore. A drop of scarlet blood beaded out. Edward fled without delay.

Vanessa laughed. "Sucker."